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Report: Natural immunity up to 13 times stronger than vaccine


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On 9/14/2021 at 7:50 PM, JaCrispy said:

One of the reasons I wanted to post this is because I just finished a tough 2 week bout with covid...

Relatives keep asking me if I’m finally going to get the shot...but now that I’ve had the Delta variant, I really don’t see the point- especially if my immunity is now stronger than the vaccine...


This is what I don’t get about the government pushing mandates, and Fauci saying he knows NOTHING about natural immunity...that’s really crazy when you think about it...Fauci’s whole job is to study covid and how it affects people in every way...and you’re telling me that, after 18 months, he knows NOTHING about natural immunity- after all the people that have gotten it and survived?!?!?!


This kind of tells me that maybe the goal has never really been about herd immunity...because if it was, then people with natural immunity should have just as much privilege as vaccinated people imo- maybe even more after this report....


But instead, the actions of Fauci and the government make it seem like the goal is just to get everyone vaccinated, regardless of natural immunity- which seems extremely odd to me...that is not following the science...and it is this odd behavior that makes me not want to get the vaccine for how shady it seems....


Now, I am pro vaccine for whoever wants to get it...but saying you’re following the science, while completely ignoring natural immunity just doesn’t add up to me, and makes it seem like there is an ulterior motive to get everyone vaxxed...


And this is relevant how ?? 🤔 Your not at all thinking like our illustrious president or those that voted for him .

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