B-Man Posted September 3, 2021 Posted September 3, 2021 As Barack always said.........."strike back twice as hard" 1
Orlando Buffalo Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 I was given training this week that stated I am not to teach "culture" in my room. I watched Wisconsin game today and they discussed Barry Alvarez and the way he turned A team that had 9 wins combined in the 5 years before he showed into 10 wins his 3rd year alone was "Culture". Culture is not related to race but who are winners and losers 2
B-Man Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 Why Parental Pushback Against Critical Race Theory Scares Democrats FTA: Right, there’s been pushback [by parents], which is legitimate, to what the stories parents have been hearing and witnessing, the curriculum that they’ve been witnessing. The more they find out, the more upset they become. So there’s a real problem there. And the pushback has taken a few different forms. The pushback to the pushback, the defense what’s going on, it’s taken a few forms. The first is, “Let’s argue over what the meaning of critical race theory is.” You get into these extended, particularly in the national liberal media, you get into these extended discussions, “Oh, well, maybe they’re doing this and maybe they’re doing that, but that’s not actually critical race theory.” And of course, who cares how you define it. It’s the practices that parents are witnessing, the shaming of children by race, and focus of everything on race. They’re teaching children that their skin color is the single most important thing in determining their future. It’s these practices that are outgrowths of critical race theory. So, the first thing they do is they want to get you in this extended argument, kind of like Bill Clinton, on “what is the meaning of ‘is’.” That’s one thing that people have to avoid. But then the other pushback is something that has been the pushback that we’ve known for a long time. They call you names, and they call you some of the worst names you can be called, like being called a racist and things like that. Simply because you actually stand up for the principles of the American civil rights movement, which was that you treat people based on who they are as an individual and their individual merits. And we all have pluses, and we all have minuses. But what you don’t do is you don’t judge people based on the color of their skin. And that’s been our highest guiding principle, really since the mid-1960s. And that’s out the window in a lot of these school districts. That’s the other way that they pushed back, that you’re racist, basically. “If you don’t let us indoctrinate your children, you are racist.” And the third thing they do is they say, “Oh, you’re just against teaching history. You don’t want to teach history.” And of course, that’s also not true because what people object to is not the teaching of history. I haven’t seen a single person who says you shouldn’t teach about slavery, or you shouldn’t teach about Jim Crow, or anything like that. But you can’t distort history. And that’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to make that the single defining issue in the entire history of the nation and the future of the nation, to the exclusion of anything good that might’ve happened in this country. That’s really what you see. https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/09/why-parental-pushback-against-critical-race-theory-scares-democrats/ 1
B-Man Posted September 7, 2021 Posted September 7, 2021 How Quickly Teacher Unions Went From Critical Race Theory Is “Not Being Taught” To “Yes, It Is. We Support It.” So how is it that you have to hire lawyers to defend the teachers who were doing [CRT teaching], but at the same time you say it’s not happening?” https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/09/how-quickly-teacher-unions-went-from-critical-race-theory-is-not-being-taught-to-yes-it-is-we-support-it/
B-Man Posted September 7, 2021 Posted September 7, 2021 Debunking The 1619 Project: Real History as Antidote to Critical Race Theory By Mary Grabar FTA: In The 1619 Project, there are no Africans who raid villages and sell the captives to African or Muslim middlemen, who then sell them to Europeans, as actually happened. Nor are there black slave owners in America, who, for example, in the four states of Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia in 1830 owned 10,000 slaves. Nor are there white abolitionists or civil rights advocates. This history promotes the CRT formula: white=oppressor, black=oppressed. To fight CRT, the chimerical history upon which it is based must be debunked and fuller stories, such as the one about Coles and Jefferson, need to be told. https://townhall.com/columnists/marygrabar/2021/09/07/debunking-the-1619-project-real-history-as-antidote-to-critical-race-theory-n2595392 1
SoCal Deek Posted September 7, 2021 Posted September 7, 2021 On 9/7/2021 at 2:53 PM, B-Man said: Debunking The 1619 Project: Real History as Antidote to Critical Race Theory By Mary Grabar FTA: In The 1619 Project, there are no Africans who raid villages and sell the captives to African or Muslim middlemen, who then sell them to Europeans, as actually happened. Nor are there black slave owners in America, who, for example, in the four states of Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia in 1830 owned 10,000 slaves. Nor are there white abolitionists or civil rights advocates. This history promotes the CRT formula: white=oppressor, black=oppressed. To fight CRT, the chimerical history upon which it is based must be debunked and fuller stories, such as the one about Coles and Jefferson, need to be told. https://townhall.com/columnists/marygrabar/2021/09/07/debunking-the-1619-project-real-history-as-antidote-to-critical-race-theory-n2595392 Expand Don't ask questions! Just accept that Africans magically ended up on ships that landed in America. All of history starts when those ships hit the east coast. 😂
716er Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 This boogeyman seems to have flown the coop.
B-Man Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 Majority of black parents oppose critical race theory curriculum. https://thepostmillennial.com/majority-black-parents-oppose-critical-race-theory
SoCal Deek Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 On 9/16/2021 at 1:56 AM, BillStime said: Great job - Bonnie!!! Expand Her snowflake students are also dying to learn about pornography.....does she feel compelled to teach that? This lady should be nowhere near the impressionable minds of children.
BillStime Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 On 9/16/2021 at 7:40 PM, SoCal Deek said: Her snowflake students are also dying to learn about pornography.....does she feel compelled to teach that? This lady should be nowhere near the impressionable minds of children. Expand And neither should you
SoCal Deek Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 On 9/16/2021 at 7:46 PM, BillStime said: And neither should you Expand But here's the difference....I AM NOT!
All_Pro_Bills Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 On 9/5/2021 at 2:57 PM, B-Man said: Why Parental Pushback Against Critical Race Theory Scares Democrats FTA: And the third thing they do is they say, “Oh, you’re just against teaching history. You don’t want to teach history.” And of course, that’s also not true because what people object to is not the teaching of history. I haven’t seen a single person who says you shouldn’t teach about slavery, or you shouldn’t teach about Jim Crow, or anything like that. But you can’t distort history. And that’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to make that the single defining issue in the entire history of the nation and the future of the nation, to the exclusion of anything good that might’ve happened in this country. That’s really what you see. https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/09/why-parental-pushback-against-critical-race-theory-scares-democrats/ Expand On 9/16/2021 at 1:56 AM, BillStime said: Great job - Bonnie!!! Expand Let me guess An upper middle class white college educated woman of privilege preaching about the plight of poor and oppressed blacks. None of which she's every personally met. Like all virtue signaler that believe admitting their sins entitles them to maintain there privilege and possessions.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 16, 2021 Author Posted September 16, 2021 On 9/16/2021 at 8:05 PM, All_Pro_Bills said: Let me guess An upper middle class white college educated woman of privilege preaching about the plight of poor and oppressed blacks. None of which she's every personally met. Like all virtue signaler that believe admitting their sins entitles them to maintain there privilege and possessions. Expand You have a problem with people teaching about poverty and racism? Gee, imagine that
Over 29 years of fanhood Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 (edited) Eventually this neo Marxist movement may Peter out. But it’s going to take a cultural shift. or maybe it won’t and your best bet is to just try to climb up as close the the elites as you can and just nod when they white bad… that’s what most libs I know are doing… it’s just easier and an empty gesture. Meanwhile Consultants in the education arena are jumping into this because it’s an extremely profitable area… anybody can point at a flower pot and explain why it’s a racist flower pot. They are making money hand over fist in corporations and up and down the education hierarchy. It’s the hot new area And business is booming. I mean Ibram X. Kendi who’s a millionaire from this stuff, grew up on Long Island in an intact family, to a business analyst mother and accountant father and went to private grammar school. Dude was as privileged as it gets and he’s making a helluva lotta money and recognition talking about how oppressed he is. All you can do for your kids is teach them to ignore anyone telling them striving to succeed is unfair to anyone else, even if it means failing math because they showed their work or got the right answer. Round their social group with ethnically diverse people so they can see first hand it’s all bs and that all these different kids can be good at school, sports, life or whatever. Edited September 16, 2021 by Over 29 years of fanhood
SoCal Deek Posted September 16, 2021 Posted September 16, 2021 On 9/16/2021 at 8:30 PM, Tiberius said: You have a problem with people teaching about poverty and racism? Gee, imagine that Expand And it's your position that American kids don't know what poverty is, and apparently you believe that only black people are poor? Really? 1
B-Man Posted September 17, 2021 Posted September 17, 2021 IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IN CRITICAL RACE THEORY, YOU CAN’T WORK A lot has been said about the fact that the Biden administration is trying to bar people who don’t want to be vaccinated against covid, for whatever reason, from gainful employment. To say that this is a novel incursion on our civil rights is an understatement. But here is a worse one: how about firing anyone who won’t sign on to the racist, anti-American ideology of Critical Race Theory? Shockingly, that is now happening, all across corporate America. The current message is: believe in CRT, or more likely pretend to believe, or you are fired. The Upper Midwest Law Center, on whose board I serve, is representing several individuals who have been fired or demoted because they disagreed with Critical Race Theory. One of those plaintiffs is Chuck Vavra. Vavra was an engineer at Honeywell, which imposed mandatory Critical Race Theory-based training on its employees. The “curriculum” called America irredeemably racist and asserted that all whites are the same, and insisted that whites admit their inherent racism and status as evil oppressors, while blacks were characterized as victims, good people but intrinsically unable to lead successful lives due to white racism. Vavra objected to this bizarre Marxist world-view. The result? Honeywell fired him. It is notable that the “training” insisted upon by Honeywell was not a matter of compliance with federal civil rights statutes or other laws, nor did it have anything to do with Vavra’s job duties as an engineer. It was simply an effort to impose fealty to an extreme left-wing, anti-American agenda as a condition of employment at the company. More at the link: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/09/if-you-dont-believe-in-critical-race-theory-you-cant-work.php 1 1
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