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Will JP be better than Drew?

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What makes Tom Brady so effective, more than anything else in my opinion, is his ability to see every receiver and how open they are.  Drew Bledsoe has proven to me over the years he can only see one receiver per play.


JP will bring an improvement in mobility, and hopefully accuracy.  It should not be too hard to improve on Drew's behind-the-receiver throws.  What will cinch the deal is JP's abilit to see his receivers in the heat of battle.  If he can be anything like Brady in that department, we have our franchise QB.




I don't think any of us have the foggiest idea whether JP will be great or the worst mistake we ever made. He is a big fat question mark. So far, he has managed to do three things in the NFL, break his leg, carry a clip board and convince the coaches that he will be better than Drew Bledsoe. The only one of those that give me any confidence in his abilities are the last one but even that is tempered by the opinion so often expressed here that Drew Bledsoe is by far the worst quarterback in all of human history. If true, that means JP managed to beat out, at least in the board room, a dead fish. I am not sure just how impressed we should be by that feat.


He is working hard and saying all the right things but so did Todd Collins and RJ and lord knows how many other players here and around the league.


I hope he is great but right now, I have nothing really to base that on but nearly blind faith.

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Agreed.  I'm as optimistic as the next guy, but people need to realize that the odds are against JP being successful in the long run, and they OVERWHELMINGLY are against JP beig successful next season.  More likely than not, either Holcomb starts the season after an inconsistent camp/preseason by JP (not the worst scenario in my estimation), or we struggle through a difficult year by JP as he learns the game.  I don't care how much learning/watching/thinking he's doing right now, it's the rare case that a first-year QB doesn't have serious growing pains as he gets acclimated to the League.  Brady is the only one I can think of, really - I don't think Big Ben was as good as people think he was last season.


I really don't understand your pessimism. You keep saying that new QB's bomb out 99 times out of 100. If that were true, no QB would ever break into the NFL. JP is not a true rookie. He has a year of coaching and observing under his belt. And he's taken some snaps in games. And as for Big Ben, he didn't win 15 games in a row by accident. And his poor playoff performance may well have been due to injury. If JP "sucks" like Rothlisberger did, I'd be pretty happy.



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Thanks to recent innovations courtesy of ESPN's Sunday Night Football that provide the television viewer with the QB's point of view, I was able to pick up on this fixation of Bledsoe.  During the Pats game at Gillete Stadium last year you could see other WR open downfield and Bledsoe would continue to make bonehead decisions in the pocket that lead to turnovers.


I don't mean to pick nits, but that's really not the QB's perpective, it's higher and farther behind. The QB can only read what he can see, and that camera fails to account for clogged passing lanes.

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What makes Tom Brady so effective, more than anything else in my opinion, is his ability to see every receiver and how open they are.

Brady is successful because he puts in the prep time and has a great set of coaches and smart players around him. His WR's run good routes, get open/into their patterns quickly, recognize the blitz and cut-off their routes, and catch the ball. I think this is why the Bills have shifted philosophy and started drafting smaller, faster, and quicker WR's. In addition, Brady's O-line gives him enough to during blitzes for him to spot a WR who has broken-off his pattern, and Weis would usually anticipate the blitz, have his O-line block down, and provide an outlet receiver as well. Basically it's a team effort, not a one-man one. If JP can get those things from his offense, he'll be successful.

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