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PR Or Actual Good News ?

Mark VI

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You know--Marvin Harrison has had some great years...and he is 175 lbs and 6'0" tall--and fast......Parrish is actually bulkier--3" shorter and the same weight....


speed is really hard to teach...as hard as Don Beebe tries God bless him...


Hopefully Parrish will learn something from Harrison. Marvin knows when to go down and when to get out of bounds. If not for this for this fact, Harrison's career would have been very short. Roscoe...the moral of the story is, make sure you know where the LB's and SS's are at all times, when roaming around the defensive secondary.

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Good to see we have to hit on THIS PICK. I appreciate that one. Any other picks we need to play well? I mean, we can let the front office know which picks need to play well.



Glad you appreciate it. QB would be another one. I mean, if spending TWO second round picks on specialized slot receivers in the past four drafts wasn't bad enough, how about exhausting two first rounders, a second and a fifth on the QB position in the past 4 drafts. Combined, that's two firsts and three seconds spent on two positions for players that lack the versatility to be moved around if they fail to excel at the position they are drafted for.


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Glad you appreciate it.  QB would be another one.  I mean, if spending TWO second round picks on specialized slot receivers in the past four drafts wasn't bad enough, how about exhausting two first rounders, a second and a fifth on the QB position in the past 4 drafts.  Combined, that's two firsts and three seconds spent on two positions for players that lack the versatility to be moved around if they fail to excel at the position they are drafted for. 




When you put it like that, I agree. In order for the Bills to take it to the next level, they need succcess at positions for which they allocated so much resources.

Imo, they also need at least one of the 2 offensive linemen to be a player. Everybody is quick to give Big Ben all or most of the credit for the Steeler's splendid 04 season. I am just as quick to cite their strong, deep and talented offensive line.

What are your thoughts on our new blockers? Have you seen much of them?

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Makes me think that we are going to become a pass first team. EM, LE, RP, and KE... those are all playmakers. With JP having the "real" threat of running the ball and not even mentioning Willis.


Pass first.. run second. Reminding me of the SuperBowl Bills.


Let's hope it pans out that way.


Does anybody know how well Parrish blocks??

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Makes me think that we are going to become a pass first team.  EM, LE, RP, and KE... those are all playmakers.  With JP having the "real" threat of running the ball and not even mentioning Willis.


Pass first.. run second.  Reminding me of the SuperBowl Bills.


Let's hope it pans out that way. 


Does anybody know how well Parrish blocks??



Are you serious? Sarcasm, right?

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I doubt they become a pass-first team, at least this year.  I think the trio of Moulds, Evans, and Parrish, and Everrett if he didn't tear his ACL (which I fear he did), would allow the Bills to force teams to spread out their defense, making it easier for Willis to run.


Why would you fear he tore his acl? It's possible but there doesn't seem to be any real indication he has. I always thought that a lot of swelling is more likely to be less severe in the long run.

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Why would you fear he tore his acl? It's possible but there doesn't seem to be any real indication he has. I always thought that a lot of swelling is more likely to be less severe in the long run.

I am SO hoping I'm wrong on this, but him hurting himself without contact, slapping the ground in frustration, being carted-off, having a lot of swelling, and walking on crutches, leads me to believe it's serious. Again, I hope I'm dead wrong on this. I love his potential and think he's the best TE prospect the Bills have had in over a decade.

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Why would you fear he tore his acl? It's possible but there doesn't seem to be any real indication he has. I always thought that a lot of swelling is more likely to be less severe in the long run.


Immediate and significant swelling is a symptom of torn ACLs I'm afraid. :D

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While I appreciate the media throwing some kudos out there, you'll forgive me if I wait for the real voice of knowledge and experience to chime in: Jerry Sullivan.


When he says Parrish is fast and good, THEN I'll believe it. :D

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Immediate and significant swelling is a symptom of torn ACLs I'm afraid. :D


I believe you, I am certainly no authority on that. I just recall a few times when they were happy that there wasn't a lot of swelling, but perhaps that was just the severity of the acl tear. I also recall a bunch of times when they thought it was not serious and there wasn't a lot of swelling and then it turns out to be season ending. Furthermore, it seems to me that teams and reporters don't usually throw around the term or a term like "twisted knee" unless they are pretty sure about it. They would just say knee injury or undetermined knee injury. Who knows, but they way they are talking about it led me to believe that it was not considered very serious, like an acl, but they wanted to be sure.

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When you put it like that, I agree. In order for the Bills to take it to the next level, they need succcess at positions for which they allocated so much resources.

Imo, they also need at least one of the 2 offensive linemen to be a player. Everybody is quick to give Big Ben all or most of the credit for the Steeler's splendid 04 season. I am just as quick to cite their strong, deep and talented offensive line.

What are your thoughts on our new blockers? Have you seen much of them?



Couldn't tell you much about Preston and Geisinger, I didn't watch nearly as much college football this past season. Perhaps I'm being gullible, but I have a great deal of trust in McNally at this point. If I didn't, I'd be pretty concerned about lining up a couple journeyman types like Anderson and Gandy as our left side. My biggest concern is that Anderson ends up continuing his penchant for dumb penalties.

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Couldn't tell you much about Preston and Geisinger,  I didn't watch nearly as much college football this past season.  Perhaps I'm being gullible, but I have a great deal of trust in McNally at this point.  If I didn't,  I'd be pretty concerned about lining up a couple journeyman types like Anderson and Gandy as our left side.  My biggest concern is that Anderson ends up continuing his penchant for dumb penalties.

McNally was reportedly happy with the O-line picks. And as an aside, I can only assume that with the possibility of getting Barnes but no effort to trade up on their part, that he wasn't as high on their lists as people would think. Oh and Anderson committed 4 false starts and 1 holding penalty last year while the Smith/Tucker combo committed 3 false starts and 5 holding penalties. Given the choice, I'd take the 1 more false start and 4 fewer holding penalties and call that an improvement.

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