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The foundation under Dr. Fauci is starting to crack...

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47 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

So it’s kind of like science where the original hypothesis is incorrect so you adjust. Except unlike science Fauci had to deal with science and political pressures as well.


How many less deaths would there have been if Fauci said from day 1 it came from a Chinese lab? Is Paul’s (or insert random random name here’s) friend that died from COVID alive today if Fauci said China started the virus?


Fauci is a scientist that never in his life expected to be thrust in a political role. If we weren’t in the era of Trump his job wouldn’t have been a political role either.



Not exactly...the info, supposedly, has been around since the beginning of the pandemic, but had been downplayed by Fauci, and censored by big tech...millions of people have been either censored or banned from social media the passed year for even suggesting the things that now appear to be true...(This is why free speech is so important btw)...


So, it appears it wasn’t that Fauci was changing with new info, but rather that original info started leaking out, forcing Fauci to change position...


I think Fauci, trying to save face, is attempting to make it seem like he is adapting as new info comes out...But, I think, as we can see from the video, he keeps talking himself in circles...


This does not vindicate Trump’s failures in any way...but it does implicate Dr. Fauci, and potentially, the US government, along with the CCP...

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6 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

banned from social media the passed year for even suggesting the things that now appear to be true...(This is why free speech is so important

so you’re mad a business decides who can or cannot use their services? Isn’t that pretty socialist? You want the government to step in and say hey let these people spread their lies?


Fauci isn’t an elected official. He was handcuffed by Trump. I don’t see how anyone can be mad about the job he did. It sucks we had so many people die. We had people here think that people being depressed would lead to more deaths than the virus. They were/are dumbasses.


I think if anything this has setup the battle on climate change. We know now we have 30 percent of the US population that are idiots. We have several of them here. But now we know if you throw 500,000 deaths in their face they will still will ignore it.

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Interesting comments by former FDA Commissioner.  I personally made the mistake of assuming it came from a bat as those useless creatures were the origin of MERS and SARS. I'd like to hear from those people that were actually at that meeting. 


“I didn’t think there was anything remarkable in those emails. I don’t think there was anything that Tony said that expressed any ill intent, and nothing that was new,” Gottlieb replied, saying that there had always been two theories on the origins of the virus — a natural derivation or a leak from a lab — but that there had been little real evidence to support either one.


“We have other information now that fits into this picture. The science is one piece of information, but there is a lot of other information that points in the direction that this could have come out of a lab, that we need to have a broader view about the potential risk that this was a lab leak,” Gottlieb continued.


Dickerson pressed Gottlieb on that possibility, pointing out the fact that critics have claimed that Fauci had not been entirely forthcoming with regard to the idea that COVID-19 could have originated in a lab.


“Well, I was told at that time, back in the spring, that Dr. Fauci had gone over to a meeting of world health leaders in Europe and actually briefed them on the information that they were looking at, that this could have been a potential lab leak, that this strain looked unusual,” Gottlieb replied. “I think early on, when they looked at the strain, they had suspicions. And it takes time to do that analysis, and that dispelled some of those suspicions.”


Gottlieb concluded by saying that it was a mistake to only look at the virus from a scientific perspective.


“The broader issue is we look at these things through the lens of science, and not necessarily through the lens of national security,” Gottlieb said. “A scientific mindset looks at the virus and the virus’ behavior and draws a conclusion. A national security assessment looks at that and then looks at the behavior of the Chinese government, the behavior of the lab, other evidence around the lab, including the infections we now know took place, and that changes the overall assessment.”

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5 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:

so you’re mad a business decides who can or cannot use their services? Isn’t that pretty socialist? You want the government to step in and say hey let these people spread their lies?


Fauci isn’t an elected official. He was handcuffed by Trump. I don’t see how anyone can be mad about the job he did. It sucks we had so many people die. We had people here think that people being depressed would lead to more deaths than the virus. They were/are dumbasses.


I think if anything this has setup the battle on climate change. We know now we have 30 percent of the US population that are idiots. We have several of them here. But now we know if you throw 500,000 deaths in their face they will still will ignore it.

The issue with social media platforms is they are censoring and suppressing views that don't align with their personal social or political views which contradicts their code of conduct and service agreements with their customers.  And hiding behind special privileges the law grants them as "media" companies.  They can block and suspend the accounts of a former President but continue to allow groups like the Taliban and Iran's Revolutionary Guard to post comments and ideas about doing harm to American service personal and other issues.  So Facebook and Twitter are on board with the idea of killing American service personnel but not on board with the idea that COVID is of man made origin.  I suspect their "fact checkers" don't know more about things than you or I.  That's their scam.  


Fauci is hiding the details of the relationship of the NIH, his bag man EcoHealth, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  The idea the virus was engineered and escaped containment by infecting researchers due to insufficient safety protocols seems the most likely based on the evidence.  Now its just a matter of time before it all comes out as facts are made public.  I believe he's finished and the Biden administration will soon cut him loose to avoid any complicity. 

Update: And evidence and personal connections continue to be revealed which points to several key players inside the Biden Administration are "compromised" by contracts and associations with the CCP and the Chinese Military.  At a minimum they are national security threats.  Yet the MSM continues to ignore and brush off this story of the century.  Why?  What financial connections and associations are they hiding?  


Climate change?  Not sure how we got from here to there.  I don't have any disagreement with climate change and the impacts.  What I disagree with is the solution.  The idea that we are going to electrify all applications and uses of fossil fuels primarily through the use of solar panels, batteries, and wind turbines.  All without altering our living arrangements and standards of living while supporting 7+Billion humans as we go merrily into the future on some upward slope of social and technological advancement while consuming more and more energy.  The entire idea is a dangerous fantasy. 

We don't need to hear from politicians and so-called environmental activist.  We need to hear from engineers, physicists, and geologists because the resources needed to do this just don't exist on this planet.  All the minerals need to be found and mined and processed.  For example Lithium mining is water intensive.  In places with little water,  And fresh water is scarce.  Does the mineral even exist in the quantifies necessary?  And mining is energy intensive.   I say show us the numbers that support this solution because what I see is an unachievable solution that cannot support enough seats in lifeboat-Earth for all those 7 billion people much less support growth and progress in any way.   The plan of the Davos climate crowd is more for them and less of us "regular" people on the Earth.      




Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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5 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:

so you’re mad a business decides who can or cannot use their services? Isn’t that pretty socialist? You want the government to step in and say hey let these people spread their lies?


Fauci isn’t an elected official. He was handcuffed by Trump. I don’t see how anyone can be mad about the job he did. It sucks we had so many people die. We had people here think that people being depressed would lead to more deaths than the virus. They were/are dumbasses.


I think if anything this has setup the battle on climate change. We know now we have 30 percent of the US population that are idiots. We have several of them here. But now we know if you throw 500,000 deaths in their face they will still will ignore it.

The phone company is a business. Would you say the same when AT&T says you can’t watch the Bills games because they overheard you talking to someone  about Joe Biden?

Come on Man! 

Edited by SoCal Deek
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7 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:

so you’re mad a business decides who can or cannot use their services? Isn’t that pretty socialist? You want the government to step in and say hey let these people spread their lies?


Fauci isn’t an elected official. He was handcuffed by Trump. I don’t see how anyone can be mad about the job he did. It sucks we had so many people die. We had people here think that people being depressed would lead to more deaths than the virus. They were/are dumbasses.


I think if anything this has setup the battle on climate change. We know now we have 30 percent of the US population that are idiots. We have several of them here. But now we know if you throw 500,000 deaths in their face they will still will ignore it.


This is the meme that always comes to my mind when I hear crying low mentality lefties.

Edited by Unforgiven
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16 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:



That is the "approved" response.




‘I believe in science’ has turned into ‘Do not question authority’: EPIC thread embarrasses media and the Left for their obsessive slobbering over Fauci



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2 hours ago, B-Man said:


That is the "approved" response.




‘I believe in science’ has turned into ‘Do not question authority’: EPIC thread embarrasses media and the Left for their obsessive slobbering over Fauci



Sorry, but I slobber over no man...😉

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21 hours ago, B-Man said:


That is the "approved" response.




‘I believe in science’ has turned into ‘Do not question authority’: EPIC thread embarrasses media and the Left for their obsessive slobbering over Fauci



We might want to get an explanation why Biden canceled the State Departments Lab origin investigation shortly after he took office.  Was he directed to do this by his Chinese handlers?  


Why did he ignore this assessment from 2020? (requires WSJ subscription)


"According to the report, US allies have been providing evidence since the beginning of the pandemic. Australia, a member of the so-called Five Eyes partnership which also includes Britain, Canada and New Zealand, has strongly promoted the lab-leak theory. And while US intelligence agencies are reportedly coming together "around the two likely scenarios," a former State Department official says the evidence to support the natural origin theory is virtually non-existent."


"We were finding that despite the claims of our scientific community, including the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci's NIAID organization, there was almost no evidence that supported a natural, zoonotic evolution or source of COVID-19," said former State Department official David Asher in a statement to Fox News. "The data disproportionately stacked up as we investigated that it was coming out of a lab or some supernatural source."



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On 6/6/2021 at 7:41 PM, Backintheday544 said:

So it’s kind of like science where the original hypothesis is incorrect so you adjust. Except unlike science Fauci had to deal with science and political pressures as well.


How many less deaths would there have been if Fauci said from day 1 it came from a Chinese lab? Is Paul’s (or insert random random name here’s) friend that died from COVID alive today if Fauci said China started the virus?


Fauci is a scientist that never in his life expected to be thrust in a political role. If we weren’t in the era of Trump his job wouldn’t have been a political role either.



You have several misconceptions based because you don't realize how much the press worries more about the narrative than facts.

Fauci is a politician first and a scientist second and that has been true for at least a decade. He has legitimate credentials but his actions have been political for a long time. Second the "natural creation" theory was a political decision because there still is no evidence it was natural and he knew we were running Sars testing in that lab and it had a history of leaks and problems. No rationale person takes all the available info last March and says that it is most likely natural much less state it is a conspiracy theory and debunked to state it started in the lab. Lastly, and this is speculation, if we admitted it started in a lab and we forced China to give up all of the known info so we were starting a good position on the vaccine. I actually want to make it clear your statements here are well thought out but I think you believe the media wants facts not narrative.

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33 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

You have several misconceptions based because you don't realize how much the press worries more about the narrative than facts.

Fauci is a politician first and a scientist second and that has been true for at least a decade. He has legitimate credentials but his actions have been political for a long time. Second the "natural creation" theory was a political decision because there still is no evidence it was natural and he knew we were running Sars testing in that lab and it had a history of leaks and problems. No rationale person takes all the available info last March and says that it is most likely natural much less state it is a conspiracy theory and debunked to state it started in the lab. Lastly, and this is speculation, if we admitted it started in a lab and we forced China to give up all of the known info so we were starting a good position on the vaccine. I actually want to make it clear your statements here are well thought out but I think you believe the media wants facts not narrative.

The big worry of governments, in this case China and the U.S., is what if the lab origin theory proves to be true?  And the virus was engineered in the Wuhan lab with an assist from the US NIH.  And lax safety protocols caused 3 scientists that reported COVID like symptoms and went to the hospital in November 2020 to become infected.  And then the virus spread from there with the knowledge of the Chinese government and some elements inside the US government and the scientific community.  And its revealed a lot of people knew this to be true but worked to suppress the story out of self-interest?


So what now?  Are we going to attack China?  Are they going to admit guilt?  Are elements inside the US government and scientific community going to be arrested, tried, and convicted of some series of crimes and locked up for 20 to 30?  Is China going to pay restitution?  Will they be isolated?  


The lab theory was suppressed and discredited because governments just don't want to deal with the undesirable consequences that will come to bear if it is proven to be true.  They would rather just pass it off as some natural mutation and go on their merry way.  And let it fade into memory as time passes. 

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3 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

The big worry of governments, in this case China and the U.S., is what if the lab origin theory proves to be true?  And the virus was engineered in the Wuhan lab with an assist from the US NIH.  And lax safety protocols caused 3 scientists that reported COVID like symptoms and went to the hospital in November 2020 to become infected.  And then the virus spread from there with the knowledge of the Chinese government and some elements inside the US government and the scientific community.  And its revealed a lot of people knew this to be true but worked to suppress the story out of self-interest?


So what now?  Are we going to attack China?  Are they going to admit guilt?  Are elements inside the US government and scientific community going to be arrested, tried, and convicted of some series of crimes and locked up for 20 to 30?  Is China going to pay restitution?  Will they be isolated?  


The lab theory was suppressed and discredited because governments just don't want to deal with the undesirable consequences that will come to bear if it is proven to be true.  They would rather just pass it off as some natural mutation and go on their merry way.  And let it fade into memory as time passes. 

I think this is most likely the case at this point, that we are partially responsible, and if that is true Fauci himself is personally responsible. Which would make his "hero" round of time especially disgusting. 

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1 hour ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

The big worry of governments, in this case China and the U.S., is what if the lab origin theory proves to be true?  And the virus was engineered in the Wuhan lab with an assist from the US NIH.  And lax safety protocols caused 3 scientists that reported COVID like symptoms and went to the hospital in November 2020 to become infected.  And then the virus spread from there with the knowledge of the Chinese government and some elements inside the US government and the scientific community.  And its revealed a lot of people knew this to be true but worked to suppress the story out of self-interest?


So what now?  Are we going to attack China?  Are they going to admit guilt?  Are elements inside the US government and scientific community going to be arrested, tried, and convicted of some series of crimes and locked up for 20 to 30?  Is China going to pay restitution?  Will they be isolated?  


The lab theory was suppressed and discredited because governments just don't want to deal with the undesirable consequences that will come to bear if it is proven to be true.  They would rather just pass it off as some natural mutation and go on their merry way.  And let it fade into memory as time passes. 


I'd place less blame on Fauci wanting to fund GOF research and the most on China, who let it get out and then lied to and obstructed the world from protecting itself, while protecting themselves.  The more that's made known to the world, the more the world can seek to exert pressure on China to straighten TF up/demand restitution. 


As for Fauci, forgetting GOF funding, he's been a disaster from the start.  But he's been insulated from criticism, undeservedly.

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