B-Man Posted July 14, 2021 Posted July 14, 2021 Well, the "house dems" still are hiding in DC, so we shall see I guess. Texas Senate Passes Republican-Backed Voting Bill after Democrats Flee to Block Final Vote by Zachary Evans The Texas Senate passed a Republican-backed voting bill after Democratic House members fled the state in order to block a final House vote. Senators voted 18-4 along party lines to approve the legislation. Eight Senate Democrats announced that they too had fled to Washington, D.C., on Monday, with a ninth expected to arrive Monday evening. However, with 22 out of 31 members present, the Senate kept a quorum and was able to pass the measure. “This bill is about making it both easy to vote and harder to cheat,” Republican state senator Bryan Hughes, who authored the bill, told reporters. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/texas-senate-passes-republican-backed-voting-bill-after-dems-flee-to-block-final-vote/ Texas Senate passes GOP voting, bail bills despite House ... https://www.texastribune.org/2021/07/13/voting-bill-texas-senate/
B-Man Posted July 14, 2021 Posted July 14, 2021 Fleebag Texas legislators become figures of fun by Monica Showalter Texas's Democrat legislators, who dramatically fled the state to prevent a quorum on a vote for a voter-integrity law, had it all worked out beforehand that they'd be hailed as heroes for democracy. They planned a flight together, got on together, and then were to fly as a group to Washington to plead their case and make their stand as champions of claimed "voting rights," as the media would fawn. But somehow, things didn't quite gone as planned. They've actually become people the public is laughing at. They didn't quite get every detail for the heroic narrative right. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/07/fleebag_texas_legislators_become_figures_of_fun.html Hahaahahahahahaha Democrats Who Fled the State Over Voter Verification Bill Had to Show I.D. to Board Their Private Jet. https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/texas-sen-cruz-dems-who-fled-state-over-voter-verification-bill-had-show-id 1
B-Man Posted July 14, 2021 Posted July 14, 2021 FLIGHT OF THE TEXAS DEMOCRATS Democrats seek to manufacture a frenzy to normalize the irregularities of the 2020 election. It’s all about the federal electoral takeover that would be worked by the enactment of H.R. 1. Somebody revved up the animatronic Joe Biden in Philadelphia yesterday to decry Jim Crow and otherwise pervert American history in the service of the frenzy. Does anybody in his right mind buy this shtick? They must be counting on the persuasive power of repetition combined with robotic sincerity. More than 50 Democratic Texas legislators have absconded via two chartered jets to Washington on Monday to foil the adoption of an election reform bill by the legislature, in which Republican majorities prevail. This has to be a losing game. Governor Abbott is a persistent guy and he has a game plan. Byron York considers the seeming irony in “Dems against democracy.” Byron observes: “The Democratic lawmakers are, in other words, throwing a wrench in the workings of democracy….And here is the kicker: They are frustrating the will of the majority, and the rights of Texans whose votes made Republicans the majority — in the name of voting rights!” At the Spectator William Murchison offers these points in favor of the proposed Texas bill: • The voting rights bill (a follow-up to the one that failed the first time the Democrats also went streaming and screaming from the State Capitol so as to thwart further action) doesn’t take the vote away from a single solitary soul of whatever race, creed, color, or sexual identity • It doesn’t even make voting hard. It regularizes and standardizes procedures all across the state, in places large and small. (Texas, with 254 counties, has lots of both.) The bill sets certain standards that were unduly relaxed during the pandemic when Harris County (Houston) improvised measures like drive-through voting and 24-hour voting • A once-conventional, now seemingly exotic, political truth is that democratic governance involves compromise — the recession of competing ideas and demands in the interest of establishing a viable framework for action. The Age of Entitlement seems to have inspired the political class — we need to acknowledge that Republicans are no more immune to the fever than Democrats — to issue ukases, decrees and manifestoes instead of mere proposals to be considered, debated and voted on. Compromise? That’s not for big boys. Note the insistence of the Biden administration and its congressional allies on adoption of their apparently inviolable mandates for spending and redistribution programs. Texas Republicans changed the voting bill to meet particular Democratic objections and might have changed it more with a little more head-scratching and face-to-face, but the Democrats prefer PR coups and virtue-signaling to the tedious grind of conventional politics as envisaged in the Constitution Read more at: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/07/flight-of-the-texas-dems.php http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0721/york071421.php3 https://spectatorworld.com/topic/fugitive-texas-democrats-bunch-vain-self-promoting-cry-babies/
B-Man Posted July 14, 2021 Posted July 14, 2021 Pete Hegseth Nails Runaway Texas Democrat to the Wall With One Simple Question Of course, everyone who can legally vote is able to vote, not one person is being denied the right to vote by bettering election security. Texas is actually giving more hours and expanding early voting to 12 days. Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s state of Delaware doesn’t have any early voting, a point that Texas Governor Greg Abbott made. But what it is doing is requiring voter ID for mail-in ballots. They already have voter ID for in-person voting. So why would anyone object? They would object if they wanted to cheat through the mail-in ballot. So you would think if this bill is as horrible as the Texas Democrats say — if it’s Jim Crow, worst thing since the Civil War, a “domestic threat” that he must protect against, as Joe Biden claims — then they should be able to tell us who is actually being denied the right to vote, right? They’re saying that’s happening. So who is being denied? Democrats seem to want no security, no ID, no verification of who is voting — that’s the real issue. That’s why they’re really upset here, because this interferes with their efforts at a power grab. They know they will lose and don’t want the election security. Talarico goes even further and gives the game away when he even admits that he’s against voter ID, something most Americans support, with good reason. Fox’s Pete Hegseth asked that very question of one of the runaway Texas Democrats, James Talarico. He wasn’t able to name one person who would be denied. Pete Hegseth is incredulous that Talarico admits it, that he doesn’t want to secure the most “sacred” right of voting. Talarico tries to evade Hegseth’s probing, saying there are folks that don’t have driver’s licenses. But that isn’t what the law says is required. You can prove your ID by other means, as Hegseth explains. Who are these adults who don’t have ID or can’t prove who they are? In Texas, even doctors’ offices ask you for ID, an odd thing I had never heard of coming from New Jersey, but just found out after moving to Texas. So either Democrats pushing this are racist and want to push this nonsensical “people of color can’t get ID” thing again. Or they simply don’t want ID required at all, as Talarico admitted because they don’t want the security of the vote 1
Doc Posted July 15, 2021 Posted July 15, 2021 Yup. They're conflating "making voting so easy you barely need to get out of bed to do it" with "they're suppressing POC [because they're helpless and/or lazy]!" 1
B-Man Posted July 15, 2021 Posted July 15, 2021 VOTING REFORM: 70% WANT ALL MAIL-IN BALLOTS RECEIVED BY ELECTION DAY. https://scottrasmussen.com/70-want-all-mail-in-ballots-received-by-election-day/ Seventy percent (70%) of voters want all mail-in ballots to be received by Election Day. A Scott Rasmussen national survey found that 21% are opposed to that requirement and 9% are not sure. Those totals include 47% who Strongly Favor the Election Day deadline and 11% who are Strongly Opposed. Requiring mail-in ballots to be received by Election Day is favored by 83% of Republicans, 63% of Democrats, and 55% of Independent voters. In fact, that requirement is favored by a majority of every measured demographic group. The survey also found that 65% believe government agencies should be required to report the vote totals from all ballots either on Election Night or the next day. Plus, 76% favor Photo ID for voting. https://scottrasmussen.com/76-favor-photo-id-requirement-for-voting/ Also: 57% want Ballot Harvesting banned, only 20% disagree. https://scottrasmussen.com/57-want-ballot-harvesting-banned-20-disagree/ None of this, of course, is what the Democrats are offering in their new HR4 “voting rights” bill, the whole point of which is to insulate a Democrat-run government from what voters want.
Doc Posted July 15, 2021 Posted July 15, 2021 So they needed ID to board the plane? LOL! They should have fled from it... 1
B-Man Posted July 15, 2021 Posted July 15, 2021 So not only is the Texas voting bill NOT repressive or suppressive or oppressive at all, but Democrats ACTUALLY GOT what they wanted. And they still ran like b*tches. Do not celebrate these losers, people. Point and laugh.
B-Man Posted July 15, 2021 Posted July 15, 2021 Here's What the Arizona Audit Is Really All About By Kira Davis You know the election audits are over the target when Democrats are screaming about them being a waste of time. As the Arizona audits continue and audits in Georgia show significant discrepancies, the left wing politicos have dropped all semblance of rationale as they hiss and boo about “big lies” and Donald Trump. As Tucker Carlson recently pointed out, if there’s no there there, what’s the big deal? One would think progressives would be excited to prove wrong those who think the election was fraudulent. One would think they’d be encouraging these audits, if for no other reason than to dunk on conservatives when they are ultimately proven right. And if those progressives think that audits themselves may be corrupt, does that not reinforce the point that perhaps the American people should concerned about election integrity? There is no mechanism by which Donald Trump could be reinstated as POTUS in the event of proof of massive fraud. In an Arizona Senate hearing on the audits, Senator Karen Fann gave an excellent and reasonable explanation as to why these audits matter, and in fact why they are absolutely imperative. Listening to her reasoning, it is hard to imagine anyone taking issue with a process that allows voters to peek at the integrity – or lack thereof – of their own election process. Fann says these audits aren’t about Trump, they are about transparency and restoring faith in the election process for the American people. She reminded the detractors that “voters are constituents” and they have expressed fear and reservations about vote-counting in their state. As representatives of their constituents, it is literally the state senate’s job to respond to those questions and provide answers, if that is what the people desire. The Senate has the responsibility to ease those fears by proving them wrong or by proving them right and passing laws to prevent such a thing from ever happening again. It’s hardly radical, but to hear the Democrats tell it, it’s equivalent to a Hitlerian coup. Fann’s explanation is about as logical and reasonable as it gets. It’s hard to find a reason to say she is wrong here. The audit is for the people, not the pundits or the Swamp. If our procedures perhaps are lacking in some way, this is a great opportunity — let’s fix that, because that’s what this body does. We pass laws. Someone tell that to the Texas Senate Democrats. [We want to] make sure everybody knew, which we told you as well in the very beginning, is, this is not about Trump. This is not about overturning the election. This has never been about anything other than election integrity. This is the epitome of what America stands for, and if we do not have confidence in our electoral process, then everything we do in life is jeopardized. There was a poll that was recently done that [said] 45% of people in Arizona, according to that poll, believe that we have serious problems with our elections. Whether that is true or not, whether they are rumors and unfounded accusations or legitimate problems, for whatever reason, as a Senate body, we felt that it was our obligation and our duty to answer. More at the link:https://redstate.com/kiradavis/2021/07/15/heres-what-the-arizona-audit-is-really-all-about-n411353
B-Man Posted July 27, 2021 Posted July 27, 2021 Wisconsin Moves Forward with Election Forensic Audit by Jim Hoft Wisconsin Moves Forward with Forensic Audit. Wisconsin State Representative Janel Brandtjen issued a press release today: “Assembly Campaigns and Elections Committee to Initiate More Intensive Investigation of Fraudulent Activity.” Rep. Brandtjen is the Chair of the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections. She visited the Maricopa audit earlier this month. On Monday she called for an Arizona-style audit of Wisconsin’s November election.Via Liberty Overwatch.In her statement, Rep. Brandtjen writes: “Voters have made it clear that they want a thorough cyber-forensic examination https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/breaking-big-wisconsin-moves-forward-election-forensic-audit/
Doc Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 If that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know… 1
B-Man Posted July 30, 2021 Posted July 30, 2021 18 hours ago, Big Blitz said: NY TIMES OP-ED REVEALS ENDGAME OF BORDER CRISIS: Let Illegals Vote. https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/07/ny-times-op-ed-reveals-endgame-of-border-crisis-let-illegals-vote/
B-Man Posted August 5, 2021 Posted August 5, 2021 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/election-cheating-surges-to-top-us-issue-most-want-photo-id VOTERS HAVE DIFFERENT PRIORITIES THAN THE POLITICAL CLASS: Election cheating surges to top US issue, most want photo ID. The battles over the 2020 presidential election and subsequent fight between Democrats and Republicans on reforming the system have pushed the issue to the top of those Americans are now worried about. In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 90% said it is “important” to end cheating, long the bane of elections and made a national issue by former President Donald Trump and his loss to President Joe Biden in 2020. Voters polled, however, do not believe it affected the overall 2020 election, though they are concerned about it intensely, said Rasmussen. The pollster said that many voters believe the answer is a simple one and one that is called for in many states and GOP proposals: photo identification. In early results shared with Secrets, 74% support the photo ID requirement, a blow to liberals fighting it. They called it a “reasonable measure” to prevent cheating. And while the poll found doubts about the impact of cheating in 2020, it did suggest that voters believe politicians fighting the use of photo ID just want cheating to continue. Well, that’s because they do. Voters want trustworthy, fraud-resistant voting. The political class wants to be able to do what it wants, regardless of what voters want. 1
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