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Who's Running The Executive Branch?


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Where the heck is the Pres?

Nothing for days.

If one is master of his job. he needn't disappear for days to prepare for something he should be extremely familiar with.


Maybe the IV has started.

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All the proof you need that Joe hasn’t made ONE decision.  

Yea sure.  He definitely hired this.  



Deliberate destruction of the country - libs applaud this ….. for some reason.  Or at least turn away.  Nothing to see here.  Ignore.  Perfectly normal.  

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Last night was very sad.  I started this thread in 2021 and we still don't know who is running the Executive Branch.  After last night we all know who is not running it.  What a mess.  

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5 minutes ago, Irv said:

Last night was very sad.  I started this thread in 2021 and we still don't know who is running the Executive Branch.  After last night we all know who is not running it.  What a mess.  

Why has no reporter looked into this? It would be the story of the decade. "The man behind the teleprompter"

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1 minute ago, KDIGGZ said:

Why has no reporter looked into this? It would be the story of the decade. "The man behind the teleprompter"


When you begin to view, correctly,  the Democrat party and the reliable media as one and the same then you have your answer.



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Priorities USA/act blue.  


Fortune 500 owners that are a small handful of companies... 


Sure isnt that bag of lying potatoes. 


Loved that part where he said there is a thousand billionaires in this country.  They pay 8% tax.  If we mandate 24% tax that would generate 500b over ten years and would cover his agenda.






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15 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Priorities USA/act blue.  


Fortune 500 owners that are a small handful of companies... 


Sure isnt that bag of lying potatoes. 


Loved that part where he said there is a thousand billionaires in this country.  They pay 8% tax.  If we mandate 24% tax that would generate 500b over ten years and would cover his agenda.






He initially said a thousand TRILLIONAIRES. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️

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9 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

I would love to hear one of the resident lefties refute these thoughts. Preferably with hysteria set to the side. Where is Rubin wrong?


Well, let's not assume anything regarding the level of delusion or self-deception in the Democratic party. They might have legitimately thought if they pumped Biden with enough supps and stims they could get him through with a ton of prep. Moving it up would also hold off 3+ months of further decline and they can hide him in October like they did last time.


The whole reason for running Joe to begin with was because the Dems had very few viable options going into 2020. They haven't really developed any more since (Newsome is intriguing for them but clearly had no plans to run this year and appears to be gearing up for a possible 2028 bid). Republicans, for all their faults, have a few people that could bring out all the normal Republican voters should they choose to run. 


But for a moment let's accept Dave "I buy boys" Rubin's premise that Trump "fell for it" with regard to the debate. The Democrats now have a little inside two months to get their act together and coalesce around another candidate. In this scenario, the DNC old guard who are currently running the country in Biden's stead certainly already have *their guy* and have had him for some time now. The problem is that there are some much younger Dems with some actual principles in Congress currently who wouldn't be able to see the writing on the wall and think it's the time for *their guy* instead. I doubt very much that the likes of AOC, Omar, etc. and the folks that support and vote for those types are rushing to install another Biden-type who can have the strings pulled by the same shills managing the decline of this country currently. And now Trump is in a position where he may beat the hell out of the Biden piñata but also very publicly raise the obvious question to everyone with a functioning frontal lobe: who, in fact, is calling the shots? He can pillory the entire democratic party for allowing this to continue when many of them obviously knew. Meanwhile the Dems have to somewhat scramble to get the ducks and delegates in a row to nominate someone in August with a very short ramp to the election.


In short, I think Trump stands to *gain* more than lose by having an early debate, even if the plan all along was to move off Biden.

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This clip of Obama joking about being the man behind the curtain is of course an obvious cheap fake. 


And when Axios or Politico reports that Trump is planning similar moves and becoming a dictator no such cheap fakes are necessary,  because it's so obviously true. 



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But Biden's performance was more than cold water in the face of the Democrats. His responses to questions and his inability to remain coherent shine a light on the one big question that has lingered over the Biden administration - who is running the show?


One of the more popular theories has been that Barack Obama has been running the show this whole time.


Others say it's Jill Biden.


And some folks (including myself) have figured that the befuddled old man was the figurehead of an administration run entirely by staffers with little input from the guy supposedly in charge.


But the answers Biden gave on the stage Thursday night prove one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt: The man who can't form a coherent response to debate questions is the same man producing incoherent policies in the White House. 


To be honest, it would probably be better for the country if Barack Obama, Jill Biden, or someone else were running a shadow government. But instead, we're getting a government run by a man who doesn't realize he can't do it. And that is probably the most dangerous kind of leadership we could have.





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On 6/25/2021 at 7:14 PM, Irv said:

Biden is shot.  Mind is gone.  Who's running the Executive Branch?  Who's got the keys and codes to the nukes?  This is a mess.  Total mess.     


If only Finding and the rest had listened to Irv three years ago!


No wait, Finding is perfectly fine with an unelected group of people running the executive branch. ...as long as they're on his team!

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