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More Air America nonsense

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joke  n.


  1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.

  2. A mischievous trick; a prank.

  3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.

And we heard you the first time.



Do you also find humor in people joking about shooting self-appointed 'socially conscious' rock stars?

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joke  n.


  1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.

  2. A mischievous trick; a prank.

  3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.

And we heard you the first time.



Huh what about oh I don't know breaking the law???? US Code


knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

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I can't believe that I'm listening to the audio; but within just about 5 minutes she is complaining that "Tony Perkins is comparing the judiciary to terrorists" which she equates with "threatening judges lives". Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council.


So, she is OUTRAGED that someone is "threatening judges lives"; yet she opens with a commercial of an AAARP (the extra 'A' is for "armed") member threatening the life of the president.



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This will give FOX News plenty of filler for a few days.  Let's spend another week talking about this important issue instead of that boring stuff like the economy, Iraq, Social Security, and energy prices.  :doh:



and CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNBC, PBS, WKRP, and all the others will follow like sheep

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