B-Man Posted July 6, 2021 Posted July 6, 2021 SCRIPTS AND CENTRAL PLANNING: Union-Linked Coalition Scripts ‘Messaging’ To Counter Parental Pushback Against Critical Race Theory. https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/07/union-linked-coalition-scripts-messaging-to-counter-parental-pushback-against-critical-race-theory/ And then they bristle at being called NPCs.
B-Man Posted July 6, 2021 Posted July 6, 2021 Stopping K–12 Indoctrination Is Right By STANLEY KURTZ FTA: K–12 students are minors. They are vulnerable to a teacher’s authority in a way that college students are not. Telling minors that they should feel guilt or responsibility because of their skin color is a line that should not be crossed by any school district in these United States. Sadly, while some states will surely allow this to occur, it is well within the authority of other states to prevent this abuse if they see fit, for every good reason. The education of children is rightly a matter for democratic decision-making in a way that the college classroom is not. With indoctrination slipping its campus redoubt to strike at America’s schoolchildren, the game has rightly changed. The acolytes of CRT have traveled a bridge too far. . https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/stopping-k-12-indoctrination-is-right/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=homepage&utm_campaign=right-rail&utm_content=corner&utm_term=first 1
Unforgiven Posted July 6, 2021 Posted July 6, 2021 best part at the end...It's your job to teach science and math. Its our job to teach them about life. right on.... butt the f outta peoples lives. 2
reddogblitz Posted July 6, 2021 Posted July 6, 2021 On 7/6/2021 at 1:30 PM, B-Man said: Reminder: Nobody has passed any "anti-history laws." If you were right, you wouldn't have to lie. Expand Amen. If you got the truth on your side you don't need to make crap up. 1 1
LeGOATski Posted July 6, 2021 Posted July 6, 2021 On 7/6/2021 at 9:47 PM, Unforgiven said: best part at the end...It's your job to teach science and math. Its our job to teach them about life. right on.... butt the f outta peoples lives. Expand The sad part is that so many parents don't teach life well and they also pull the teachers into their lives, not the other way around. Teachers usually want to stay out of it. My wife's a teacher. A lot of the parents that speak up are huge hypocrites. Just a bunch of posturing with no real plan.
oldmanfan Posted July 6, 2021 Posted July 6, 2021 Theories are just that. With theories you discuss evidence that does and does not support the theory. Done correctly it is an excellent learning experience regardless of topic. I am quite sure the same people that object to CRT being discussed are, by and large, the same that want the theory of intelligent design taught in public schools. Just more hypocritical crap.
B-Man Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/6/2021 at 10:56 PM, oldmanfan said: I am quite sure the same people that object to CRT being discussed are, by and large, the same that want the theory of intelligent design taught in public schools. Just more hypocritical crap. Expand I am "quite sure" that you are wrong.
oldmanfan Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 12:01 AM, B-Man said: I am "quite sure" that you are wrong. Expand I am quite sure I am right and quite sure you are an example of such.
Unforgiven Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/6/2021 at 10:34 PM, LeGOATski said: The sad part is that so many parents don't teach life well and they also pull the teachers into their lives, not the other way around. Teachers usually want to stay out of it. My wife's a teacher. A lot of the parents that speak up are huge hypocrites. Just a bunch of posturing with no real plan. Expand ok teachers are the victim now lol. pathetic liberals and your victimization of everything. 1
B-Man Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 12:08 AM, oldmanfan said: I am quite sure I am right and quite sure you are an example of such. Expand Poll: Three-Quarters Of Americans Oppose ‘White Privilege’ Training https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/11/poll-three-quarters-of-americans-oppose-white-privilege-training/ So 75% of parents want "intelligent design" taught in schools. Yeah sure. I am quite sure that your elitist bias is showing. Just more hypocritical crap. (as you would say)
reddogblitz Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 (edited) On 7/6/2021 at 9:47 PM, Unforgiven said: best part at the end...It's your job to teach science and math. Its our job to teach them about life. right on.... butt the f outta peoples lives. Expand I have been trying to figure out what CRT really is by reading and watching speakers on the subject and debates. One thing I can't help but notice is, like the guy in the video, a lot of black people don't like this. Some of the debates I have watched even included whites arguing for and blacks arguing against. CRT IMHO is starting to look like one more thing where the white man/person savior rides in on his/her white horse to save the poor ignorant black man leaving things at best about where they started or make it worse. Great Society anyone? Maybe we should ask the average black person what they think? In Seattle we are in a mayor's race. One black man running expressed similar sentiments. Quote As first reported by KOMO News on Monday, Randall had been awakened at 4 a.m. by the sound of mechanical sawing. On the street outside, two people were cutting out a parked car’s catalytic converter. Randall went out and tried to get the license plate of the thieves’ car, but they spotted him and then fired five shots, some in the air and some at him, as they sped away. Randall had crouched behind his own car — his headrest absorbed one bullet. Randall is African American, so it hit home harder when he then upbraided the City Council and some of the other candidates for purporting to speak for minority communities about this issue. “We’ve had several forums, and I feel as though there’s an assumption that people of color do not want police officers in their neighborhoods to protect them,” Randall said. “We need police officers.” After the debate, he elaborated: “I guess I’ve grown weary of the City Council and others in the city attempting to speak and act on behalf of Black people, without asking and without considering the ramifications of some of these actions. Expand https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/if-the-seattle-mayors-race-is-any-guide-defund-the-police-has-lost-its-steam/ The unintended consequences for CRT could be really bad IMHO. 2 steps back for race relations in America. Edited July 7, 2021 by reddogblitz
All_Pro_Bills Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 1:15 AM, reddogblitz said: I have been trying to figure out what CRT really is by reading and watching speakers on the subject and debates. One thing I can't help but notice is, like the guy in the video, a lot of black people don't like this. Some of the debates I have watched even included whites arguing for and blacks arguing against. CRT IMHO is starting to look like one more thing where the white man/person savior rides in on his/her white horse to save the poor ignorant black man leaving things at best about where they started or make it worse. Great Society anyone? Maybe we should ask the average black person what they think? In Seattle we are in a mayor's race. One black man running expressed similar sentiments. The unintended consequences for CRT could be really bad IMHO. 2 steps back for race relations in America. Expand Now imagine the much better world we would be living in right now where our public debate and focus was centered on the concepts of value and uniqueness of each and every person treated as an individual rather than as some stereotypical member of some "group". 1
oldmanfan Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 12:18 AM, B-Man said: Poll: Three-Quarters Of Americans Oppose ‘White Privilege’ Training https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/11/poll-three-quarters-of-americans-oppose-white-privilege-training/ So 75% of parents want "intelligent design" taught in schools. Yeah sure. I am quite sure that your elitist bias is showing. Just more hypocritical crap. (as you would say) Expand They as you do have no clue what CRT is. I don’t agree with the theory but schools should foster critical thinking of all sorts. That would be antithetical to you, because as near as I can tell you don’t put critical thinking to the test. The vast majority of your posts are links to other sites and articles; they apparently do your thinking for you.
LeGOATski Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 12:13 AM, Unforgiven said: ok teachers are the victim now lol. pathetic liberals and your victimization of everything. Expand Interesting response
Jauronimo Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 (edited) On 7/1/2021 at 10:22 PM, reddogblitz said: Racial stereotypes is not the answer. Been there. Done that. How is saying white people like steak and potatoes "bland is best" different from saying black people like watermelon and fried chicken? Expand One has a long a history of disgusting racist imagery used to depict a group of people as subhuman savages and the other doesn't have anything even remotely close to that weight or history. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/05/22/186087397/where-did-that-fried-chicken-stereotype-come-from https://www.theguardian.com/food/2020/oct/13/ive-always-loved-fried-chicken-but-the-racism-surrounding-it-shamed-me Ironically, this is one of those things that seems like apples to apples until viewed through the lens of race and history. I wonder if there are other such examples where this could beneficial... Edited July 7, 2021 by Jauronimo
All_Pro_Bills Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 2:09 AM, oldmanfan said: They as you do have no clue what CRT is. I don’t agree with the theory but schools should foster critical thinking of all sorts. That would be antithetical to you, because as near as I can tell you don’t put critical thinking to the test. The vast majority of your posts are links to other sites and articles; they apparently do your thinking for you. Expand But there's a major difference between teaching critical thinking skills and imposing a theory of social concepts through indoctrination training. Specifically, on school age children. And imposing it in unilateral way without communication or debate with interested parties like parents. And then frankly seeing proponents of the idea cop an attitude when questioned. They don't seem to be open to any critical thinking and examination of their ideas. Critical thinking seems to be one thing proponents don't want to see as questioning the ideology in their view is forbidden. My personal view is if we had a population of critical thinkers our society would dismiss this "theory" as non-scientific and non-factual opinion and subjectivity. I'm 100% certain that if some school board and teachers union somewhere decided to teach some fringe white supremist race theory that indoctrinates children in the belief that whites are inherently superior to blacks and other races the supporters of CRT would have a much different take on the teaching of "history" and your critical thinking angle would go right out the window. What we have here with CRT is plain and simple. Ideologists imposing their view on children and adults that may or may not be open to it all.
oldmanfan Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 8:24 AM, All_Pro_Bills said: But there's a major difference between teaching critical thinking skills and imposing a theory of social concepts through indoctrination training. Specifically, on school age children. And imposing it in unilateral way without communication or debate with interested parties like parents. And then frankly seeing proponents of the idea cop an attitude when questioned. They don't seem to be open to any critical thinking and examination of their ideas. Critical thinking seems to be one thing proponents don't want to see as questioning the ideology in their view is forbidden. My personal view is if we had a population of critical thinkers our society would dismiss this "theory" as non-scientific and non-factual opinion and subjectivity. I'm 100% certain that if some school board and teachers union somewhere decided to teach some fringe white supremist race theory that indoctrinates children in the belief that whites are inherently superior to blacks and other races the supporters of CRT would have a much different take on the teaching of "history" and your critical thinking angle would go right out the window. What we have here with CRT is plain and simple. Ideologists imposing their view on children and adults that may or may not be open to it all. Expand The hysteria is going on in our city right now. Parents going crazy. And guess what? The school system is not teaching CRT in any way, shape , or form. This is tilting at windmills.
All_Pro_Bills Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 9:19 AM, oldmanfan said: The hysteria is going on in our city right now. Parents going crazy. And guess what? The school system is not teaching CRT in any way, shape , or form. This is tilting at windmills. Expand But other districts are "teaching" cultural indoctrination. And maybe its a good thing that something is causing parents to pay more attention and hold school boards accountable? Especially in under-performing school districts where kids are just shuffled through the system without acquiring any basic skills.
oldmanfan Posted July 7, 2021 Posted July 7, 2021 On 7/7/2021 at 9:47 AM, All_Pro_Bills said: But other districts are "teaching" cultural indoctrination. And maybe its a good thing that something is causing parents to pay more attention and hold school boards accountable? Especially in under-performing school districts where kids are just shuffled through the system without acquiring any basic skills. Expand If there is actual inclusion of CRT in a secondary school system I would agree. But critical analysis would I believe show that is not the case in many of the school districts where parents are going nuts for no reason.
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