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Convicted felon Donald Trump's follies

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Trumps brain is toast, rambling without any comprehension of what he is saying. 
Aside from talking about golden showers, he is bragging about the Taliban leader calling him “your excellency” and praising Xi and Putin. He looooves the dictators and killers.  


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4 hours ago, Andy1 said:

Trumps brain is toast, rambling without any comprehension of what he is saying. 
Aside from talking about golden showers, he is bragging about the Taliban leader calling him “your excellency” and praising Xi and Putin. He looooves the dictators and killers.  



Well it's between him and Joke, whose brain and body are both toast. 

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I think the Roger Stone vile attack on Casey DeSantis finally reached the normies who don’t pay attention politically to know just how disgusting the people surrounding Trump are.  

Im talking about soft MAGA.. those who like Trump and are just going to vote Trump without much of a thought.   Not his weirdo hardcore base. 

Fox is still in the tank, and refuses to cover anything negative on Trump .. it’s still “DeSantis for X endorsement buttt look at the polls” … however, some conservative outlets slammed Stone and I think it’s waking people up … or, at least, I hope. 


Edited by SCBills
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