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Convicted felon Donald Trump's follies

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4 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


Ummmmm I did.  Some tidbits from the Complaint:



I didn't see the proof of this.  



Nor here.  



Just a document full of unproven allegations like we've heard from many here on the left.  A lot of allegations but no proof. 


Get back to me after the ruling mmmkay.  

Good thing you quoted from paragraph 250.  Did you bother to read the preceding 249 paragraphs? 

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3 hours ago, Doc said:


1.  Every drug have side effects, chief.  Your profession has made billions off of this well-known fact.  But HCQ's are very rare, hence the reasons tens of millions of people are on it daily and no one ever talked about its side effects before.  It's as safe as the vaccines Joey is taking credit for.  That you keep harping on it tells me your handlers did a great job pounding this lie into you.


2.  The study was linked above. 


3.  There was a demonstrable benefit observed by doctors who were using it well before Trump ever mentioned it...hence the reason he mentioned it.  Your masters just told you to believe that it was dangerous when it wasn't and then used bogus stories to back it up, as a pretext for not using it to help prevent people from getting sick and dying.  Then they had bogus "studies" conducted.  Did you ever stop to ask why?  No of course not.  Which is how they want you.

You keep on conflating danger with efficacy.  The drug is useless with respect to COVID.  Everyone knows it. Most people accept it.  But not you.  Instead, when your dear leader touted it as a silver bullet approach to the pandemic, you doubled down.  And then doubled down again.  And then doubled down some more.  

So today we’re in a spot where you cling to junk science and deflect to conceal the fact that you were dead wrong in this issue.  The scientific community doesn’t support you, boss.  

You can name call and belittle, but you can’t win on the science.  Maybe on fake science that you and your hoaxy pals like.  But not on the facts.  So have fun skin popping HCQ and trying to convince yourself that you and your crew of fake scientists didn’t blow the biggest medical issue in a generation. 

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32 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

Good thing you quoted from paragraph 250.  Did you bother to read the preceding 249 paragraphs? 

No you told me to start on page 56.  I searched race and came up with nothing that showed concrete evidence of racism. Just lots and lots of accusations. Care to point out that actual evidence of racism?  

Should be easy. You’ve got a lot to choose form that. 

Wake me when it goes before a judge. 

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44 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

You keep on conflating danger with efficacy.  The drug is useless with respect to COVID.  Everyone knows it. Most people accept it.  But not you.  Instead, when your dear leader touted it as a silver bullet approach to the pandemic, you doubled down.  And then doubled down again.  And then doubled down some more.  

So today we’re in a spot where you cling to junk science and deflect to conceal the fact that you were dead wrong in this issue.  The scientific community doesn’t support you, boss.  

You can name call and belittle, but you can’t win on the science.  Maybe on fake science that you and your hoaxy pals like.  But not on the facts.  So have fun skin popping HCQ and trying to convince yourself that you and your crew of fake scientists didn’t blow the biggest medical issue in a generation. 


You obviously didn't read (well, of course you didn't, not that you would understand it anyway) the latest study that came out.  I won on science.  It's just another Trump-era lie that's been exposed...many months too late, of course.  And with other therapies and the vaccines, too late and now moot.


But continue to retreat into your echo chamber.  I would expect the thought of coming to the realization that those you followed in lock-step helped lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people by claiming it was "junk science" would be too much to bear.  Or does the ends justify the means? 


At the least I can say that if I was duped (and I wasn't), it was so that people would he helped.  What did you do: "save" people from a safe drug?  Congrats.

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7 hours ago, Doc said:


You obviously didn't read (well, of course you didn't, not that you would understand it anyway) the latest study that came out.  I won on science.  It's just another Trump-era lie that's been exposed...many months too late, of course.  And with other therapies and the vaccines, too late and now moot.


But continue to retreat into your echo chamber.  I would expect the thought of coming to the realization that those you followed in lock-step helped lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people by claiming it was "junk science" would be too much to bear.  Or does the ends justify the means? 


At the least I can say that if I was duped (and I wasn't), it was so that people would he helped.  What did you do: "save" people from a safe drug?  Congrats.


And yet you can't show your cards and specify the (again, single and isolated) study to which you refer. 


Here's the bottom line.  I didn't waste time on junk science, I didn't waste money on junk science, and I didn't support doing things like wantonly distributing this stuff to at-risk populations (such as aged veterans and veterans who may have been injured in the line of duty) and needlessly exposing them to harmful side effects.  You did.  

8 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

No you told me to start on page 56.  I searched race and came up with nothing that showed concrete evidence of racism. Just lots and lots of accusations. Care to point out that actual evidence of racism?  

Should be easy. You’ve got a lot to choose form that. 

Wake me when it goes before a judge. 


Page 56 coalesces the allegations.  The preceding pages explain the summary.  Enjoy your read, Chef Jim Crow. 

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46 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

And yet you can't show your cards and specify the (again, single and isolated) study to which you refer. 


Here's the bottom line.  I didn't waste time on junk science, I didn't waste money on junk science, and I didn't support doing things like wantonly distributing this stuff to at-risk populations (such as aged veterans and veterans who may have been injured in the line of duty) and needlessly exposing them to harmful side effects.  You did.  


I pointed you to the study.  You didn't want to look at it, for obvious reasons.


No, you don't listen to "junk science."  You just listen to junk people who don't know science and only care about politics.  Again pat yourself on the back for "saving" at-risk people from a safe drug against a virus which could kill them.  You are exactly who they want you to be and who I know you are.

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8 hours ago, Doc said:


You obviously didn't read (well, of course you didn't, not that you would understand it anyway) the latest study that came out.  I won on science.  It's just another Trump-era lie that's been exposed...many months too late, of course.  And with other therapies and the vaccines, too late and now moot.


But continue to retreat into your echo chamber.  I would expect the thought of coming to the realization that those you followed in lock-step helped lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people by claiming it was "junk science" would be too much to bear.  Or does the ends justify the means? 


At the least I can say that if I was duped (and I wasn't), it was so that people would he helped.  What did you do: "save" people from a safe drug?  Congrats.

This is the key to the entire dem strategy w/r to COVID. 


Death, disease and dying were good politics for the democratic party in 2020.  COVID patients in nursing homes. Mass protests encouraged for some while business owners were targeted for shutdown for trying to survive.    Vaccine disinformation during the development phase.  Dismissal of the lab leak reality.  Complaints over xenophobia.  

As for COVID management, there was a marked change in dem strategy once Biden took office.  One example—the oddly timed change in NY travel rules in February as the virus raged.  This allowed non-residents to come and go freely after travel to, say, Florida, while NY residents were required to test/quarantine/test/submit to contract tracing.  

I’d take it one step further and say the ends were anticipated as part of the strategy to retake the WH.  


Edited by leh-nerd skin-erd
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2 hours ago, SectionC3 said:

Page 56 coalesces the allegations.  The preceding pages explain the summary.  Enjoy your read, Chef Jim Crow. 



Correct. Allegations. That’s all any of you have. Wake me when it makes it to a judge. Then wake me again when there is a ruling. 

So now in your own words (which you have, for obvious reasons, not provided) what makes this Jim Crowe on steroids?  Not racists but Jim Crowe on steroids.   I wonder why no one had been able to articulate that. 🤔

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14 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

This is the key to the entire dem strategy w/r to COVID. 


Death, disease and dying were good politics for the democratic party in 2020.  COVID patients in nursing homes. Mass protests encouraged for some while business owners were targeted for shutdown for trying to survive.    Vaccine disinformation during the development phase.  Dismissal of the lab leak reality.  Complaints over xenophobia.  

As for COVID management, there was a marked change in dem strategy once Biden took office.  One example—the oddly timed change in NY travel rules in February as the virus raged.  This allowed non-residents to come and go freely after travel to, say, Florida, while NY residents were required to test/quarantine/test/submit to contract tracing.  

I’d take it one step further and say the ends were anticipated as part of the strategy to retake the WH.  


Yup, they wanted deaths to make Trump look bad and get him out of office, like they'd been trying to do the previous 3 years.  There's no other conclusion that can be drawn by their bald-faced lies about a perfectly safe drug in the face of a virus that could kill when we had nothing else to treat it. 


And I have no doubt that Big Pharma played a huge role in demonizing HCQ and conducting bogus studies, considering it was dirt cheap and they stood to lose billions.  And releasing the news just days after the election that the vaccines would be coming out before the end of the year only proved that point.


What's saddest of all is that the "scientific community" went along with this criminality, as the lab leak theory suppression proves.  Whether it was because they wanted the same or out of fear, or both, I don't know but neither is a good look.  

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    President Joe Biden’s administration allegedly suspended $100 million in “lethal” aid to Ukraine ahead of his summit this week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Without denying that allegation directly, White House Press Secretary said Friday that the administration gave $150 million in aid — including “lethal” aid — to Ukraine last week, and had spent the amount appropriated by Congress.

    But the allegation concerned a separate package, said to be shelved by Biden aides.

If the allegation — reported by the Washington Post and confirmed by Politico — is true, then what Biden did is far worse than what Trump did in 2019, when he was accused of withholding military aid from Ukraine until it investigated Joe Biden for corruption. In fact, Trump had already provided crucial Javelin anti-tank missiles months before the hold on additional “security assistance” to Ukraine Moreover, the aid that was withheld was future funding, not ongoing funding.


   Biden gave Putin a five-year extension of the notoriously one-sided New START nonproliferation treaty, though Putin had only asked for one. (Trump had hoped to include China in a new round of nonproliferation talks; Biden threw that possibility away.) Biden also gave a green light to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which Trump had opposed — and which will result in massive financial losses to Ukraine. Moreover, Trump met with Putin — in a grandiose “summit” —  before meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, despite the latter’s impassioned pleas to meet with him first.



No doubt compromised

After all the screaming and titty twisting about russia for the last four years...



chirp chirp chirp from all the leftist collaborators.

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