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  LanaK6 said:
Sorry LA    :blink:


Oh, sure. You see the Fabio connection and BAM...you're apologizing. :angry:


Did you know that TD hit Fabio in the face with a bird once?

  LABillzFan said:
Oh, sure. You see the Fabio connection and BAM...you're apologizing. :blink:


Did you know that TD hit Fabio in the face with a bird once?



It had nothing to do with the Fabio connection. :angry:


Good for TD!

  Campy said:
There were so many threads started blaming Donahoe (we refer to him as 'TD') for:

-making bad hiring decisions

-bonehead plays at the worse possible moment by decent players

-poor draft picks

-bad free agent signings



Many of us decided to take it a step further and see what else was "evil" Tom Donahoe's fault.  It is 100% tongue-in-cheek. :blink:



Lana, this is TOTAL Bulls#it. This is a bogus explanation of the meaning of this thread. My guess is TD made him give you this reply. (Or, perhaps Campy really is TD.)


I'd love to tell you what this thread's really about, but TD won't let me. That bastard!

  udonkey said:
TD baptised me in the river.  Now how could the Son of Satan do that?



I think he left you under too long.

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