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Lefties are mentally disturbed and must be stopped.

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Just now, phypon said:

What are you talking about?  You keep trying to change the topic.  Go find the article you are talking about or find a fake article on the front page of TGP.  You said it's a fake news site with fake articles.  You haven't produced any evidence from their site to back that up.


If anything, you're the one that constantly gets verbally beat down.  You basically have nothing to say except try to shout people down by insulting them when you can't back up your claims.  Typical leftist...

You imbecile.


I was having a separate convo with reddog that YOU responded to.  Unlike you I'm capable of having multiple conversations at once.  You probably don't comprehend any of this do you?  Did you go to one of those alternative schools?  Or was your father also your uncle?  Is it as simple as you're a short bus kid?  TBI?  Don't answer, don't care.

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8 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

Hey stupid!  You're back for another verbal shellacking I see!  Excellent!


What crime?  What's the crime he committed?  Use your words.  Look them up if you have to.


2 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

You imbecile.


I was having a separate convo with reddog that YOU responded to.  Unlike you I'm capable of having multiple conversations at once.  You probably don't comprehend any of this do you?  Did you go to one of those alternative schools?  Or was your father also your uncle?  Is it as simple as you're a short bus kid?  TBI?  Don't answer, don't care.


Dude, are you for real?  Scroll up.  I wrote: "You should probably put the scotch down and go to bed.  You're making a complete ass of yourself." And then you quoted me:

12 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:
13 minutes ago, phypon said:

You should probably put the scotch down and go to bed.  You're making a complete ass of yourself.

Hey stupid!  You're back for another verbal shellacking I see!  Excellent!


What crime?  What's the crime he committed?  Use your words.  Look them up if you have to.


Seriously, put the scotch down and go to bed.

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1 minute ago, phypon said:



Dude, are you for real?  Scroll up.  I wrote: "You should probably put the scotch down and go to bed.  You're making a complete ass of yourself." And then you quoted me:


Seriously, put the scotch down and go to bed.


Rosey!  This is a snapshot.  It was taken from this thread.


In the snapshot, Red makes a comment to me, I reply back to him.  Then, you (ignorantly) replied to my reply to Red.  We were talking about Biden, what he's guilty of.  Do you see it now?  I don't think i have a bigger crayon to spell this out.  This has happened before with you.  You don't understand forums.  It's OK.  I get you wear a helmet 24/7.



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1 minute ago, L Ron Burgundy said:


Rosey!  This is a snapshot.  It was taken from this thread.


In the snapshot, Red makes a comment to me, I reply back to him.  Then, you (ignorantly) replied to my reply to Red.  We were talking about Biden, what he's guilty of.  Do you see it now?  I don't think i have a bigger crayon to spell this out.  This has happened before with you.  You don't understand forums.  It's OK.  I get you wear a helmet 24/7.



SCROLL UP!  You quoted me, so of course I'm going to reply.  Talk about an imbecile.  Put the scotch down.  You're making a complete ass of yourself and you are totally incoherent at this point.

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7 minutes ago, phypon said:

SCROLL UP!  You quoted me, so of course I'm going to reply.  Talk about an imbecile.  Put the scotch down.  You're making a complete ass of yourself and you are totally incoherent at this point.


See when you replied to my reply to Red, that implies that you are joining THAT discussion.  Separate to the one we were having.  You almost there?


Somehow I don't think you are.  Can anyone else explain this to him?  I don't speak reetard apparently.



7 minutes ago, phypon said:

SCROLL UP!  You quoted me, so of course I'm going to reply.  Talk about an imbecile.  Put the scotch down.  You're making a complete ass of yourself and you are totally incoherent at this point.


I just noticed you said I quoted you.  Where Below in my reply to Red did I mention you?


I already figured out what is causing your brain lapse, you know, because lefties are 10x smarter than you right wing imbeciles.  I doubt you'll understand if I explain it.  You probably got a notification that there was a reply on this thread and assumed that notification meant someone replied to you.  



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Just now, L Ron Burgundy said:


See when you replied to my reply to Red, that implies that you are joining THAT discussion.  Separate to the one we were having.  You almost there?


Somehow I don't think you are.  Can anyone else explain this to him?  I don't speak reetard apparently.



I didn't reply to your reply to Red.  I replied to you quoting me.  How do you not see that?  All you have to do is literally scroll up a few posts.  And you still haven't backed up your claims.  You're all over the place, man.  You also keep trying to change the topic of our conversation (which is probably why you quoted me and tried to change the topic because you can't back up your claims or the scotch is making your eyes blurry).


For real, you really are making an ass of yourself here tonight. 

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11 minutes ago, phypon said:

I didn't reply to your reply to Red.  I replied to you quoting me.  How do you not see that?  All you have to do is literally scroll up a few posts.  And you still haven't backed up your claims.  You're all over the place, man.  You also keep trying to change the topic of our conversation (which is probably why you quoted me and tried to change the topic because you can't back up your claims or the scotch is making your eyes blurry).


For real, you really are making an ass of yourself here tonight. 


Yes you did.  Right here in my snapshot below that does not include your moron name, which is Roseanne.


Let me be a bit more serious for a second.  You may not realize this, but you are incredibly stupid.  While I may be at times eloquent, usually not true, I pretty much consider myself as just above average in intelligence.  I often offset my smart moments by incredibly dumb ones.  You though buddy, are maybe pushing a 90 IQ.  That's OK though.  We need people like you to fill gas tanks, move rocks from one place to another, crash test dummies.  All sorts of stuff.  You probably shouldn't talk about politics and current events though.  Because if you don't understand the intricacies of a message board, you probably don't understand the dynamics surrounding our two major parties who often lie or use hyperbole.



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7 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:


Yes you did.  Right here in my snapshot below that does not include your moron name, which is Roseanne.


Let me be a bit more serious for a second.  You may not realize this, but you are incredibly stupid.  While I may be at times eloquent, usually not true, I pretty much consider myself as just above average.  I often offset my smart moments by incredibly dumb ones.  You though buddy, are maybe pushing a 90 IQ.  That's OK though.  We need people like you to fill gas tanks, move rocks from one place to another, crash test dummies.  All sorts of stuff.  You probably shouldn't talk about politics and current events though.  Because if you don't understand the intricacies of a message board, you probably don't understand the dynamics surrounding our two major parties who often lie or use hyperbole.



Well SOB, Ron.  I can see why you thought that. I was involved in the conversation you and I were having, but I can see why you thought what you thought.  Makes sense because you are not as smart as you think you are and you look for every chance you can to deflect and steer a conversation away from exposing how stupid you actually are.  Keep insulting people because we all know that you can't back up your baseless claims.


And you've successfully dodged your baseless claims because you have no evidence to support anything you said.


ETA: I'm talking about your TGP fake news claim, just to clarify for you.

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Annnddd, Ron has disappeared (passed out probably).  Congrats, Ron for insulting every blue collar worker on this board as well as not being able to back up your accusations and baseless claims.  

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1 hour ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

Hmmm, was it a drug addict that sent that email?


Let's think for a moment.  Could drug addict son have been bsing people for money?


I don't like Biden.  If he was guilty, I'd be for locking him up.  But there'd be something by now.  And if that's all ya got ya got nothin.


That may be true for now.  I would think some of Hunter's stuff may be puffing. Not sure all of it is.  Are you? 


But if some Trump state DA gets a burr in his/her bonnet and gets help from the White House and maybe a high level Justice Department lawyer, who knows what they can cook up now that President Biden has opened the Pandora's box.  Throw in too that the Hunter laptop is now verified to be real and is fair game.  I think maybe there's something there. Not sure.  If Trump wins I'm sure we'll find out.


Of course there's also the sharing of classified documents with his ghost writer.  Maybe the current special prosecutor didn't bring charges but who's to say the next one won't?  

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2 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:


Yes you did.  Right here in my snapshot below that does not include your moron name, which is Roseanne.


Let me be a bit more serious for a second.  You may not realize this, but you are incredibly stupid.  While I may be at times eloquent, usually not true, I pretty much consider myself as just above average in intelligence.  I often offset my smart moments by incredibly dumb ones.  You though buddy, are maybe pushing a 90 IQ.  That's OK though.  We need people like you to fill gas tanks, move rocks from one place to another, crash test dummies.  All sorts of stuff.  You probably shouldn't talk about politics and current events though.  Because if you don't understand the intricacies of a message board, you probably don't understand the dynamics surrounding our two major parties who often lie or use hyperbole.



Hey, everyone, you are all beneath the mighty, rich, Ron.  


Ron, when are you going to provide proof about a fake news site with fake articles?  Why can't you do such a simple, mundane task?  We're still waiting.  Oh, that's right, because you can't.


Just so you know, Ron, we're talking about the the fake news site with fake articles that you can't provide any evidence for.  Just wanted to clarify so that you don't get confused again.  You know, the conversation/correspondence that you started but can't seem to finish.  By all means, deflect and call everyone stupid. We all know that's what you're going to do, lol.

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3 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:


Are you dreading this debate as much as I am?


I think it's going to be a national embarrassment.  On multiple levels.


Not sure "dreading" is the right word. I agree it will be an embarrassment.  Its already an embarrassment for a country with 350,000,000, these are best 2 people to lead us.  I really don't like either one of these guys.


However I suspect you and I watch politics differently.  I like to take the Molly Ivins approach.  Molly was an author who wrote about Texas politics 1987-2007.  She was also a columnist for the Dallas Morning News.  She was a lefty.  You'd like her.


Anyways, I saw her speak on the campus of my alma mater, North Texas State University or so it was called when I went there.  That night she said on the subject of congress/governors/etc, "you're paying for it so you might as well watch it and enjoy it.".   So taking that approach it should be entertaining to watch the 2 old fools gaffe and BS for 90 minutes.

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I know this is old news at this point, but it's worth pointing out how leftists have no conviction and follow what they are told to think.  Here is L Ron's hero Piers Morgan.  The comments on the vid are good as well.  



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