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Convicted felon Donald Trump's follies

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39 minutes ago, BillStime said:





Im sure Bonnie will find some random right wing cult source to spin this and Karen will chime in because she has nothing better to do in her life than play message board moderator.

Forgive this fool - he's a marxist and is too stupid or lazy to read up to realize he's part of the 25% 

scheduled for extermination if the bads win.

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Israel opposed the Iran nuclear deal, but former Israeli officials increasingly say U.S. pullout was a mistake


TEL AVIV — A growing number of former Israeli security officials are publicly faulting their government for opposing a nuclear deal negotiated in 2015 between Iran and world powers, and warning that economic sanctions on Iran are not deterring it from dangerously advancing its nuclear program.


While Israel had applauded President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the accord in 2018, these former officials have concluded that his “maximum pressure” policy built primarily on sanctions has failed to prevent Iran from increasing the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium.


But former Israel security officials are increasingly critical of the role Netanyahu played in opposing the original agreement and urging Trump to abandon it. These officials say the accord was imperfect but that the alternative has been worse.


“Today, it’s clear that maximum pressure did not yield its political objectives,” said Raz Zimmt, a former military adviser on Iran. He said the policy may actually have accelerated Iranian nuclear progress and that Iran now has the capability of producing enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb on four weeks’ notice.



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