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Okay, who is going to be the first to start a Tom Donohoe is a manic-depressive or Tom Donohoe is a multiple personality thread? :angry: I double Dog dare ya.





why would we want to do something like that? i mean TD is a wonderful human being. his tales of dates with waitresses entertain us all and we are all on the edge of our seats to know what he's listening to right now


TD felt bad for drinking /dev/null under the table which lead to /dev/null's hangover. So he sent an email to apologize (TD didn't call or ring the doorbell because that might have exacerbated /dev/null's hangover).

TD felt bad for drinking /dev/null under the table which lead to /dev/null's hangover.  So he sent an email to apologize (TD didn't call or ring the doorbell because that might have exacerbated /dev/null's hangover).



TD had nothing to do with my hangover. That was more the work of Captain Morgan, Anheiser Busch, and George Killian


but TD did help me save a ton of money on my car insurance!

TD had nothing to do with my hangover.  That was more the work of Captain Morgan, Anheiser Busch, and George Killian


I don't know, that sounds made up to me. Remeber TD says "Honesty is the best policy" :P


but TD did help me save a ton of money on my car insurance!



I love that man!!! :D


The original screenplay and theme to Shaft was written for TD!


Loosely translated: Donahoe = Don of the Hoes!


No lie! Isaac Hayes originally had the theme:




Who's the white private dick

that's a sex machine to all the chicks?


You're damn right

Who is the man

that would risk his neck for his brother man?


Can ya dig it?

Who's the cat that won't cop out

when there's danger all about


Right on

You see this cat TD is a bad mother--

(Shut your mouth)

But I'm talkin' about TDt

(Then we can dig it)

He's a complicated man

but no one understands him but his woman

(Tom Donahoe)

Tom Donahoe is the greatest thing since slice bread...which he of course invented



Be careful you don't sell TD short. TD "invented" the idea of "invention." That man is one hell of an inovator.

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