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More Air America nonsense

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Te following is from a recent story on Drudge. Looks like the folks at Air America have some explaining to do. :(


I am sure that the 936 listeners that randi rhoades have got a real rush from this, but no one else.



From Drudge:






The red-hot rhetoric over Social Security on liberal talkradio network AIR AMERICA has caught the attention of the Secret Service, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.


Government officials are reviewing a skit which aired on the network Monday evening -- a skit featuring an apparent gunshot warning to the president!


The announcer: "A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn't safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here's your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little bastard. [audio of gun being cocked]."


The audio production at the center of the controversy aired during opening minutes of The Randi Rhodes Show.


"What is with all the killing?" Rhodes said, laughing, after the clip aired.


"Even joking about shooting the president is a crime, let alone doing it on national radio... we are taking this very seriously," a government source explained.

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I can't imagine why Air America isn't popular!  Aren't average Americans interested in jokes about assassinating the President?  :(


I love how completely bitter and pathetic the far left has become.



You just don't understand because you're not the target audience.... ;)

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So guns are apparently OK to forward a political agenda, just not in the hands of law abiding citizens. Good job, libs.


joke n.


1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.

2. A mischievous trick; a prank.

3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.



And we heard you the first time.

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joke  n.


  1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.

  2. A mischievous trick; a prank.

  3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.

And we heard you the first time.


Sorry, I don't find hypocrisy humorous when it involves killing the leader of the free world.

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I can't imagine why Air America isn't popular!  Aren't average Americans interested in jokes about assassinating the President?  :(


I love how completely bitter and pathetic the far left has become.




Hey silverNred, I guess you are not one of the 936 people who are the target audience. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Yeah, that's what I said.  It's ironic that your response is inconsistant with your "even though it's fiction some people take it as gospel."  Way to go.  :(



What amazes me is how often you can completely miss the point.


First of all, "even though it's fiction some people take it as gospel" is not at all what I said nor implied in the other thread (although it is what you have tried to interpret it as). The point is that fiction is used by authors to make "real" points - just because it's "fik shun" does not mean it's irrelevent. Duh, no one ever contested that Dan Brown made up many things in the novel to make it more interesting - but he used these "made up" things to make "real" points. It is NOT that hard.


Secondly, even if that were what I was saying, how would this be inconsistent?


Third, learn to use the word "ironic" properly.

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I hear more about Air America on this board than any media outlet. Including the programming itself, which I've never listened to. Oh, I did see the HBO documentary, though. I thought it was funny, but not in any way that would be appreciated by its' supporters.

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I know this will come as a surprise to many of you, but I'm no fan of the current administration. Shocking, I know. :(


But there's something about jokes to have elected officials and civil servants taken out that I just don't find terribly amusing.

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this is quite a conundrum for me. i'm a big fan of freedom of speech, but i'm a big non-fan of Air America


Air America = Assclowns with microphones

Secret Service = SS


to paraphrase Voltaire...

I may not agree with what they say, but to my death I will defend their right to say it.

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to paraphrase Voltaire...

I may not agree with what they say, but to my death I will defend their right to say it.


I agree with that 100% - but with a caveat or two: The first is yelling "fire" in a theatre and the second is making threats, especially against an elected official and more especially against the president of the United States. As much as I dislike Bush, it's not about him, it's about his office.

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What amazes me is how often you can completely miss the point.

I didn't miss it. It just sucked.


First of all, "even though it's fiction some people take it as gospel" is not at all what I said nor implied in the other thread (although it is what you have tried to interpret it as). The point is that fiction is used by authors to make "real" points - just because it's "fik shun" does not mean it's irrelevent. Duh, no one ever contested that Dan Brown made up many things in the novel to make it more interesting - but he used these "made up" things to make "real" points. It is NOT that hard. 

Oh, he made up stuff to prove real points (which is relevant in "never never land") That's somehow different than making fiction gospel. Got it. :(


Secondly, even if that were what I was saying, how would this be inconsistent?

Uh, you rail against someone using fiction to somehow prove truth in an entertainment medium but think it's OK to use fictional gunshots against the President in much the same manner?


Third, learn to use the word "ironic" properly.


You're right. I should have used the derivitive of hypocrite.

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joke  n.


  1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.

  2. A mischievous trick; a prank.

  3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.

And we heard you the first time.


oooooooooooooooh, it was a joke. Now I get it!




Gosh, that is SOOOOOO funny. How long did it take them to come up with something so clever and insightful? You know that President they don't like? Yeah, well, wouldn't it be cool if someone shoot him?? HA HA, that's so funny I just spit Diet Coke all over my monitor. Oh man, I'd really love to forward this to all my friends. SHOOTING!!! AH HA!! THE PRESIDENT!!!! HO HO HO!


Damn, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard.



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