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algore goes nuts yet again

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Its funny how when the Dems were in power they were very much opposed to the filibuster and wanted to do away with it. 


Now its their friend.

Just goes to show you that both sides are more interested in grabbing and keeping power than doing any real good for the very people they "serve".



I am never against it.


It is just too bad that the internet took off more to the end of the 1990's.


If this message board was around prior to 1996 and I found it prior to 2002... You would see my stances against Dem/left power. But, go ahead fill your finds with wide, sweeping generalizations!


Too bad Al Gore couldn't have had it take off a tad bit earlier?



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algore freaks out again

First it was dean going nuts and stopping just short of calling republicns the anti-christ.


Now algore freaks out again claiming the republicans have a "lust for one-party domination", and that they "seek nothing less than absolute power."


Of course this is somewhat on the mild side for the wild man from Tenn. It appears that algore simply cannot go more then a few months without a wild freakout session in which he blames the republican party for everything from the Tsunami, to Nadia getting booted from American Idle.

It was refreshing to hear Republican National Committee spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt say that "if Democrats wonder why they are the minority party, they should look no further than Al Gore's comments today. Americans have moved on, and want their leaders to focus on an agenda, rather than obstruction."


This sums up the status of the democratic party about as well as it can be done. bravo Tracey.




But. But Al Gore invented the Internet.

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Its funny how when the Dems were in power they were very much opposed to the filibuster and wanted to do away with it. 


Now its their friend.

Just goes to show you that both sides are more interested in grabbing and keeping power than doing any real good for the very people they "serve".




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Like when Cheney told that Senator to F--- OFF !!!


This statement is just not true. He said go F--- yourself. He also said it to him in a very normal tone, in private, and it was not meant for anyone other than those in that area to hear. Not the press, not the public, only him. That my friend’s is a class act. How many times have you heard someone talking about someone else behind their back and would never say it to their face? Well, the Vice President said this right to his face with no apologies.


That is quite different than standing on a soap box in front of the press calling another politician or the President a Loser, Liar, Scumbag, or any other adjative the dems have said about our president in public.


I have no problem with people expressing their true feelings in a private conversation but to do it such a public manner that undermines the President and this country is just flat out unpatriotic.


I hated the Clinton’s when they were in the White House but would NEVER EVER criticize him in a public manner as to belittle the Presidency, especially during a war.


There are ways to dissent from the Presidents views but not at our countries expense.

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As I recall, the guy who did the beating was Preston something. Sumner never fully recovered from the beating...



Preston Brooks? The attack was done by the nephew of a southern Senator.....I believe S. Carolina.


There is that rather famous drawing of Sumner getting beaten with the cane.....kid had heart though, still had his feather pen in his hand while taking the beating.



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