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It's Time to Mandate Vaccines

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25 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


Very simple.  FDA Approval or lack thereof.  


You're trying to save the unvaccinated?  How nice of you.  And if you're afraid the non-vaccinated just protect yourself.  What are you afraid of?  You're vaccinated right? 


FDA is a joke to begin with, so whether they approve or don't approve something is honestly irrelevant to me. Big Pharma didn't want to pony up to get it approved faster I guess, FDA will be approving it in short order. What excuse will you come up with after that?



Of the virus continuing to mutate in the unvaccinated into one that the vaccines no longer protect against. Common sense. That is how it works.

Edited by Big Turk
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12 hours ago, Big Blitz said:



Are they more of a health threat then the "vaccinated community?"


You call them vaccine skeptics that have every reason to be as they continue to ask "what's the point?  This never ends so..... I'm 25 and my BMI is 19.  I'm good.  Sorry I work out and eat right.  Good look with your 5th booster shots for Delta Plus."


You didn't answer my question.


you and I both have taken vaccines.  I think we should just open things up and let the chips fall where they may.


But unvaccinated peeps (you still haven't told me what they should be called) are screwing it up for the rest of us cuz they keep getting sick and I now have to protect them.  (F*ck 'em I say.)  Shouldn't be like the but its the world we live in.



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48 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


The same number that have ever taken a vaccine that more man hours were spent on developing. The number of man hours spent on it ease my mind...probably more than all vaccines in the history of mankind combined.


Good that you found a way to put you mind at ease. Your rationalization is for you. 

Not everyone would view man hours as a valid substitute for effects over time. My former boss had a great analogy that nine women can’t deliver a baby in a month. 

All us vaxed could all develop some sort of fatal blood cancer in 5 years. It isn’t like it’s never happened, and these vaccine technologies have been under development for decades with this being the first success. 




Fen-Phen – Americans have long sought a drug that makes weight loss easier, and many hoped that they had found it when Fen-Phen (a combination of fenfluramine and phentermine, produced by American Home Products) hit the market in the 1990s. A related drug, called Redux (dexfenfluramine, produced by Wyeth), came a few years later. Approximately 6 million people in the United States ultimately took these drugs. Unfortunately, numerous patients began suffering from heart valve problems. Fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine were recalled in 1997. Hundreds of lawsuits were filed, and the manufacturers have spent billions resolving the drug liability issues.

Vioxx – Vioxx was developed by Merck to treat arthritis. The drug received approval in 1999, and by 2004 had been prescribed to more than 20 million people. Unfortunately, the drug resulted in increased heart attacks and strokes. According to an NPR report, Merck agreed to pay $4.85 billion into a settlement fund to resolve lawsuits filed by approximately 47,000 plaintiffs and to avoid the potential of 265 class-action lawsuits.

Bextra – Bextra, developed by Pfizer, was another drug intended to treat arthritis. The drug was approved in 2001 and became highly popular. Ultimately, patients taking Bextra were far more likely to have strokes, heart attacks, or blood clots than the control subjects. There was also a correlation with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. The drug was recalled in 2005, and Pfizer was assessed with a $1.95 billion fine.

Baycol – Bayer produced Baycol, a statin anti-cholesterol drug that was approved by the FDA in 1997. In less than five years, approximately ten million prescriptions were written. However, the drug was ultimately connected to a higher incidence of rhabdomyolysis, a degenerative disease, than other statins.


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25 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

I don't get why taking a vaccine that has shown the ability to keep you out of the hospital, in ICU or dead is being fought against so hard. These same people have taken 10-14 vaccines over their lifetime as kids/teens and so have their children or else they wouldn't be allowed to go to school. 

*Failed .gov roll out of 1976 swine flu vaccine for those around when it happened.  Today's rollout more or less is the 1976 program if it continued.  

*Botched MMR vaccine in the 1980s which led to Reagan giving vaccine manufacturers blanket indemnification.

*All of those required school immunizations have decades of safety data and are covered by the VICP program.  Covax has months of safety data and is not covered by VICP.


Third bullet is the big one for me - if the government is so certain these vaccines are so safe, all of them should be moved into the VICP immediately so that those injured by them can petition for damages.  There should be no mandate unless the vaccines are treated like any other vaccine - they are treated as workplace injuries per OSHA if you mandate them, and if you personally are injured by them, you can file a claim through VICP.  



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42 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

You cannot read. He is talking cloth not medical and you are making a point that cloth masks make you bang your chests?????

This is a joke right. 

That kite looks good or you.



I think you didn't listen to the interview.  It's like 60 seconds.  


And if you did, your takeaway to "cloth masks don't work" is ....."well no duh!  You need medical grade."



So....Are you freaking kidding me right now?


Cloth masks or something much thinner made by Under Armor is what 99% of mask Nazis are wearing have been wearing for over 18 months.


You've just been told by ..... I think someone that might know things I guess......that they don't work.  






TDS broke this planet.  We were right.  No matter where or how you think Covid got here, it was NEVER a virus that warranted what we did or are doing.


What happened was (by design, by accident, by incompetence it doesn't matter) a bunch of Trump and Brexit hating lunatics used it to take him down.  


They have doubled down on all the crazy (they actually literally double masked ....but curiously stopped that even with Delta and Delta Plus).


No longer (it never did) does real world data and logic drive their position.  To simplify.......whatever it appears conservatives are saying we will advocate the exact opposite.  Science and our kids can go to hell.  Because 2016 can never ever ever happen again.  


It is a CCP/DNC/Big Tech/Big Pharma coup.  If social media was truly the bastion of free thought and speech like it was 10 years ago, Trumpism would spread the world over like it did in 2016 because liberalism is a mental disorder that needs a rigged playing field online now in order to survive.   

Edited by Big Blitz
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16 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


FDA is a joke to begin with, so whether they approve or don't approve something is honestly irrelevant to me. Big Pharma didn't want to pony up to get it approved faster I guess, FDA will be approving it in short order. What excuse will you come up with after that?



Of the virus continuing to mutate in the unvaccinated into one that the vaccines no longer protect against. Common sense. That is how it works.


Excuses?  I'm just telling  you why many unvaccinated have not taken the shot.  Making no excuses.  

8 minutes ago, dpberr said:

*Failed .gov roll out of 1976 swine flu vaccine for those around when it happened.  Today's rollout more or less is the 1976 program if it continued.  

*Botched MMR vaccine in the 1980s which led to Reagan giving vaccine manufacturers blanket indemnification.

*All of those required school immunizations have decades of safety data and are covered by the VICP program.  Covax has months of safety data and is not covered by VICP.


Third bullet is the big one for me - if the government is so certain these vaccines are so safe, all of them should be moved into the VICP immediately so that those injured by them can petition for damages.  There should be no mandate unless the vaccines are treated like any other vaccine - they are treated as workplace injuries per OSHA if you mandate them, and if you personally are injured by them, you can file a claim through VICP.  




Not sure why you attributed Big Turk's quote to me.  

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1 hour ago, Sundancer said:


Jesus Christ that is not what that study concluded. You cannot read science. Please stop. 

Okay smart guy.  What do you think the efficacy rate of the vaccine is against Delta based on that study?  Said another way what percentage of the vaccinated population did the study suggest is at risk?


For a starting point the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine in P3 trials was stated as 95%.  Which means a 5% error rate representing a failure to generate antibodies and immune protection.

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32 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


You didn't answer my question.


you and I both have taken vaccines.  I think we should just open things up and let the chips fall where they may.





32 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


But unvaccinated peeps (you still haven't told me what they should be called) are screwing it up for the rest of us cuz they keep getting sick and I now have to protect them.  (F*ck 'em I say.)  Shouldn't be like the but its the world we live in.






The "unvaccinated" aren't screwing up anything.  


You can't expect......90%? vaccination with it being an option not mandatory  - we cannot mandate universal vaccination thus you can't possibly (they never did) expect 100% or anything close to it right now especially with no FDA approval.


Especially because they've lied.  Especially because they keep moving the goal posts.  


They KNOW THIS but it's not about health.  It's about power and control - see the eviction moratorium issue this week.  See addicting Americans to "stimulus" - good luck running on "I'm going to stop them from giving you 'free' money."  They are using it to rig elections and how we vote.  They want everything to be a public health crisis.  They want more power.   



The Unvaccinated shouldn't be called anything.  The Vaccinated shouldn't be called anything.   The sooner everyone realizes what is going on the better.  

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8 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

Okay smart guy.  What do you think the efficacy rate of the vaccine is against Delta based on that study?  Said another way what percentage of the vaccinated population did the study suggest is at risk?


For a starting point the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine in P3 trials was stated as 95%.  Which means a 5% error rate representing a failure to generate antibodies and immune protection.


Which vaccine was part of that study? Answer that to find your first error.


Define efficacy and at risk as used by you in a consistent manner to find your second. 


Leave science to people who know it.  



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With the 7-day average of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. currently at 350 and rising, public health experts are arguing that recent deaths were largely avoidable due to widespread availability of effective vaccines.


“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”


He sums up my thoughts pretty succinctly.

Edited by Big Turk
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1 hour ago, Chef Jim said:


Very simple.  FDA Approval or lack thereof.  


You're trying to save the unvaccinated?  How nice of you.  And if you're afraid the non-vaccinated just protect yourself.  What are you afraid of?  You're vaccinated right? 

Yea F the unvaccinated if they chose to be unvaccinated. Overall it seems like it’s mainly Republicans who chose to be unvaccinated. I feel bad for those who want to be vaccinated but have limited access to the vaccine. 

Republicans can’t win elections now without cheating. How will they do with a 1-2 percent drop in their population.

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9 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

Yea F the unvaccinated if they chose to be unvaccinated. Overall it seems like it’s mainly Republicans who chose to be unvaccinated. I feel bad for those who want to be vaccinated but have limited access to the vaccine. 

Republicans can’t win elections now without cheating. How will they do with a 1-2 percent drop in their population.

Noted reliable black and hispanic Republican voting blocs


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8 minutes ago, Sundancer said:


Which vaccine was part of that study? Answer that to find your first error.


Define efficacy and at risk as used by you in a consistent manner to find your second. 


Leave science to people who know it.  



Its a simple question, really. 


Drug makes do clinical trials, right.  And vaccine makers being drug makers performed clinical trials for their COVID vaccines.  With me so far.   And trials typically consist of three phases, one, two, and three.  One for safety, two and three for efficacy.  For Pfizer's phase 3 study the reported efficacy rate of their vaccine was of 95%.  Which means the vaccine generated antibody protection in 95% of the test subjects.  But failed to generate the necessary antibodies in 5% of the subjects and didn't produce the required immunity.  So far so good.


Then this Oxford study looked at the vaccines effectiveness against the Delta variant and they published the results of their findings.  Which showed the Delta variant is resistant to the vaccines.  And I asked you if my conclusion of the reduction in effective is wrong then what reduction in efficacy is the "right" number.  As the original Pfizer P3 failure rate was 5% and the Delta variant is resistant to the vaccine the effective rate of the vaccine must by definition be less than the 95% in preventing infection based their study.  Are you saying the effective against Delta is equal to the original 95% effectiveness?  Or don't you know?  And if you don't know how can you be sure I'm wrong? 


So please, all I'm looking for is a number that is greater than 5% but less than 95% that represents the estimated vaccine effectiveness against Delta identified in the Oxford study.   

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Just now, Backintheday544 said:

lol reliable black voting block?


Hopefully any voting block sees the work the Biden admin has been doing to get the vaccine available everywhere.

You’re falling into the same propaganda most do that simply consume media without any critical thinking.  

The three groups that are low in vax rates:




White Republicans


You got the last one, no problem… I wonder why you didn’t call out the other two? 

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Just now, Backintheday544 said:

Also if you call the 19 percent black Republican vote reliable then the vaccine at 94 percent efficacy must be like Jesus to you.

It was sarcasm… did they not have that back in the day?

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