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Money talks - college credit for sports


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A lot of schools require health-type classes. I know the schools in GA do. I can understand credit for sports participation counting for the health classes. Would like to read the whole story.. couldn't find it on cbs.sportsline.com.


What is HPS 1040-Health?



HPS 1040, Health Concepts & Strategies, is a 2 hour credit course which satisfies the core health education requirement for graduation. The class consists of a one-hour lecture and meets twice per week. In addition, the instructors often use Web CT to supplement course material with additional relevant information and activities designed to reinforce lecture material. Course content focuses on the critical analysis of health information, the development of strategies to promote good health, and assumption of personal responsibility for health enhancement.

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The CBS link didn't work, but the Wash. Post one does.  But isn't health something one should learn long before one enters a college? I sure hope so...



Yeah, it sure is.


Before the state mandated the course, it was say... 120 credits to get a degree, now it's 123. I've no problem at all with sports participation counting for those credits. In GA's case, the general lecture education requirements haven't gone DOWN, but the overall requirements went UP when they decided to require a health style class.


Regardless, I've no problem with that counting for college credit as long as it's a three semester credit hour class. Look at some of the other stupid electives you can take to work towards a degree... badminton, et al.


Now, if half of the credits these guys had came from classes like "football rules 1020", I'd have a severe problem with it. But three? So what.



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