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What a scam

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Ahmed Chalabi was one of the people most responsible for the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq. More than a decade ago Chalabi teamed up with American neocons to sell the war as the cornerstone of a new policy to bring democracy to the Middle East, and after 9/11 as the crucial solution to global terrorism. It was Chalabi who provided crucial intelligence on Iraqi weaponry to justify the invasion, which later turned out to be false, and laid out a rosy scenario about the country's readiness for an American strike against Saddam that led the nation's leaders to predict and believe that they would be greeted as liberators. Now the payoff comes full circle as Chalabi has been named the Oil Minister in Iraq. What a scam.


John Bolton must have been paying attention to this guy. By hyping the assumption that Cuba had a biological weapons program, Bolton was probably hoping to become the Minister of Casinos in a post-invasion Cuba.

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Shocking. You mean really big intrusive government is corrupt? The next thing you'll tell me is we're giving sensitive military technology to the Chinese in return for campaign cash. :angry:


The hard core brainiacs who vote the party line are getting EXACTLY what they deserve.

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