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ESPN's draft coverage grade - F

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i liked holt because he showed his enthusiasm, albeit for his future teammates, but it was fun to see his excitement about the players the rams drafted, other than that, it was quite boring




  Who in the name of Hooked on Phonics decided Torry Holt was a good idea on draft day ?  ;)


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ESPN did a perfectly fine job. They had two screens scrolling at the same time and had a third on the side to tell you who was picking. If you couldn't figure out what was going on you gotta be riding the short bus to work. Whenever I popped in to see what pick was up I could get the entire draft summarized within five minutes. Nice job, ESPN.


These drafts are ALWAYS boring after about an hour or so if you team isn't on the board. I'm not really sure what could make it more interesting. Beach Volleyball? That would be cool.

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ESPN did a perfectly fine job. They had two screens scrolling at the same time and had a third on the side to tell you who was picking. If you couldn't figure out what was going on you gotta be riding the short bus to work.  Whenever I popped in to see what pick was up I could get the entire draft summarized within five minutes. Nice job, ESPN.


These drafts are ALWAYS boring after about an hour or so if you team isn't on the board. I'm not really sure what could make it more interesting. Beach Volleyball? That would be cool.



Maybe you like your programming conveluded, I don't. I could see why people with short attention spans would love this sort of thing because ESPN seemed to be talking to someone different every two seconds fearing they'd be boring fans with just picks, information and video of the players.

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My thoughts on ESPN's coverage of the draft....


Holt was a disaster and should not be invited back next year.


Other than that, ESPN did a good job. It's not easy to produce 15-20 hours of draft coverage and make everybody happy. I like following the draft and am just glad to see that it is covered from start to finish on TV.


PS Just be glad that Theismann isn't part of the draft coverage. Can you imagine the ball washing that would be going on over the top picks of the draft. <_< Also, the reason for the cutaways to Andrea Kramer and others is to give Berman and crew a break from time to time.

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My thoughts on ESPN's coverage of the draft....


Holt was a disaster and should not be invited back next year.


Other than that, ESPN did a good job.  It's not easy to produce 15-20 hours of draft coverage and make everybody happy.  I like following the draft and am just glad to see that it is covered from start to finish on TV.


PS Just be glad that Theismann isn't part of the draft coverage.  Can you imagine the ball washing that would be going on over the top picks of the draft. <_<  Also, the reason for the cutaways to Andrea Kramer and others is to give Berman and crew a break from time to time.



I like your avatar, it's how I feel watching ESPN produced shows.

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I like your avatar, it's how I feel watching ESPN produced shows.





i've developed a Pavlovian response to those "ESPN Original Entertainment" chimes


i hear those chimes and instinctively reach for the remote




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Our Backers club gets together to watch it, and frankly, between the beers, the food, the people, and the length of time between day 1 picks, it would have been appreciated if they would have been more to the point.


If they were too busy showing film on a guy from the 2001 draft (for some ungodly reason), you had to wait five minutes to see who the team that was just on the clock had drafted. Like I said, I watched at a place where there were plenty of distractions -and perhaps that's why - but I thought their coverage sucked.

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i've developed a Pavlovian response to those "ESPN Original Entertainment" chimes


i hear those chimes and instinctively reach for the remote






I haven't watched a Sportcenter from start to finish in about 4 years. They've jumped-the-shark a long time ago.

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In fairness to ESPN, and all the folks involved with the production, this is a HUGE LIVE undertaking. Live TV is the hardest thing to do in the industry. Combine that with 10 straight hours of live coverage and you have any broadcasters nightmare. Look how dan rather holds up on election nights!


Whomever said to get rid of some people, I disagree. They need to take turns. They need more people. Dig up Tom Jackson or Kenny Mayne or someone and let them take a turn anchoring the desk for an hour. Let Micheal Irvin swap out with Tori Holt. Mix it up some. Let them take a break and be fresh when they come back.


Also, there is absolutly no excuse for not showing the picks. They did well the first 2 rounds, but after that they were terrible. Commercials happen. You have to expect that. But when you come back from comercial, if you missed a pick, cover it! Tell me who went. This is the NFL draft! If im watching during round 6, you can rest assured its because i want to see who is drafted and not to watch you rehash whether green bay made the right decision taking rodgers for the 457th time. When I have to sit at my computer listening to the podium audio and refreshing NFL.com to see who is picked, things have gone too far.


I agree Jansen did a good job. This is kinda a tryout for a future career after you retire. TKO did it last year, Trent Green and tori holt this year. I like it actually. It adds a differnet flavor, and you see these guys in a different (and usually good) light. Besides, the more guys that try out, the more likely it is we might never need to look at micheal irvin again.


Bring the ticker back. This is the NFL DRAFT. I want to see who is drafted. If I go to the bathroom and come back, and miss a pick or two, i want to know about it. If i have to wait for you to scroll through some random order of teams to find out who went number 241 and 242, and dont even know who those teams are, im not going to be happy and im going to look it up on nfl.com


I dont give the coverage an F. But its definatly not an A either. I go with a C-. A lot of room for improvement, but given the extremely difficult task they are faced with every year, its impressive they do it this well.

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In fairness to ESPN, and all the folks involved with the production, this is a HUGE LIVE undertaking.  Live TV is the hardest thing to do in the industry.  Combine that with 10 straight hours of live coverage and you have any broadcasters nightmare.  Look how dan rather holds up on election nights!


Whomever said to get rid of some people, I disagree.  They need to take turns.  They need more people.  Dig up Tom Jackson or Kenny Mayne or someone and let them take a turn anchoring the desk for an hour.  Let Micheal Irvin swap out with Tori Holt.  Mix it up some.  Let them take a break and be fresh when they come back.


Also, there is absolutly no excuse for not showing the picks.  They did well the first 2 rounds, but after that they were terrible.  Commercials happen.  You have to expect that.  But when you come back from comercial, if you missed a pick, cover it!  Tell me who went.  This is the NFL draft!  If im watching during round 6, you can rest assured its because i want to see who is drafted and not to watch you rehash whether green bay made the right decision taking rodgers for the 457th time.  When I have to sit at my computer listening to the podium audio and refreshing NFL.com to see who is picked, things have gone too far.


I agree Jansen did a good job.  This is kinda a tryout for a future career after you retire.  TKO did it last year, Trent Green and tori holt this year.  I like it actually.  It adds a differnet flavor, and you see these guys in a different (and usually good) light.  Besides, the more guys that try out, the more likely it is we might never need to look at micheal irvin again.


Bring the ticker back.  This is the NFL DRAFT.  I want to see who is drafted.  If I go to the bathroom and come back, and miss a pick or two, i want to know about it.  If i have to wait for you to scroll through some random order of teams to find out who went number 241 and 242, and dont even know who those teams are, im not going to be happy and im going to look it up on nfl.com


I dont give the coverage an F.  But its definatly not an A either.  I go with a C-.  A lot of room for improvement, but given the extremely difficult task they are faced with every year, its impressive they do it this well.



They make it a difficult task for themselves with the analyst overload. Do you really believe Kiper wants to sit and rest during the draft??? The NFL draft was soooo much more watchable 10 years ago, it's now a shell of it's former entity. BTW, I don't remember any of the panel guys crying about how they needed a rest back then. Isn't commercial time rest time? Give me a break.

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These drafts are ALWAYS boring after about an hour or so if you team isn't on the board. I'm not really sure what could make it more interesting.



Absolutley agree. Problem is, we can't look away. I love everything leading up to the draft, but the draft itself just blows and they can't do much about it. I always feel terrible about how I wasted my time on draft weekend. The exercise itself does not lend itself to great entertainment, and it's too important for the teams to try to rush them.

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