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Why don’t liberals know what conservatives believe?


Take two recent tweets by prominent liberal writers, the first by Princeton-educated Julia Ioffe, who has done work for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and many other liberal outlets. Last week, Ioffe tweeted, “If you are anti-choice and you want to make sure women carry every pregnancy to term, why not make the person who created the pregnancy contribute? Why not have men pay child support to the women they impregnate? Surely, it is not the woman’s responsibility alone?”


Leaving aside Ioffe’s use of “anti-choice” to describe pro-life conservatives for a moment, Ioffe doesn’t seem to be aware that every state in the union already has laws that force men to pay child support to the women who give birth to their children. But let’s be generous and assume she just meant that this obligation should extend to the mother’s pregnancy as well — and not just post-birth expenses.


Even then, anyone with even a passing familiarity with the pro-life movement would know that conservatives are perfectly fine with forcing men to pay for the pregnancies of women they impregnate. In fact, the state of Utah, a deep-red state with a Republican Legislature and Republican governor, passed a law doing exactly that earlier this year! Yet Ioffe is completely clueless about this conservative viewpoint.



Moving to the second tweet, University of North Carolina-educated Nikole Hannah-Jones of 1619 Project fame wrote last week, “Why do ‘school choice’ advocates never advocate eliminating school district boundaries/funding schools by local property tax and allowing poor, Black students to attend white, wealthy schools in neighboring municipalities? They don’t really want choice, just privatization.”


As Hannah-Jones would have quickly discovered if she bothered to read the replies to her tweet, many conservatives have advocated for this policy for years. The Heritage Foundation even recently published a paper on exactly this topic. Yet Hannah-Jones is completely clueless about this conservative viewpoint.


Ioffe and Hannah-Jones are far from outlier cases. A 2018 study asked 2,100 adults to identify what they believed about a wide range of political issues and then asked them to estimate what people in the other political party believed about those same issues.


The study found that centrists and those not interested in politics did much better at estimating what the other party believed than politically involved partisans. But while a person’s level of education made no difference when Republicans estimated what Democrats believe, the more time Democrats spent in school, the worse they did at identifying what Republicans believed. Democrats with a high school degree did worse than those without. Democrats with a college degree did worse than high school graduates. And Democrats with a graduate degree did worst of all.


It seems that the longer liberals stay walled off in communities dominated by their own kind, which is exactly what higher education has become, the worse they are at understanding and empathizing with those who hold other views.


More at the link:  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/why-dont-liberals-know-what-conservatives-believe



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1 minute ago, JaCrispy said:

Pathetic to celebrate Christmas?

Goodfellas GIF

The non existent “war” on Christmas is pathetic - and of course the GQP will use the religious right to divide instead of unite.


And your response is just as pathetic.


Lacking attention?


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5 minutes ago, BillStime said:

The non existent “war” on Christmas is pathetic - and of course the GQP will use the religious right to divide instead of unite.


And your response is just as pathetic.


Lacking attention?


Not at all, my friend...I simply posted Ray Liotta laughing in your face, for thinking that celebrating Christmas was pathetic...you must be the life of the party during the holidays...😉

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Just now, BillStime said:


Sure. Keep supporting the cult.

Your rhetoric is very cultish and irrational...I support common sense- not blindly following an ideology...


Trump was far from my ideal president...but at least it seemed like he had some common sense with some of his policies- something, I pray to God, that Biden finds before it’s too late...

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3 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

Your rhetoric is very cultish and irrational...I support common sense- not blindly following an ideology...


Trump was far from my ideal president...but at least it seemed like he had some common sense with some of his policies- something, I pray to God, that Biden finds before it’s too late...


Donald Trump and COMMON SENSE in the same sentence??? Are you kidding?

  • Trump discriminating against transgendered patriots and kicking these human beings, Americans - out of our military - made real sense.
  • Trump defending Putin multiple times made - yep, total sense.
  • Trump visited his properties 547 times and golfed 331 times during his presidency - makes total sense.
  • Pissing all over the constitution and his oath multiple times screams common sense
  • Trump believes he has the power to do what he wants, regardless of the United States Constitution, Congress or the courts. Doesn't Trump have ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY like he claims?  Yea, that makes total sense coming from the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
  • Trump calling Republican state officials begging them to find X amount of votes in 2020 was totally legal and yes, made sense.
  • Trump saying he is "proud to have that German blood — there’s no question about it” - claiming his genetic superiority and "winning genes" - and his non stop scapegoating of immigrants - makes total sense

You (or anyone) supporting Donald Trump makes no sense and yes, you are in a CULT.



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44 minutes ago, BillStime said:


Donald Trump and COMMON SENSE in the same sentence??? Are you kidding?

  • Trump discriminating against transgendered patriots and kicking these human beings, Americans - out of our military - made real sense.
  • Trump defending Putin multiple times made - yep, total sense.
  • Trump visited his properties 547 times and golfed 331 times during his presidency - makes total sense.
  • Pissing all over the constitution and his oath multiple times screams common sense
  • Trump believes he has the power to do what he wants, regardless of the United States Constitution, Congress or the courts. Doesn't Trump have ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY like he claims?  Yea, that makes total sense coming from the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
  • Trump calling Republican state officials begging them to find X amount of votes in 2020 was totally legal and yes, made sense.
  • Trump saying he is "proud to have that German blood — there’s no question about it” - claiming his genetic superiority and "winning genes" - and his non stop scapegoating of immigrants - makes total sense

You (or anyone) supporting Donald Trump makes no sense and yes, you are in a CULT.



Easy, BillStime...you’re nostrils are flaring...🤣🤣🤣


You really must learn to govern your passions...your reaction is pure unbridled emotion, and it is causing you to interpret my post with what you want it to say instead of what it actually does...so allow me to remind you...


”Trump was far from my ideal president...he had some common sense with some of his policies...”


It’s not thinking he’s the messiah...It’s not thinking he’s the greatest president ever...but it’s also not thinking he’s Hitler...What it is, is actually a fairly moderate and reasonable statement that isn’t extreme on either side...And if you can’t understand that, then maybe it’s you that’s in a cult, my friend...


Just because someone may not agree with you 100%, doesn’t make them a Nazi...try not being so extreme...👍

Edited by JaCrispy
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22 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

Easy, BillStime...you’re nostrils are flaring...🤣🤣🤣


You really must learn to govern your passions...your reaction is pure unbridled emotion, and it is causing you to interpret my post with what you want it to say instead of what it actually does...so allow me to remind you...


”Trump was far from my ideal president...he had some common sense with some of his policies...”


It’s not thinking he’s the messiah...It’s not thinking he’s the greatest president ever...but it’s also not thinking he’s Hitler...What it is, is actually a fairly moderate and reasonable statement that isn’t extreme on either side...And if you can’t understand that, then maybe it’s you that’s in a cult, my friend...


Just because someone may not agree with you 100%, doesn’t make them a Nazi...try not being so extreme...👍


Fair enough

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Quick reminder:


  • Individual Freedom. The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual,God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion. ...
  • Limited Government. ...
  • The Rule of Law. ...
  • Peace through Strength. ...
  • Fiscal Responsibility. ...
  • Free Markets. ...
  • Human Dignity.


This is what conservatives fight for.


Now God knows there are plenty of examples in the past where the (so-called) leaders have failed at these.

(see limited government and fiscal responsibility) 


But these are the basis of the Average Americans belief.........


despite whatever extremist nonsense our left-leaning friends here think that they know about the Right.






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