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Is there a link to % of O or D plays for a player

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Onr number which I have seen quoted which is quite interesting to me is the % of plays that a particular unit played in 04 (offense or defense) that a player was on the field.


I have seen the number 58% of the D plays in which Pat Williams lined up.


I can't remember where I first saw this number (I do remember that is was a credible source -published and not just the usual internet blather like mine where someone can make something up and make it look credible) but assuming it is true it is instructive.


Even though Williams would generally take a seat on 3rd down the number it isn't surprsing he would be replaced a lot, but as I doubt that over a third of our plays were third down (I don't think it is even mathematically possible) clearly the Bills lined somebody else up at tackle on a significant number of non third down plays.


Kelly F&B also made a good point in one of his posts that MM makes unuusal and unorthodox moves with is players somewhat frequently having them line up in positions they do not occupy on the depth chart.


He cited seeing Aiken lined up in two WR sets even though he was not the #2 WR on the depth chart because we seemed to be running a play where having his big body in to block was a good move.


In addition, the run-blitz is all about having players play positions in non-traditional ways and Schobel with his athleticism may be in a short zone or Denny with his wide wingspan also fell back in pass coverage freeing Spikes or Fletcher to do a devastating blitz. I also noted a few plays where the DL was Kelsay, Schobel, a DT and Denny playing DT because while he is no blitzmeister he can play the run well in addition to his ability to do short and mid zone pass coverage.


Likewise, if a player gets nicked, the best option for the Bills may be to play a better player off position to fill the gap, BB has really gained fame for doing this with NE, the thing which is notable about MM is that even without BB setting the tone, MM has endorsed and used D players like Bannan, Adams and Denney in offesive roles.


Thus, I am quite interested in finding a % of plays stats. One can likely find it somewhere in NFL.com, but any directions to where this info is would be greatly appreciated.

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bump as I am still looking for an answer.

I try to keep up with stats sites, and so far I've never seen one that mentions the percentage of plays that a player participates in. I think the best you'll get is occasional mentions (like with PW) when it's contextually relevant (like how it SHOULDN'T be too hard to replace a guy who played only 58% of the snaps).

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