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TD comes to my house in the middle of the night and throws extra fertilizer on my lawn, causing it to grow at an alarming rate! :D



;);)0:) ...too true!


TD invented HotPockets.


TD caused the new season of Chapelle's Show to be delayed again! That BASTARD!


TD just called me and said he "needed to borrow about tree-fitty" I said "I ain't giving you no tree-fitty you goddamn TD! Get your own goddamn money!"

TD just called me and said he "needed to borrow about tree-fitty" I said "I ain't giving you no tree-fitty you goddamn TD! Get your own goddamn money!"



she said "about tree-fitty"...and about that time i realized that this girl scout was about 6 feet tall with white hair...and i said dammit that aint no damn girl scout, its that damn Tom Donahoe...

Damn TD and his writing of those damn filthy lyrics in louie, louie...




TD plans to bite Liam Ezekial before every game.....


TD stands around at intersections on street corners and calls people on their cell phones in their cars while they're in the left turn lane and demands that they not go through the yellow light when right behind them you were, without question, going to run the red.

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