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I remember how Chris Berman was attacking the pick saying how this is a shift in how the Bills were all about character guys. But really, is ordering a pizza that bad? He probably just wanted one after practice was over so he could eat quickly and then go study for his chemistry test. The fact that the pizza came DURING practice was just a product of bad timing.

It (Moulds ordering a pizza during practice) was supposed to be a joke. I guess no one got it until Thurman ordered one during Bills practice for Eric.

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I remember how Chris Berman was attacking the pick saying how this is a shift in how the Bills were all about character guys. But really, is ordering a pizza that bad? He probably just wanted one after practice was over so he could eat quickly and then go study for his chemistry test. The fact that the pizza came DURING practice was just a product of bad timing.




I don't remember Berman bashing the pick, but I do remember the "pizza incident" being a big issue going into the draft. The one guy I do remember being very vocally critical of Moulds, pre-draft, was Dave Wannedstadt (sp?) when he was coaching the Bears. He coached Moulds in the Senior Bowl, and said someting to the effect of, "if we needed a wide receiver, and Eric Moulds was the only one available in the draft, we would look elsewhere", or something to that effect. He did somethig to piss Wanny off, I think something other than the pizza thing. Never heard what it was. I just remember, when they picked Moulds, being a little concerned, because I had never heard an NFL person, pre-draft, go out of his way to bash a prospect with such disdain. But the only "bad" thing they every cited was the pizza incident. Must have ordered from Pizza Hut or Domimos' or something. That wouldv'e pissed me off too, I guess! <_<


Ironic, Wannstadt never had a receiver as good as Moulds, in either Chicago or Miami...but he had plenty of other wide receivers who were much bigger thugs that Moulds turned out to be...

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with regards to the whole pizza thing, I think it really shows how the league and perhaps society has changed. This weekend one player tested positive for steroids, one tested positive for bud when he knew he would be tested and one certain OSU running back had enough character issues to go around.


-Castillo was a first round pick

-Hawthorne paid the price

-Clarett was picked WAAAY higher than people said he should.


But the main point is that in the cases of the steroids and marijuana, there were countless people saying that "it was a one time mistake" or "he fessed up and he is ready to move on, don't punish him." And I agree with those sentiments for the most part.


IMO, it really makes Moulds' "issues" for ordering a friggin pizza seem laughable in comparison.

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I don't remember Berman bashing the pick, but I do remember the "pizza incident" being a big issue going into the draft.  The one guy I do remember being very vocally critical of Moulds, pre-draft, was Dave Wannedstadt (sp?) when he was coaching the Bears.  He coached Moulds in the Senior Bowl, and said someting to the effect of, "if we needed a wide receiver, and Eric Moulds was the only one available in the draft, we would look elsewhere", or something to that effect.  He did somethig to piss Wanny off, I think something other than the pizza thing.  Never heard what it was.  I just remember, when they picked Moulds, being a little concerned, because I had never heard an NFL person, pre-draft, go out of his way to bash a prospect with such disdain.  But the only "bad" thing they every cited was the pizza incident.  Must have ordered from Pizza Hut or Domimos' or something.  That wouldv'e pissed me off too, I guess! :o


Ironic, Wannstadt never had a receiver as good as Moulds, in either Chicago or Miami...but he had plenty of other wide receivers who were much bigger thugs that Moulds turned out to be...




it happened at the senior bowl, and wannstedt was the head coach of the team moulds was on. boy was he wrong - the guy is in his tenth season with the same team and will probably go down (along with andre reed) as one of the two starting WRs on the bills' all time team.

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I don't remember Berman bashing the pick, but I do remember the "pizza incident" being a big issue going into the draft.  The one guy I do remember being very vocally critical of Moulds, pre-draft, was Dave Wannedstadt (sp?) when he was coaching the Bears.  He coached Moulds in the Senior Bowl, and said someting to the effect of, "if we needed a wide receiver, and Eric Moulds was the only one available in the draft, we would look elsewhere", or something to that effect.  He did somethig to piss Wanny off, I think something other than the pizza thing.  Never heard what it was.  I just remember, when they picked Moulds, being a little concerned, because I had never heard an NFL person, pre-draft, go out of his way to bash a prospect with such disdain.  But the only "bad" thing they every cited was the pizza incident.  Must have ordered from Pizza Hut or Domimos' or something.  That wouldv'e pissed me off too, I guess! :o


Ironic, Wannstadt never had a receiver as good as Moulds, in either Chicago or Miami...but he had plenty of other wide receivers who were much bigger thugs that Moulds turned out to be...



whoops - i read your post again. you mentioned the senior bowl incident. duh!! sorry ...

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Andre Reed












Eric Moulds


Jerry Butler (would be way higher if not for injuries) :o



if moulds' career were to end now, i would judge reed to be the better player, but all the same, i never felt that reed was a difference maker on his own. an excellent player to be sure, but never a guy who lifted the offense above and beyond. moulds, i think, has in a couple of seasons basically been the bills main weapon (99 and 02 especially). in reed's time, he was always third behind thomas (the motor of the entire offense) and kelly. i certainly don't mean to denigrate reed -- i just don't think he was the physical threat moulds presents on his best days.

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if moulds' career were to end now, i would judge reed to be the better player, but all the same, i never felt that reed was a difference maker on his own. an excellent player to be sure, but never a guy who lifted the offense above and beyond.  moulds, i think, has in a couple of seasons basically been the bills main weapon (99 and 02 especially).  in reed's time, he was always third behind thomas (the motor of the entire offense) and kelly.  i certainly don't mean to denigrate reed -- i just don't think he was the physical threat moulds presents on his best days.



Um...Kelly and Reed were one of the top TD tandems in league history. I would put Reed over Moulds by a good bit.

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Um...Kelly and Reed were one of the top TD tandems in league history.  I would put Reed over Moulds by a good bit.


reed played for 16 years. moulds has played 9. their prorated production is almost the same. also, factor in the qb revolving door moulds has had to play with -- kelly in his last, awful season, todd collins, rob johnson, flutie (who moulds really connected with), rob johnson again, alex van pelt, bledsoe, and now losman/stouffer.

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if moulds' career were to end now, i would judge reed to be the better player, but all the same, i never felt that reed was a difference maker on his own. an excellent player to be sure, but never a guy who lifted the offense above and beyond.  moulds, i think, has in a couple of seasons basically been the bills main weapon (99 and 02 especially).  in reed's time, he was always third behind thomas (the motor of the entire offense) and kelly.  i certainly don't mean to denigrate reed -- i just don't think he was the physical threat moulds presents on his best days.


All three were great, I think Andre had more great years than the other two combined. It's all subjective, and it's all good. The WR everyone seems to forget is Frank Lewis, he was a stud-and-a-half...highway robbery how we got him from the Steelers.


Here's to Lee Evans being better than any of them. :o

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reed played for 16 years. moulds has played 9. their prorated production is almost the same. also, factor in the qb revolving door moulds has had to play with -- kelly in his last, awful season, todd collins, rob johnson, flutie (who moulds really connected with), rob johnson again, alex van pelt, bledsoe, and now losman/stouffer.


did i say kelly stouffer? that's the cote du rhone talking. i meant holcomb. i also meant 98 (not 99) when referring to moulds' great seasons.

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For the exact numbers:


Through 9 seasons despite Moulds being a backup his first 2 seasons:


                     Andre Reed           Eric Moulds      

Receptions:    586                       594

Yards:           8233                      8275

Y/R:              14.0                       13.9

TDs               58                          44

1k seasons     2                           4

Pro Bowls       6                           3

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if moulds' career were to end now, i would judge reed to be the better player, but all the same, i never felt that reed was a difference maker on his own. an excellent player to be sure, but never a guy who lifted the offense above and beyond.  moulds, i think, has in a couple of seasons basically been the bills main weapon (99 and 02 especially).  in reed's time, he was always third behind thomas (the motor of the entire offense) and kelly.  i certainly don't mean to denigrate reed -- i just don't think he was the physical threat moulds presents on his best days.




Wow! I respectfully disagree. Personally, my favorite all-time Bills receiver is Butler, but I can't use any stats to argue that he was better than Reed or Moulds, because, as it was a different era, and he suffered too many injuries, his numbers could never stack up.


I love them all, but I think you are severely underrating Reed. IMO, it is the reverse of what you say. If you are just going by stats, Moulds has been helped as much as he has been hurt, by the mediocre talent around him. If you are the one consistant offensive threat for your teams offense, you are going to put up numbers.


If I could knock Moulds game at all, it is for the reason that I think he lacks concentration from time to time, and doesn't make all the catches he should. Reed was not as physical a receiver as Moulds (although he was no slouch in that area), but I give him a mental edge over Moulds. Andre Reed, in his prime, dropped very few passes, made very tough catches, and took a beating. I think sometimes his less than cerimonious departure from the Bills has tainted our memory of him...he really was an outstanding receiver, and in his prime, was one of the top 3 receivers in the game.


Please, don't take this so much as a knock on Moulds, but a reminder of how great Andre Reed was for about 7 or 8 years. His stats during the "glory years" were very comparable to Jerry Rice (Rice didn't have to share the ball with a front line RB for a lot of his career), and he made Jim Kelly look as good as Kelly made him look!

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