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It's Time to Mandate Vaccines

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And why would I find it hard to believe that 450K NYC health care workers aren't vaccinated?




I just read that an NFL team is saying if you aren't vaccinated you can't come to the games unless you let them give you the shot before you go in....on site.  


And people will hear that and think it's awesome!

Edited by Big Blitz
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18 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Is this true??



Do you believe every anonymous twitter account?  About 75% of NYS hospital workers are fully vaccinated as of yesterday.  About 60% of NYC hospital workers were fully vaccinated in NYC on July 21st and it's pry gone up since then.

Edited by Doc Brown
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11 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

Do you believe every anonymous twitter account?  About 75% of NYS hospital workers are fully vaccinated as of yesterday.  About 60% of NYC hospital workers were fully vaccinated in NYC on July 21st and it's pry gone up since then.



Isn't that pretty telling that in the "epicenter" only 60% are vaxxed?  They had the first opportunity.  



Now.  I think and this is why the response to the unvaccinated is a total disgrace......a lot of reasonable people did and still do want to wait....to see "how it plays out."


And if you got the Pfizer vax....we have evidence it's not as effective as Moderna vs Delta.  





Which is why these mandates are asinine even if FDA approval comes.  


And the Yankees all got the J and J vaccine then half the team was testing positive 1 month later and they still are.  

Edited by Big Blitz
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8 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



Isn't that pretty telling that in the "epicenter" only 60% are vaxxed?  They had the first opportunity.  



Now.  I think and this is why the response to the unvaccinated is a total disgrace......a lot of reasonable people did and still do want to wait....to see "how it plays out."


And if you got the Pfizer vax....we have evidence it's not as effective as Moderna vs Delta.  

Not really.  Knowing how self absorbed I was in my 20's I pry would've waited a month or two also.

Edited by Doc Brown
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8 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

 you pick a date that is far less than 6 months out for most people since getting the vaccine and act like it is 6+ months, how many people were fully vaccinated on January 30th because that is the group we are discussing. More importantly you refuse to show your 18 month number when even the white house states it is 8 months.


You cannot read. I said the 18 months was a typo for 8. Of course no one has been vaccinated for 18 months. 


You said "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months" and in support posted a link that shows breakthrough cases to date have been 0.08% in all of those vaccinated. When I asked how many of that stellar high number are hospitalized and died vs. unvaccinated, you ran away, which is the smartest thing you've done here.



7 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

Do you believe every anonymous twitter account?  About 75% of NYS hospital workers are fully vaccinated as of yesterday.  About 60% of NYC hospital workers were fully vaccinated in NYC on July 21st and it's pry gone up since then.


"Hospital workers" is a big net that is outside Big Blitz's understanding. My wife's medical system has the same issue. They eventually had to lower the boom: Vaccinate or leave. It's not the doctors, nurses, and social workers who are avoiding the vaccine. 

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2 hours ago, Sundancer said:


You cannot read. I said the 18 months was a typo for 8. Of course no one has been vaccinated for 18 months. 


You said "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months" and in support posted a link that shows breakthrough cases to date have been 0.08% in all of those vaccinated. When I asked how many of that stellar high number are hospitalized and died vs. unvaccinated, you ran away, which is the smartest thing you've done here.




So your entire contention is that it is not 6 months but 8 months? 

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3 hours ago, Sundancer said:


You cannot read. I said the 18 months was a typo for 8. Of course no one has been vaccinated for 18 months. 


You said "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months" and in support posted a link that shows breakthrough cases to date have been 0.08% in all of those vaccinated. When I asked how many of that stellar high number are hospitalized and died vs. unvaccinated, you ran away, which is the smartest thing you've done here.




"Hospital workers" is a big net that is outside Big Blitz's understanding. My wife's medical system has the same issue. They eventually had to lower the boom: Vaccinate or leave. It's not the doctors, nurses, and social workers who are avoiding the vaccine. 

Just remember , since May 1, or pre Delta, CDC does not recognize a non hospitalized positive test in a fully vaxed person. Let that sink in a bit as Althea media gets everyone whipped into a frenzy on case counts. 

if you do not get admitted to a hospital , you do not have a breakthrough case of Covid , so we have no clue how many breakthrough cases there really are. 

which, I am 100% fine with if it was consistent across the board.  




As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance.

Previous data on all vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC from January–April 2021 are available.




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On 8/14/2021 at 11:03 AM, SCBills said:

This will never end, unless people stop being led around like sheep.  




What an absolute joke.  Just read that and then think about what our society has become.


Delta is not leading to Children being hospitalized;  they are going in for RSV and other Respiratory illnesses because their bodies and immune systems have been made more fragile due to social distancing nonsense for what is a Flu+ virus.


Absolute joke.




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18 hours ago, Sundancer said:


I don't blame anyone for measures that didn't work in March 2020. NYC couldn't even deal with the bodies piling up by April. No one had any idea where this was headed. It would have been nice if Trump had been level about that but instead he overpromised every week and refused to say, "Our smartest people are on it and we're figuring it out." 

They were being overwhelmed by cuomo’s idea to kill off the elderly. I suppose that was Trumps fault too?

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15 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

Thank you, Dr. Fauci...I hope you make a lot of money on vaccines...

The embedded quote is accurate. COVID is with us, and will be with us.

The Alex Berenson (anti-vaxx nut - perhaps you should look to see how he's profiting off misinformation) take is asinine.

Richard Webby: "so long as it's not impacting health care as a whole, I think we can live with it."

Q. How on earth does it follow from that that "everything we've told you to do for the last 18 months was useless viral theater?"

A. It doesn't. 

We had, in the first two waves, situations that were "impacting health care as a whole." Lack of hospital beds, lack of ventilators, etc., etc.

We've got it again, regionally, with no ICU beds available throughout many areas of the southeast.

Are the remarkably effective vaccines "viral theater?" That's as stupid as saying that modern water treatment facilities are "protozoic theater" - it's not as if we've exterminated protozoans from the earth, we still have to live with them, and people do - every year, all over the place - get sick because of them.

Just idiotic. 

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8 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

The embedded quote is accurate. COVID is with us, and will be with us.

The Alex Berenson (anti-vaxx nut - perhaps you should look to see how he's profiting off misinformation) take is asinine.

Richard Webby: "so long as it's not impacting health care as a whole, I think we can live with it."

Q. How on earth does it follow from that that "everything we've told you to do for the last 18 months was useless viral theater?"

A. It doesn't. 

We had, in the first two waves, situations that were "impacting health care as a whole." Lack of hospital beds, lack of ventilators, etc., etc.

We've got it again, regionally, with no ICU beds available throughout many areas of the southeast.

Are the remarkably effective vaccines "viral theater?" That's as stupid as saying that modern water treatment facilities are "protozoic theater" - it's not as if we've exterminated protozoans from the earth, we still have to live with them, and people do - every year, all over the place - get sick because of them.

Just idiotic. 

tell ya what...with a  credible link , ( not a media driven hysterical proclamation)point to one person in this country not receiving medical care or denied an ICU bed..in the last 20  months (outside of very rural hospital that has 1 ICU bed) ..just one. 


I can however post hundreds of articles on ODs increasing, on suicide rates increasing, on non Covid  vaccination rates plummeting, on any number of real medical impacts due to the insane and non effective lockdown measures. 


Plenty of us have been saying for going on close to 2 years now...the virus is going to do what it is going to do..it sucks, its a reality of the human condition...high risk people should do what they need to do to stay safe..but the rest of this stuff was pure theater that is continuing, in the absence of any evidence lockdowns and masks work, so those that imposed the original measures dont look foolish.


I think Berenson is lunatic on the ant vax stuff, but he is dead on right its idiotic we are where we are when rational, non idiotic people were saying 18 months ago we are gunna have to learn to live with Covid , like the flu, it is never going away.







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57 minutes ago, Bidens_basement said:

They were being overwhelmed by cuomo’s idea to kill off the elderly. I suppose that was Trumps fault too?


Trump is a ***** leader but I don't think that even his crap leadership could have changed much in deaths and cases during Covid pre-vaccine. He could have been more honest, uniting and a million other things but people would have gotten Covid. 


Now, post vaccine, he could have done a lot more. 

1 hour ago, Buffalo Timmy said:



So your entire contention is that it is not 6 months but 8 months? 


Quote me the part of that story where it says, "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months."


You're the dumbest poster in this thread and that's saying something. 

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On 8/15/2021 at 8:48 PM, keepthefaith said:


You couldn't be more wrong.  The vaccinated are being told to mask up because the vaccines only provide about 6 months of protection and our vaccinated population is gradually moving into an unprotected phase.  Many breakthrough cases are happening.  Just look at Israel cases where they vaccinated nearly their entire population very early.  Their case count is blowing up and is at pre-vaccine levels.  Link below.  We are headed to the same place.  In fact we are there, US cases are at November 2020 levels now.  You know who isn't getting Covid now or before?  Healthy individuals with healthy immune systems. 







Another person freaking out about vaccines not working in Israel. 


Try this article on for size.




I'll save you the read. 




So why is Israel (and the US) going for third shots? It helps the most vulnerable AND there have been few bad outcomes. Why not minimize your risk to get and spread Covid? 


I'd prefer we spread the vaccine to other countries but whatever. 


By the way for the 2 people here who are amazed by the actual science, the mRNA technology has already been adapted to work for Delta. Being tested already. And it's also being tested now vs HIV. It's 100% the wave of the future. Someday soon we will look at injecting live/dead virus into people as middle ages technology. 

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39 minutes ago, Sundancer said:


Trump is a ***** leader but I don't think that even his crap leadership could have changed much in deaths and cases during Covid pre-vaccine. He could have been more honest, uniting and a million other things but people would have gotten Covid. 


Now, post vaccine, he could have done a lot more. 


Quote me the part of that story where it says, "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months."


You're the dumbest poster in this thread and that's saying something. 

Yeah I got it, you think the vaccine lasts 8 months but you have to stick to the 6 months number because everything else you say you can't back up. I conceded the 8 months when the white house went with it because it is not a hill worth dying on. I would keep arguing with you but you literally don't answer questions and just keep linking to stuff that is not related to the 8 month time frame. 

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