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Joe Biden to Unveil His Supreme Court Plans—and They're Non-Starters

By Ward Clark


This just in: Joe Biden, the current (supposedly) president of the United States, is not all there. If you need any further proof that he has slipped his clutches, just look at his proposals for Supreme Court "reform," which he will be announcing officially next week.


Let's be real here: None of this will happen. And that's a good thing.


Joe Biden, to add to the long, long list of things he never understood about our republic and how it works, doesn't seem to understand that the Supreme Court is a co-equal branch of government, on the same standing as the Executive and Legislative branches. Congress has very little power over the Supreme Court save the Senate's constitutionally defined "advise and consent" role and the ultimate revocation of impeachment and conviction




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The lamest lame duck executive seeks to meddle with the judicial branch.


Having faltered and fallen in his own lane, Joe Biden seems to think his view of the Supreme Court might matter.


I'm seeing "Opinion/Joe Biden: My plan to reform the Supreme Court and ensure no president is above the law/We can and must prevent the abuse of presidential power and restore the public’s faith in our judicial system" (WaPo).






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On 7/29/2024 at 8:24 AM, B-Man said:



The lamest lame duck executive seeks to meddle with the judicial branch.


Having faltered and fallen in his own lane, Joe Biden seems to think his view of the Supreme Court might matter.


I'm seeing "Opinion/Joe Biden: My plan to reform the Supreme Court and ensure no president is above the law/We can and must prevent the abuse of presidential power and restore the public’s faith in our judicial system" (WaPo).






OK now, who led you to the Wash Post link. We know you'd never pay a dollar a month for that commie crap that somehow manages to print an op-ed piece that is critical of the commies.

Fair and balanced!

On 7/27/2024 at 7:56 PM, B-Man said:


Joe Biden to Unveil His Supreme Court Plans—and They're Non-Starters

By Ward Clark


This just in: Joe Biden, the current (supposedly) president of the United States, is not all there. If you need any further proof that he has slipped his clutches, just look at his proposals for Supreme Court "reform," which he will be announcing officially next week.


Let's be real here: None of this will happen. And that's a good thing.


Joe Biden, to add to the long, long list of things he never understood about our republic and how it works, doesn't seem to understand that the Supreme Court is a co-equal branch of government, on the same standing as the Executive and Legislative branches. Congress has very little power over the Supreme Court save the Senate's constitutionally defined "advise and consent" role and the ultimate revocation of impeachment and conviction




You mean don't pass the latest version of Federalist Society Law Prof Stephen Calabresi's Supreme Court reform plan?

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Stock market crash and WWIII.  Nice work Biden.  Maybe if you did your job instead of worrying about Peter's right to third term abortion, we wouldn't be in this mess.  What a mess.    

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It’s because they can’t man the ships because recruiting is going so badly. Some of this is just high workload, poor schedules and the aftereffects of dumb Covid policy. But I think there’s also the overlying effect of a bad leadership attitude in the military in general.


If our leadership class wanted us too weak to resist China, what would they do differently?





Plus: “A Navy official, when contacted by USNI News, acknowledged the service was working on a plan to retask civilian mariners but did not provide details. The new effort, known informally as ‘the great reset’ has yet to be adopted by the Navy and is awaiting approval from Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti, USNI News understands.” 



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