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As far as I'm concerned, TD had a playoff team

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This pretty much echoes my take on TD.  However, after doing the following exercise those griping about TD also seem to have a legit argument......


NFL teams that have not appeared in the playoffs, 2000 to present (TD's tenure):










That's some sorry company.  :lol:


Yeah, and if we played in any other division other than the class of the NFL over the past 4 years we probably wouldn't be on that list.

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This thread has really gotten me to thinking when will I be so pissed at TD that I want him gone.  He has done many good things for us and some bad all of which are debated above.  Please remember that he is also President, so in reality, I don't think what we the fans think about TD matters one whit to Wilson.


I do not expect to make the playoffs this year.  I think that will be too difficult with a 1st year starter (I know the whole Big Ben scenario from last year, so I know its not impossible, its just improbable).  So unless this team drops back to 3-13 or 2-14 or just something horrendous like that, I would give this year a pass.  But looking ahead to 2006, I not only expect to make the playoffs, but I fully expect to be a competitor for the SB.  That means either a Division title or a very close record to whoever wins the AFC East.  And if we go in as a Wild Card, a decisive win in that game.


With one year with JP starting and if the defense still remains among the best (and it should), this team will have absolutely no excuse in 2006.


Basically, I'm giving TD a pass this year.  The coaching staff looks like it is going to be a good one.  We have the players, the only question is at the most important position on the team.  Since we did not do a whole lot with the OLine, I'm putting all blame on the OLine on the coaches, its obvious they feel we have the talent to put together a decent Line.


I think this year we start out slow as JP and the OLine get up to speed, 3-5 in the beginning, but finish strong at 6-2 to finish up with a 9-7 record, missing the playoffs.


I put more value in the play of Pat Williams than you do. I think the defense may take a step back this year. I also was not encouraged by the way the defense didn't seem to be able to come up with a stop when we needed it late in the fourth. That problem started with Jacksonville on opening day and reared its ugly head again against the Steelers. As for the offense, the line will remain its achilles heel. No offense has yet been devised, no matter how mobile the QB is, that can score points consistently without blocking. Its like thinking your defense can work without tackling just because its nimble.


Of course, I'm a pessimist. We won't know diddly until they take the field and that isn't until freaking August. I'll never make it.

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Too busy banging Mrs. Mickey (if there is a Mrs. Mickey, being such a miserable old bastard probably means you live alone). Fug that, my kid is obviously smarter than you and knows it's all about defense, and will have a poster of Takeo on the wall.


I'm guessing your Viagra shipment came in early this month?

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From an owner's perspective, maybe. From a fan's perspective, his ONLY job is to build a team that wins. And so far, he hasn't done that. Can we see a miracle season this year, sure we could. But we could just as easily see another 6-10.


Given the team's performeance in the recent past (8-8 to 6-10) I think this is definitely possible. Don't want to see that happen, mind you. Want to see the Bills go 14-2, sew up home field throughout and win a SB. But I have to be realistic.




No, Joe, you do not have to be "realistic," whatever that means. It's a game, a fantasy, a form of entertainment that we find especially heart rending because we choose to. Hope, enjoy, celebrate, those are the things people should do. Keerist, save realism for the world's real problems. Why go looking for reasons to be unhappy?

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No, Joe, you do not have to be "realistic," whatever that means. It's a game, a fantasy, a form of entertainment that we find especially heart rending because we choose to. Hope, enjoy, celebrate, those are the things people should do. Keerist, save realism for the world's real problems. Why go looking for reasons to be unhappy?



Whoo hoo! Killed another thread!


*Self high five*


Carry on!

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No, Joe, you do not have to be "realistic," whatever that means. It's a game, a fantasy, a form of entertainment that we find especially heart rending because we choose to. Hope, enjoy, celebrate, those are the things people should do. Keerist, save realism for the world's real problems. Why go looking for reasons to be unhappy?




Well put.

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Yeah, and if we played in any other division other than the class of the NFL over the past 4 years we probably wouldn't be on that list.






It seems to me that the 3-13 2001 team and the 6-10 2003 teams were clearly just not playoff teams. Its hard to see either of those teams winning even last season's NFC West.


There might be a slight case in regards to the 8-8 2002 team, but that year also got four games against the eventual Top 4 pickers in the NFL draft following the season. That's a very favorable schedule draw, and as we all remember, the wheels really began falling off the offense in the latter half of that season.


And as for last season's team - well, I've already expressed my opinion on that.


So color me unconvinced.



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No, Joe, you do not have to be "realistic," whatever that means. It's a game, a fantasy, a form of entertainment that we find especially heart rending because we choose to. Hope, enjoy, celebrate, those are the things people should do. Keerist, save realism for the world's real problems. Why go looking for reasons to be unhappy?



Because....if one keeps a realistic outlook on this team they're less likely to get burned, that's why. As a fanatic, I invest a LOT of emotion into the Bills. Time, money and emotion. When they get close only to choke in the end, well, that just blows. I'd rather have a negative feeling about them up front and be moderately suprised if they do well than to be overly optimistic and watch them fail painfully.


Ya dig?

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Because....if one keeps a realistic outlook on this team they're less likely to get burned, that's why. As a fanatic, I invest a LOT of emotion into the Bills. Time, money and emotion. When they get close only to choke in the end, well, that just blows. I'd rather have a negative feeling about them up front and be moderately suprised if they do well than to be overly optimistic and watch them fail painfully.


Ya dig?



I'm not sure if this is allowed any more Joe, but I will let ya know as soon as I find out.

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I'm not sure if this is allowed any more Joe, but I will let ya know as soon as I find out.





Color me retarded, but I completely do not understand this post. Little foggy this AM.

Lemme go get some coffee, then try rereading. :lol:

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I think he was alluding to the new "kinder and gentler" TBD. But what do I know I' always foggy :lol:



Actually, I prefer the "kinder and gentler" thing. It just seems that lately, to even question the greatness of any player, TD, or even a draft pick equals blasphemy.

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Actually, I prefer the "kinder and gentler" thing. It just seems that lately, to even question the greatness of any player, TD, or even a draft pick equals blasphemy.


Hard to believe we are all fans of the same team the way people come after you personally for daring to suggest that Joe Blow should be starting instead of Joe Schmo or that TD should have drafted the big, fat, strong guy from Texas instead of the big, fat, strong guy from Ohio.


Some people can express a difference of opinion without resorting to personal insults, others just have to demonstrate to themselves how clever and brave they are by insulting a stranger they will never have to see face to face. Frankly, with some people they are never more proud of themselves than when they have achieved new levels of abrasive, insulting and boorish behaviour. Kind of like the guy who farts in a crowd and then smiles.

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<puts on rose colored glasses and drinks the kool-aid>


16-0 and a SB victory. WOOHOO!!!!


<takes off rose colored glasses>

My mind doesn't allow for such nonsense, but that perfectly sums up where my heart lies - every year. Of course, my heart would have me out buying lottery tickets before each drawing, too.

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Because....if one keeps a realistic outlook on this team they're less likely to get burned, that's why. As a fanatic, I invest a LOT of emotion into the Bills. Time, money and emotion. When they get close only to choke in the end, well, that just blows. I'd rather have a negative feeling about them up front and be moderately suprised if they do well than to be overly optimistic and watch them fail painfully.


Ya dig?




I understand your point, Joe, but I do not share that point of view. It sounds so self-defeating to be depressed before you need to be. The pain of losing is awful, I know, even out of proportion to the investment in time and money. But the emotional pain is monopoly money compared to real concerns, don't you think? The dollars one spends, well, that's our choice, and it's a lot more exhilirating to attend a Bills game than to go to the movies five times.


I do not want to belittle anyone's fan-ness, especially someone as passionate as you obviously are. I just want to encourage you and all of the other pre-emptive depressives to lighten up. Why be afraid of being disappointed about a football team? To choose to be depressed now (and encourage others to be depressed) so that one will not be depressed later because one does not like being depressed seems awfully convoluted to me.


Go Bills!

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Because....if one keeps a realistic outlook on this team they're less likely to get burned, that's why. As a fanatic, I invest a LOT of emotion into the Bills. Time, money and emotion. When they get close only to choke in the end, well, that just blows. I'd rather have a negative feeling about them up front and be moderately suprised if they do well than to be overly optimistic and watch them fail painfully.


Ya dig?



wow. i can't disagree with that philosophy strongly enough. life's too short, man.

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All righty, I guess it's pom-pom time for me! :lol:



jsp, if you've read any of my stuff, you know i don't blindly support every move the bills make. are my thoughts sprinkled with a healthy dose of optimism? of course.


it just kills me to see so many people have such negative attitudes.


if you need a pom-pom, let me know -- i'll send you a few. :lol:

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