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Voter fraud!

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13 hours ago, unbillievable said:


When a candidate can literally stay in his basement and get 81 million votes, no one will (or should) trust election results.


I foresee the Democrats continuing to cheat.




Election Integrity Watchdog Files Lawsuits Over Millions of Cases of Voter Registration Fraud

by Mike Miller


In this episode of Here We Go — Again?… With the 2022 midterms less than a month away, and the country arguably more divided on numerous fronts than at any time since the Civil War, an election integrity watchdog group has filed multiple lawsuits over voters registered more than once, over millions of voter registrations missing required identifying information. 





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A Victory for Sanity In the Battle Against Mail-In Ballot Madness. 


“Those who have been reading me for a while know that I loathed mail-in voting long before the 2020 election fiasco. I think the only people who should vote by mail are deployed military, ex-pats working abroad, and people here who are very physically ill. Everybody else can get off their butts and head to the polls.”






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Where is @ChiGooseanyway? I suspect still waiting on those sham committee interview transcripts he promised were coming in September. 




This sounds like yet another hand waving opportunity for him to throw out his standard line of...


"They've identified the problem and are committed to fixing it going forward"




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Slap on the wrist given. . . . . . . . . . . . will not deter anyone.


San Luis, AZ Democrat Ballot Trafficker Gets 30 Days In Jail – VIDEO Shows Her Surrendering To Authorities

by Jordan Conradson


Guillermina Fuentes has been sentenced to 30 days in the Yuma County Detention Center after she was caught on video trafficking ballots in San Luis.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Guillermina Fuentes finally pleaded guilty more than 15 months after she was indicted on four felony charges.


The heavier charges of Forgery and Conspiracy were dropped in Fuentes’ plea agreement, and she only pleaded guilty to one minor count of ballot abuse.





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Democrats don't need to listen to the courts.



Matt Margolis: Are Democrats Trying to Steal the Election in Pennsylvania? 


“Pennsylvania’s Acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman issued guidance last week directing local officials to count those illegal ballots anyway.”







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More on the above.



Shortly after Pennsylvania’s acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman told counties that they should ignore election law and a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that effectively said mail-in ballots without proper dates can’t be counted, the Republican National Committee announced a lawsuit against the Commonwealth.


As The Federalist previously reported, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled a 3rd Circuit Court decision validating undated mail-in ballots. The high court vacated the lower court’s ruling, meaning the 3rd Circuit’s decision can no longer act as precedent in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey — the states under the lower court’s jurisdiction. 



Chapman advised all of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties to continue counting undated mail-in ballots if they so choose, creating countless inconsistencies in how ballots will be tabulated in the upcoming midterm election.


The RNC’s joint lawsuit with the Pennsylvania GOP and the National Republican Congressional Committee argues that undated mail-in ballots should not be counted because Pennsylvania state law requires voters to properly date their ballots, while also noting that the court has previously affirmed the dating requirement. 



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