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NYC Mayoral Race

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On 6/29/2021 at 11:11 AM, John Adams said:


You're a moran. 


This is a ranked voting process and they knew it would take weeks. But be sure to foment this into something, paste-man. 


So it is the moron who thinks that adding the test ballots to the real ballots is a bad idea. Got it. Please change your name you are shaming a great American with your stupidity.

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11 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

So it is the moron who thinks that adding the test ballots to the real ballots is a bad idea. Got it. Please change your name you are shaming a great American with your stupidity.


You seem smart for a jar of mayonnaise. A really dumb jar of mayonnaise. 

4 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

But we were told NYC is back!  *for vaccinated only* 






Did NYC get advice from Texas? Oh wait that's Republican so you are only using this to make a political point against Democrats, got it. 



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11 minutes ago, John Adams said:


You seem smart for a jar of mayonnaise. A really dumb jar of mayonnaise. 


Did NYC get advice from Texas? Oh wait that's Republican so you are only using this to make a political point against Democrats, got it. 






Yes exactly the same thing.  Learn how energy works.  


NRG and Texas plan for energy consumption based on temp norms that didn't include a once in a century storm where it was negative 3 degrees in Dallas.



It's summer in NYC and it was 95.  That just never happens, right?

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I don’t know much about the NYC mayoral race, but there seems to be a trend happening...


Summer 2016... Complaints that Democrat primaries were rigged to allow Hillary to beat Bernie


Winter 2020...Democrat primaries at the Iowa Caucus has major malfunction in vote counting as it seemed like Bernie was going to win...until he didn’t...again...


Fall 2020...Several irregularities taking place in multiple battle ground state counties with regards to vote counting in presidential election...


Summer 2021...Irregularities at NYC Democrat Mayoral primaries with extra votes being mistakenly added...


You don’t have to be a partisan to see that all these “irregularities” seem to be happening on a particular side...without drawing any definitive conclusions, it does stand out as a bit odd...

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40 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

I don’t know much about the NYC mayoral race, but there seems to be a trend happening...


Summer 2016... Complaints that Democrat primaries were rigged to allow Hillary to beat Bernie


Winter 2020...Democrat primaries at the Iowa Caucus has major malfunction in vote counting as it seemed like Bernie was going to win...until he didn’t...again...


Fall 2020...Several irregularities taking place in multiple battle ground state counties with regards to vote counting in presidential election...


Summer 2021...Irregularities at NYC Democrat Mayoral primaries with extra votes being mistakenly added...


You don’t have to be a partisan to see that all these “irregularities” seem to be happening on a particular side...without drawing any definitive conclusions, it does stand out as a bit odd...

People see what they want to see often without any teeth to back the claims up.

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20 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

Look at NYC turning off the power in the minority neighborhoods......




Call it a consequence of consistently electing virtue signaling idiots that have no clue on how to run the city.     

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9 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

People see what they want to see often without any teeth to back the claims up.

This is often true. I recall a couple dem presidential front runners raising serious and substantial concerns about election security, fraud and manipulation of votes back before it was fashionable to brand anyone raising such concerns as a heretic.  Admittedly that was a full 10 and half months before the most recent election was stamped as the most amazingly cool and safe election in the history of forever. 





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5 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

This is often true. I recall a couple dem presidential front runners raising serious and substantial concerns about election security, fraud and manipulation of votes back before it was fashionable to brand anyone raising such concerns as a heretic.  Admittedly that was a full 10 and half months before the most recent election was stamped as the most amazingly cool and safe election in the history of forever. 



You too?

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Updates, summaries, and hot takes:


1. With all in-person Election Day votes counted, Eric Adams has a slim 14.75k vote lead over Garcia. Wiley is in third place and is very close behind Garcia by ~350 votes.

2. Those infamous 135k test ballots were successfully removed from the most recent numbers release. I see no reason to believe the (bipartisan) Board of Elections was up to anything nefarious. It was a simple (albeit embarrassing) human reporting error that is now resolved.

3. The ~125k uncounted absentee ballots (and some provisional ballots) are all that remain (note: I forgot to include this factor in my back-of-envelope calculations last week…oops!). Looking at the preliminary data from each district and using historical precedent, one might expect Wiley and Garcia to benefit the most from the absentee ballots even though a plurality of them come from districts that Adams won.

4. As it turns out, Garcia received a significant vote boost from Yang’s people, proving the value of that late-campaign political alliance she made with him.

5. So the two remaining factors in this extremely close three-person race are the absentee ballots and the relative positions of the top two candidates among the third-place finisher’s votes. Wiley’s best chance of winning comes with Garcia finishing third. Adams, however, is probably thinking his best chance of winning also comes with Garcia finishing third. Garcia, meanwhile, likely doesn’t have a strong preference either way.

6. I’m beginning to think Garcia will pull off the small upset! She was definitely the least polarizing candidate among the top three, which could give her the ranked-choice numbers advantage for the final two rounds of voting. This is how I’m feeling right now: Garcia with a 40% chance of winning, Adams at 35%, Wiley at 25%.

7. Ranked-choice voting is FANTASTIC. It is rank (pun intended!) propaganda from the two-party duopoly to hate on it. Who cares if we have to wait a few additional weeks to get the results?! What’s the value in catering to a society of instant gratification and short attention spans, anyway?


On 6/23/2021 at 8:28 AM, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

i was recently reading about this Wiley one you like so much coincidentally. I love how the progressive socialists / communists keep falling for these ‘progressive’ millionaires who live in multimillion dollar mansions, send their kids to private school and grow up as wealthy elites (although she did lose her father in a tragic yacht incident) and of course have a history in  political corruption wile serving as de blasio lead council, for example.

She sounds like she’ll be a Washington political elite in no time. 

You should look up Putin’s palace. Another man of the people he is. These people all know what’s best for you. 


A progressive leader’s socioeconomic background ultimately doesn’t matter as long as the candidate can deliver results, avoid corruption, and forego authoritative/non-democratically elected means to their ends. Even the most serious socialist revolutionary believes that a person becoming rich through capitalism can lead a socialist movement. Often times, the only way to achieve meaningful power under a capitalist system is to amass financial wealth. So at the very least, there’s no apparent hypocrisy during the pre-socialism transition stages.


On a personal level, the wealth hypocrisy angle doesn’t work on me since I’m a pro-capitalism social democrat who has no problem with the existence of filthy rich people. I only caucus with the true socialists and the communists because American politics is so absurdly right-wing (from the perspective of the rest of the industrialized West) that we all must scrunch together on the left end of the political spectrum if we hope to achieve anything. These points of commonality include universal health care, free college/trade school/preschool, affordable housing, living wages, unions, environmentalism, non-interventionism, and just generally not ascribing moral value based on supply-demand curves. I do have a very slight preference for working-class political leaders, though, because they’re the ones who feel and understand the effects of neoliberalism most personally and deeply.


You raise an interesting point I want to quickly address: why do America’s progressive leaders continue letting the movement down? The answer is threefold, in my opinion:


1. We prioritize issue-by-issue litmus tests and don’t vet our candidates primarily by leadership traits (namely, a backbone to go along with integrity).

2. We are habitually demure and obsequious toward power. I attribute this one to our Stockholm syndrome with the oligarchy, dating back to the McCarthyism era at the beginning of the Cold War. There’s also this perception that the movement is still way too small (it’s not, if you follow polls by economic issues), and so we have nothing to gain except humiliation by rocking the political boat. It’s a sentiment that stems from the 1972 McGovern defeat.

3. Neoliberals have perfected the art of co-option among media and political organizations. This is by far the biggest reason. Money and career advancement are their tools of influence.


P.S.: I’ve actually been pretty indifferent to Maya Wiley as a candidate and to the NYC mayoral race in general. I only voted for her partly as a favor to left-wing friends of mine and partly for its potential in galvanizing a nationwide progressive movement. Crime took center stage in this election at the expense of so many other equally important issues. And I don’t particularly care for the anti-police rhetoric coming out of the progressive wing these days, nor do I think we’re addressing crime at its fundamental levels if we’re not stridently approaching the problem from a socioeconomic, educational, or family unit perspective.


On 6/23/2021 at 11:56 AM, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Thank you for the thoughts on my pending visit.  My only real concern is the old Bruxy Springs will start yammering on about politics.  I was a concert-going fan back in the day, and have no issues with his politics (though I think he's a hypocrite +/- alot), but I just want to go and enjoy the story with my son.  We'll see.  


NYC is a cool place, I'm sure, I'm just more comfortable in other places.  My wife (from White Plains and later, Yorktown) told me after we had been married a few years that she would have loved to live in NYC for a while.  Given a city choice, at that point I would have chosen Boston.  


I'm hurt that you think I had to search for intel about the NAE heels.  You think 60 year old conservative men don't know about haute couture and vegan skorts?  You think we can't appreciate the intersection of environmentalism, fun, sass and fashionable footwear?  

In this case you were correct, but I'm hurt nonetheless.  I duck duck'd it--and I applaud your recognition of the marketing ploy.  There's lots of money in saving the planet. 


Now, about the party.  I wasn't suggesting you wouldn't be delightful, I was talking about the vegan heels.  It's a metaphor.  Snoozefest. Boring.  Blah blah blah.  Quite the contrary--assuming you are who you represent yourself to be online (my general disclaimer for folks on the line), I'd think you're intelligent, friendly, bold and a person of substance.  I respect that, (I married a woman like that) though i might disagree with your take on things.  To be candid, I don't know if half the information you post is true or not, I'm a pretty simple guy.  I watch behavior and modeling more than anything else. It's why when a poli talks about saving the planet and pollutes the snot out of it, or devises complicated tax schemes that seem a fair bit more redistribution than earth-saving, I tend to tune them out.  I'm all for a smarter, safer, cleaner planet, but personally believe this movement follows the modeling of traditional religion moreso than it does anything else.  


My fave party story. I'll ask you to trust me here--one of my skillsets is getting along with folks and finding common ground.  I, like you, might be considered delightful at parties. A number of years ago I was at a friend's house and the vast majority of folks were strangers to me.  We got to talking about N'Orleans, Mayor Nagin Katrina response and folks left in the city.  A lady there was quite vocal about the federal response, how black people were left to die and how it was all W Bush's fault.  I engaged in conversation on that issue--state v federal response and who can do what to whom, and after a few minutes, she lost it.  Total emotional mess.  As she attempted to browbeat me, I responded calmly, and some other folks gathered.  Turns out sweet old Leh-nerd was in a liberal enclave!  I was engaged in multiple conversations, agreeing with some folks, disagreeing with others, and a few became animated, then it became personal with some pointed attacks at me.  Turns put growing up in a house with multiple brothers, with friends who liked to bust chops, and having an affinity for that as well, it didn't bother me.  


It all sort of ended when the first lady, in frustration, turned to her husband and pleaded "Why don't you say something to him!".  His response was awesome..."Because he's right.".  


I've not been invited back, but that's ok too.   


I have no recollection of a 12/3 interaction.  I'll have to double-check that, but let's not forget, we need to tax the rich.  😇


Thank you for the response, Leh-nerd. Few mortals can handle my word counts or my Slavic sass. You are among the very few who can. A couple critical points I feel compelled to make:


1. I would hope that you don’t (initially) trust ANYTHING I post here! Skepticism is good. I merely offer different perspectives on topics that perhaps you don’t normally consider or experience in your offline life. What you choose to do with my information thereafter is entirely your prerogative. Ideally, I piqued enough curiosity in you that you will actively seek to learn more about whatever subject we were discussing with a more open mind.

2. I don’t particularly care for skorts. I just don’t. Shorts and pants/leggings are to be reserved for athletic activities like jogging, yoga, or the occasional hiking excursion. Skirts and dresses (paired with pantyhose during the non-summer months) are suitable for just about everything else.

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1 minute ago, B-Man said:





I hope the Democratic leaders across the country are listening.



I hope Buffalo is listening this Nov.  NYC finally came to it's senses.

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Also, apparently it’s okay to say “Stop The Steal” again, now that lefties are doing it.



Typical Democrats — privileged white lefty woman trying to cancel the election of a hard-working black man.

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