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Fulfilling a Promise But Was There a Plan .

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4 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Wasn't it supposed to stop all those brown people Doc? 


No, walls don’t work. 

Dude even the threat of a wall worked.  Look at what’s happening today. Just the change in the guard has created this mess.  

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1 minute ago, Chef Jim said:

Dude even the threat of a wall worked.  Look at what’s happening today. Just the change in the guard has created this mess.  

How so? How did the threat work?


Why aren’t we addressing the problem at the source?

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46 minutes ago, BillStime said:

How so? How did the threat work?


Why aren’t we addressing the problem at the source?


How didn't it work?  Why is there suddenly a crisis at the border now that Joey is President with the wall unchanged from when Trump left office?


And how do you propose addressing the problem at the source?  How do you make other countries better so that people aren't looking to leave in droves?

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48 minutes ago, BillStime said:

How so? How did the threat work?


Why aren’t we addressing the problem at the source?


Well let's think about this.  Trump threatens to build a wall.  Border traffic drops.  Biden threatens to open the borders and we have this?  I know logic isn't your strong suit but think about it. 


And we were addressing the problem  but for some reason liberals like importing it here.  



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4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


Well let's think about this.  Trump threatens to build a wall.  Border traffic drops.  Biden threatens to open the borders and we have this?  I know logic isn't your strong suit but think about it. 


And we were addressing the problem  but for some reason liberals like importing it here.  



So you think people stopped coming when Trump was POTUS?  Or were the real numbers not reported? 

I mean, Fox like news sources would NEVER paint anything Trump did or did not do in negative light - right?



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4 minutes ago, BillStime said:

So you think people stopped coming when Trump was POTUS?  Or were the real numbers not reported? 

I mean, Fox like news sources would NEVER paint anything Trump did or did not do in negative light - right?



Yes!!  I think people stopped coming under Trump.  🙄

Lets recap.  The majority of the media the last 4 year?  Was it pro or anti Trump?  🤔. I’m pretty sure it was mostly anti. If there was ANY border issues caused by that brown people hating orange man do you think it would have been reported?  I’m thinking yes.   So if the numbers were not truly down I’m pretty sure CNN WAPO MSNBC or the NYT would have reported it no?


So do some research. Find your REAL numbers. They should be out there. 



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10 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

Yes!!  I think people stopped coming under Trump.  🙄

Lets recap.  The majority of the media the last 4 year?  Was it pro or anti Trump?  🤔. I’m pretty sure it was mostly anti. If there was ANY border issues caused by that brown people hating orange man do you think it would have been reported?  I’m thinking yes.   So if the numbers were not truly down I’m pretty sure CNN WAPO MSNBC or the NYT would have reported it no?


So do some research. Find your REAL numbers. They should be out there. 



You make your right leaning news sources proud. Their investment in you pays dividends. Good for you Jimmy

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2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

People just repeat the phrases they hear on TV or on the internet. If they'd stop and just think for one second they'd realize just what a disorganized mess this entire border fiasco really is.  Remember, Biden has only been in office for around 60 days....


If Trump dismantled the holding cells (cages) at the behest of AOC and Squad then where did the Biden administration get the thousands of beds to hold all of these thousands of people in less than two months? Answer: They are being kept in the same facilities that Trump Administration used.  They just don't want you to see them.


If Trump was indeed separating kids from their parents, then how does the Biden Administration know which 'parents' these kids belong to?  Answer:  they don't.


It's a whole lot easier to stop a construction project like the wall, or the pipeline.  That can be done in a single day.  The Contractors will just go home if they aren't going to get paid.  It's an entirely different thing to START a project, like creating the infrastructure to accept thousands of illegal immigrants along a border that stretches for hundreds of miles, in less than 60 days.  That infrastructure was not created. Biden made a mess of it trying to make yet another empathetic, pathetic, emotional point. He owns it now.


A lot of those "CAGES" were built or their and used during the Obama administration Trump may have built more and the onset of people/children that are now coming to the border from what i understand are due to what Biden promised then delivered in the executive order to change the previous laws set in place with no plan or thought of what could & is happening .


Trump had used the threat of tariffs on Mexico for them allowing people to come through their country in order to get to the US border to at the very least help the US to slow down the caravans of people trying to come here .


From what the Border some patrol people which 1 that i heard in a interview is a democrat and voted for Joe has said in his own words that this administration had no plan in place to handle what his executive order did to change what was in place which is the direct cause of this situation . 


But try to find that on SM near impossible but you can find any & all things bashing the previous administration especially now with the head of Home land Security being a immigrant him self . SURPRISE !! 


Of course there will be those in & out of the gov't that blame the previous administration for the harshness of keeping immigrants in general out of the country but we can only afford to pay for them all by continued printing of cash with the continued increase of the debt ceiling which our grand kids grand kids grand kids will pay for .


I as a American first would like nothing better than to help those out less fortunate than us that are running from their home countries to give them a better life here LEGALLY but exam first why are they running from there it's usually the powers in control be it bad or good .


 We the US and it's people are expected to be the financier, Sheriff, nanny, janitor, garbage collector, and in general the over seer of all the worlds problems and be the solution and we just can't do it although there are those that think we can .


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1 minute ago, BillStime said:

You make your right leaning news sources proud. Their investment in you pays dividends. Good for you Jimmy

So you have no response?  Why do you never ever engage.  Are you afraid you’re going to get your ass handed to you?  Bring it. Debate.  Prove me wrong and yourself right. 

Laugh emoticon response (and likely the only response) in 3.....2.....1....

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1 minute ago, Chef Jim said:

So you have no response?  Why do you never ever engage.  Are you afraid you’re going to get your ass handed to you?  Bring it. Debate.  Prove me wrong and yourself right. 

Laugh emoticon response (and likely the only response) in 3.....2.....1....

Specially - what have the GQP done to help with migration? If you think the answer is a border wall you have failed. If you think closing the border all together - you have failed.


The GQP blocked meaningful bi-partisan immigration reform in 2006, 2007 and 2013.


Biden is dealing with the economy, COVID, vaccinating Americans, migration from Central America, enormous deficits and a failed and incoherent trade policy. All issues that have all been made worse by years of GQP policy nihilism and recklessness.


There are no GQP alternatives to what Biden is trying to do - there is no GQP plan to defeat COVID, reboot the economy, manage the deficit, create a regional holistic solution to migration, and infrastructure. Is it Infrastructure week yet? 

The situation Trump left Biden at the border was an unsustainable policy, legal, and moral catastrophe.


It's going to take Biden years to undo the absolute mess he inherited from Trump and the GQP need to come forward with meaningful ideas - not just more blocking of sensible reforms.

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10 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Specially - what have the GQP done to help with migration? If you think the answer is a border wall you have failed. If you think closing the border all together - you have failed.


The GQP blocked meaningful bi-partisan immigration reform in 2006, 2007 and 2013.


Biden is dealing with the economy, COVID, vaccinating Americans, migration from Central America, enormous deficits and a failed and incoherent trade policy. All issues that have all been made worse by years of GQP policy nihilism and recklessness.


There are no GQP alternatives to what Biden is trying to do - there is no GQP plan to defeat COVID, reboot the economy, manage the deficit, create a regional holistic solution to migration, and infrastructure. Is it Infrastructure week yet? 

The situation Trump left Biden at the border was an unsustainable policy, legal, and moral catastrophe.


It's going to take Biden years to undo the absolute mess he inherited from Trump and the GQP need to come forward with meaningful ideas - not just more blocking of sensible reforms.

If you think my answer is The GOP you’re wrong.  My answer is very complicated and very difficult but in my mind it’s the right answer.  This isn’t a left right thing. That mentality will disappoint and frustrated you until you die. 

1.  Secure the border.  How can we stop the flow of mostly poor uneducated people looking for a better life and a few handout. 

2.  Stop the free handouts. Do you really think offering free handouts AND an open border is a good idea? If yes please explain why. I think the no is pretty damn obvious 


3.  Here’s where, in my mind, the rubber hits the road. It’s difficult, will take time but will work.  Replace the “Made in China” with “Hecho en Mexico or Honduras El Salvador” etc.  Create manufacturing facilities in in Mexico and Cental America. If we help them build their economies on manufacturing not drugs it will help solve the problem.  Fix it with capitalism not socialism. 

Now what are your idea.  All I hear/see from you are complaints and immature memes.  Time to grow up skippy and discuss like an adult.  


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10 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

If you think my answer is The GOP you’re wrong.  My answer is very complicated and very difficult but in my mind it’s the right answer.  This isn’t a left right thing. That mentality will disappoint and frustrated you until you die. 

1.  Secure the border.  How can we stop the flow of mostly poor uneducated people looking for a better life and a few handout. 

2.  Stop the free handouts. Do you really think offering free handouts AND an open border is a good idea? If yes please explain why. I think the no is pretty damn obvious 


3.  Here’s where, in my mind, the rubber hits the road. It’s difficult, will take time but will work.  Replace the “Made in China” with “Hecho en Mexico or Honduras El Salvador” etc.  Create manufacturing facilities in in Mexico and Cental America. If we help them build their economies on manufacturing not drugs it will help solve the problem.  Fix it with capitalism not socialism. 

Now what are your idea.  All I hear/see from you are complaints and immature memes.  Time to grow up skippy and discuss like an adult.  


I gave you my perspective and highlighted the fact that there is no bipartisan support to make all your wonderful ideas happen.


The right doesn’t want to fix the issue because they don’t want to lose their excuse to spew hate on brown people.


Biden has been in office for two months - the border has always been an issue but the right wing media manipulates it to rile up and distract their base while the only “meaningful” policy passed by the GQP in the past four years was a tax scam that benefited the top 1%.


The GQP comes up empty for most Americans —> all the time.

Edited by BillStime
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1 hour ago, BillStime said:

I gave you my perspective and highlighted the fact that there is no bipartisan support to make all your wonderful ideas happen.


The right doesn’t want to fix the issue because they don’t want to lose their excuse to spew hate on brown people.


Biden has been in office for two months - the border has always been an issue but the right wing media manipulates it to rile up and distract their base while the only “meaningful” policy passed by the GQP in the past four years was a tax scam that benefited the top 1%.


The GQP comes up empty for most Americans —> all the time.


So what's your solutions? Any ideas?  I'd love to hear what you suggest.  


***** with the race card man.  It's old, played to death and makes you look lazy.  Wait....you are lazy.  


So this crisis at the border is a mirage stirred up by the right wing media.  Look at these bastions of right wing propaganda......





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2 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


So what's your solutions? Any ideas?  I'd love to hear what you suggest.  


***** with the race card man.  It's old, played to death and makes you look lazy.  Wait....you are lazy.  


So this crisis at the border is a mirage stirred up by the right wing media.  Look at these bastions of right wing propaganda......






There is no appetite for anyone on any side in Washington to come together and resolve the issues that affect this country.


How many bills (some with actual bi-partisan support) sat in Mitch McConnell's graveyard since January 2015?



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24 minutes ago, BillStime said:


There is no appetite for anyone on any side in Washington to come together and resolve the issues that affect this country.


How many bills (some with actual bi-partisan support) sat in Mitch McConnell's graveyard since January 2015?



***** Washington and the numbskulls we keep electing over and over again. What would YOU suggest as ideas to “fix” the problem?

2 minutes ago, BillStime said:


Just like your response - empty

Good. First step is always admit you have a problem.  

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5 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

***** Washington and the numbskulls we keep electing over and over again. What would YOU suggest as ideas to “fix” the problem?

Good. First step is always admit you have a problem.  

It’s obviously a very complicated issue - if it were easy to resolve it would have been by now... but we will never win unless we focus on the source.

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