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48 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


You're right they dont call him demented. They use code words like blaming it on his life long stutter instead.




This is the crap we get from the media that you swallow deep.



Statistically he has about a 30% chance of dementia by 86. But that’s not the point Candace scumbag lied again and you cited it like a participation trophy

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10 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

Statistically he has about a 30% chance of dementia by 86. But that’s not the point Candace scumbag lied again and you cited it like a participation trophy


Really, statistically?


What are the chances that he has dementia by 86 if he already has it now, doc?


TDS is a powerful affliction.  Seek help.

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22 hours ago, Chris farley said:

why is it lefties seem to be hyper fascinated with people's genitalia?


its just strange



They should ask Billsy.

Edited by Wacka
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1 hour ago, BillsFanNC said:


You're right they dont call him demented. They use code words like blaming it on his life long stutter instead.




This is the crap we get from the media that you swallow deep.



Biden Derangement Syndrome is sad. Heard it’s treatable by going outside, though. 

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7 hours ago, redtail hawk said:

"some are more equal than others".  You are lumping all journalists in Carlson's camp.  This is disingenuous and untrue.  There are some on the other side using similar tactics.  but even they use kernels of facts to advance their narratives.  read the linked NPR piece about the court case. Fox recently cut their research personnel by 75%. He (and they) don't even pretend he's telling the truth.  He explicitly denies it.  It's who he is and he admits it but only in a courtroom. on the spectrum, he's the extreme.  but glad to see you've admitted that he's paid so well because he's such a good little propagandist.

I think you're struggling with a perception issue as it relates to my thoughts on Carlson v those you refer to as "all journalists".  First, TC isn't a journalist, he's a talk show host.  My expectations in that realm, be it TC, Rachel Maddow, any number of PBS hosts and/or radio personalities, isn't all that high. I don't expect much, don't listen much, don't really care all that much.   There was a time when I listened more, but it all sorta seems pointless to me these days. 


On the other hand, journalists--supposedly fiercely independent seekers or truth---I expect they'll run a fair game and call things straight, or did before I realized they simply cannot be trusted to do that.  I think most have become activists for a cause, relying on the age-old adage that democracy dies in darkness.  Simply put...there are too many miscues, too much circular reporting, too much deciding on what news should be shared v what should be kept from view, and a whole dose of reporting from sources deep within and highly placed anonymous sourcing that turns out to be flatly and irrefutably wrong. 


As for being being disingenuous, brother, you're linking Russian State TV as a credible source of information.  I can't keep up with you chicken hawks...Putin is controlling Trump, Trump is in Putin's pocket, Putin waited to launch his invasion of Ukraine under Biden because Trump was once President, and now "Gee Look Putin TV speaks The Truth!".    


Meanwhile, you employ the strategy that your liars are better than my liars when it comes to politicians and democrats. That's fine, it just reveals that politically, you're pretty much full of &^%$.   You want what you want, ignore the warts that come along with getting what you want---and your bias--known or unknown---drives you to hypocrisy.  It happens. 

57 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

Statistically he has about a 30% chance of dementia by 86. But that’s not the point Candace scumbag lied again and you cited it like a participation trophy

On at least one day, he thought his son died in Iraq.  That's a pretty big miss, and the sort of thing usually associated with dementia or Alzheimers.   While I'm no fan of Biden, that's a pretty sad thing to see happen to a man. 

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5 hours ago, redtail hawk said:

I have been an expert medical witness multiple times.  I also fought (and won) 2 malpractice cases.  so there's that

And you say your lawyer did a lot of talking during your deposition? My experience has been the exact opposite.  

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1 hour ago, BillsFanNC said:


Really, statistically?


What are the chances that he has dementia by 86 if he already has it now, doc?


TDS is a powerful affliction.  Seek help.

Statistically speaking, while I'm not sure of the exact breakdown, if you take the % of 80 year olds with dementia that still have it at 86, and add it to the % of 80 year olds with dementia that died before reaching 86, you will come up with 100%. Or was this a rhetorical question?

Edited by Steve O
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4 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

resolved:Tucker Carlson is a liar and is paid by Fox to lie..  We have 3 board members that have agreed.  Anyone else?  B word?  El cid?  wny?  If we are in agreement, it would be wise to put this thread to bed and ignore anything he says.


Now does Joe Biden suffer from dementia or are you just lying to yourself?

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1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

I think you're struggling with a perception issue as it relates to my thoughts on Carlson v those you refer to as "all journalists".  First, TC isn't a journalist, he's a talk show host.  My expectations in that realm, be it TC, Rachel Maddow, any number of PBS hosts and/or radio personalities, isn't all that high. I don't expect much, don't listen much, don't really care all that much.   There was a time when I listened more, but it all sorta seems pointless to me these days. 


On the other hand, journalists--supposedly fiercely independent seekers or truth---I expect they'll run a fair game and call things straight, or did before I realized they simply cannot be trusted to do that.  I think most have become activists for a cause, relying on the age-old adage that democracy dies in darkness.  Simply put...there are too many miscues, too much circular reporting, too much deciding on what news should be shared v what should be kept from view, and a whole dose of reporting from sources deep within and highly placed anonymous sourcing that turns out to be flatly and irrefutably wrong. 


As for being being disingenuous, brother, you're linking Russian State TV as a credible source of information.  I can't keep up with you chicken hawks...Putin is controlling Trump, Trump is in Putin's pocket, Putin waited to launch his invasion of Ukraine under Biden because Trump was once President, and now "Gee Look Putin TV speaks The Truth!".    


Meanwhile, you employ the strategy that your liars are better than my liars when it comes to politicians and democrats. That's fine, it just reveals that politically, you're pretty much full of &^%$.   You want what you want, ignore the warts that come along with getting what you want---and your bias--known or unknown---drives you to hypocrisy.  It happens. 

On at least one day, he thought his son died in Iraq.  That's a pretty big miss, and the sort of thing usually associated with dementia or Alzheimers.   While I'm no fan of Biden, that's a pretty sad thing to see happen to a man. 

I linked Russian TV to illustrate their fondness for Carlson.

5 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


Let's get this straight. Do you think that Joe Biden suffers from any cognitive decline at all?


What resolution?



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Ahhh ok so we're in another @redtail hawk clown world deflection thread. 


A world in which he believes that the current state of  Joe Biden's grey matter isn't porridge. 


So since this thread has devolved to that level of deranged denial.


Tucker Carlson is the oracle of all truth. He is not to be questioned. Period. 

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34 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

Ahhh ok so we're in another @redtail hawk clown world deflection thread. 


A world in which he believes that the current state of  Joe Biden's grey matter isn't porridge. 


So since this thread has devolved to that level of deranged denial.


Tucker Carslson is the oracle of all truth. He is not to be questioned. Period. 

yes, I had to check too:  

Is Stupider (Stupidest) a Word?

Marko Ticak


Stupider is the comparative form of the adjective stupid. Because stupid is a two-syllable word, its comparative form can be created either by adding the suffix “-er” or by using more.

The same goes for the superlative form of stupid. It can be either the stupidest or the most stupid.

Stupid and its related word forms are considered very rude and insulting in some situations. These terms should always be avoided in formal and professional settings.


dumb is one syllable.  therefore dumber is incorrect.  smart dog.

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Just a reminder that Tucker Carlson is solely interested in playing to lemmings his viewers, much like a professional wrestler. Nobody really thinks its real...right?




"Bloviating for the Audience"


Back in 2018, Tucker Carlson told his viewers that Karen McDougal's claim “sounds like a classic case of extortion." This was part of a broader discussion defending President Trump from accusations that he violated campaign finance laws in spending money to keep affairs with two women quiet. Michael Cohen was convicted on charges related to these events and is currently serving out the remainder of his term in home confinement.


According to Judge Vyskocil, “Fox persuasively argues . . . that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer (besides @B-Man)  arrives with an appropriate amount of skepticism about the statements he makes." She doesn't stop there, writing that “[w]hether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as exaggeration, non-literal commentary, or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable."


Judge Vyskocil also pointed out that Carlson said “sounds like" prior to saying the word extortion, which “would put any reasonable viewer on notice that Carlson himself doubts the veracity of the source of these statements and that the listener should as well (unless that listener is @B-Man." President Trump appointed Judge Vyskocil to the bench in 2019.

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4 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

yes, I had to check too:  

Is Stupider (Stupidest) a Word?

Marko Ticak


Stupider is the comparative form of the adjective stupid. Because stupid is a two-syllable word, its comparative form can be created either by adding the suffix “-er” or by using more.

The same goes for the superlative form of stupid. It can be either the stupidest or the most stupid.

Stupid and its related word forms are considered very rude and insulting in some situations. These terms should always be avoided in formal and professional settings.


I get it man. The sky is green.

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7 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


I get it man. The sky is green.

u missed the point again.  borders are extremely intelligent.

8 minutes ago, Gene Frenkle said:

Just a reminder that Tucker Carlson is solely interested in playing to lemmings his viewers, much like a professional wrestler. Nobody really thinks its real...right?




"Bloviating for the Audience"


Back in 2018, Tucker Carlson told his viewers that Karen McDougal's claim “sounds like a classic case of extortion." This was part of a broader discussion defending President Trump from accusations that he violated campaign finance laws in spending money to keep affairs with two women quiet. Michael Cohen was convicted on charges related to these events and is currently serving out the remainder of his term in home confinement.


According to Judge Vyskocil, “Fox persuasively argues . . . that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer (besides @B-Man)  arrives with an appropriate amount of skepticism about the statements he makes." She doesn't stop there, writing that “[w]hether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as exaggeration, non-literal commentary, or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable."


Judge Vyskocil also pointed out that Carlson said “sounds like" prior to saying the word extortion, which “would put any reasonable viewer on notice that Carlson himself doubts the veracity of the source of these statements and that the listener should as well (unless that listener is @B-Man." President Trump appointed Judge Vyskocil to the bench in 2019.

so the resolution is now adopted by 4 board members. NC is the sole No.

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5 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

u missed the point again.  borders are extremely intelligent.

so the resolution is now adopted by 4 board members. NC is the sole No.


And chigoose and redtail have thrown in with billstime and tiberius in attempting to argue, with a straight face, that President Biden isn't cognitively impaired. 


The sky is green.


In that world the Carlson's, Lemon's and Maddow's of the world also are to be trusted completely. 


It is settled.



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25 minutes ago, Gene Frenkle said:



According to Judge Vyskocil, “Fox persuasively argues . . . that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer (besides @B-Man)  arrives with an appropriate amount of skepticism about the statements he makes." She doesn't stop there, writing that “[w]hether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as exaggeration, non-literal commentary, or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable."




So Tucker Carlson didn't claim that over 50% of what he said was a lie..(As claimed by @ chickenHawk)


Thanks gene, I appreciate the confirmation.



Edited by B-Man
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