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I am actually torn about this. On one hand I don't think our flag should be changed in anyway that does not represent us all. But then I realize that we are playing in Qatar and this will likely piss them off nicely. So while I wish we did it differently I am glad we are standing up for actual oppressed people. 


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Found this anonymous post on another forum, this sums it up best:


"It a shame and a mystery why so many people prefer high inflation, high gas prices, high crime, low GDP, a crumbling housing market, a crumbling stock market, a flood of illegal aliens stealing their tax money, an increased threat of nuclear war, censorship, a dumbing down of the education system and indoctrination of their children to perverse ideologies. If voters used logic and knowledge exclusively, the House would be 435-0."


Apparently there are a lot more American hating,  communist thirsty dummies than we imagined indeed.

Then again the dummy war cry is NO TRUMP THOUGH. Sums up the mentality perfectly. 

Edited by Albwan
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