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The January 6th Commission To Investigate The Insurrection


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19 minutes ago, BillStime said:

Maybe if you file and win the 87th lawsuit people outside your cult will believe the Big Lie.







I love it when I hear somebody say we found no signs of fraud or misconduct in the 2020 election.  I'm not saying they're lying.  I'm saying you can't find what you don't look for.  Maybe you should pay attention to audit efforts in several states that the DNC unsuccessfully tried to block.  And now the DOJ is trying their hand at it using some very shaky premise that somehow civil right laws are being violated.  The courts will likely reject this argument.  And uphold the States constitutional rights to perform these activities.  So what's next?  Burn down the warehouse where the ballots are stored?  Wouldn't put it past them here.


When people tend to moan and groan about what somebody else might be doing I like to focus on motive.  Because people are lazy and if they can avoid doing something they will.  It must have some significance to them to expend so much time and effort trying to block any audits.  In this case to block and delay any audits at the State level.  And what is the motivation here?  It all comes down to the answer to the question, if there's nothing to find then why stop anybody from spending their time looking?  When they come up empty it will make you look even better.  Right?  



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20 Questions for Nancy Pelosi About January 6

by Julie Kelly


No one has milked the events of January 6 more than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). She set the official narrative early and often, a storyline her scribes in the news media have dutifully repeated without question or scrutiny. “[Y]esterday, the president of the United States incited an armed insurrection against America, the gleeful desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of our American democracy,” Pelosi lamented in a hyperdramatic press conference the day after the raucous protest. She accused President Trump of “sedition” and urged his cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him just two weeks before he officially left the White House.









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1 hour ago, BillStime said:

We gotta catch up to the Benghazi investigations right?



Did Trump lie about the "coup" being over a YouTube video leaving everyone wondering what the heck is going on?   





Didn't think so.  


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The Capitol is still locked down, still closed to Americans. One has to ask why.


The Democrats are going to try to use the ‘investigation’ of the three-hour Capitol riot by a select committee to continue an effort to connect Republicans to the event and bash them going into 2022.


All that is troubling.


But now there’s something that perhaps is even more troubling because of the clear potential for abuse.



According to the New York Times, the U.S. Capitol Police have announced they are now planning to expand operations outside Washington “beginning with the opening of field offices in California and Florida” but the plan is to open “several additional regional offices.” Their spokesman says they need to monitor and quickly investigate threats against lawmakers.


The New York Times tries to justify this by saying that Secret Service has field offices elsewhere. But the Secret Service has multiple missions including not just covering protectees like the President or Vice President but also investigations into crimes against the financial infrastructure of the United States. They’re also part of the executive branch and subject to review and FOIA.


The Capitol Police is now basically just saying we’re going to have this huge expansion of this police power without any review or even a vote of Congress. They are completely controlled by Congress (translation: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, at this point). We’ve seen how they respond to a basic question of who killed Ashli Babbitt by simply refusing to answer because they can. How do we think that’s going to work as they fan out and start investigating people across the nation? As we saw in the case of Babbitt, they are also not subject to FOIA.


So basically there’s going to be a police force, controlled by the Democrats, without any ability to demand transparency from it that’s going to investigate “threats” to members of Congress and provide “security” for them.


Who will be determining what a “threat” is and who do you think they will be investigating with this? Three guesses. It wouldn’t be BLM or Antifa which has presented a continuing threat to governmental entities. It’s basically going to be investigating people they think are ‘extremists’ (translation: right-wing in their minds).


Does anyone else see a potential problem here?








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1 hour ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

I love it when I hear somebody say we found no signs of fraud or misconduct in the 2020 election.  I'm not saying they're lying.  I'm saying you can't find what you don't look for.  Maybe you should pay attention to audit efforts in several states that the DNC unsuccessfully tried to block.  And now the DOJ is trying their hand at it using some very shaky premise that somehow civil right laws are being violated.  The courts will likely reject this argument.  And uphold the States constitutional rights to perform these activities.  So what's next?  Burn down the warehouse where the ballots are stored?  Wouldn't put it past them here.


When people tend to moan and groan about what somebody else might be doing I like to focus on motive.  Because people are lazy and if they can avoid doing something they will.  It must have some significance to them to expend so much time and effort trying to block any audits.  In this case to block and delay any audits at the State level.  And what is the motivation here?  It all comes down to the answer to the question, if there's nothing to find then why stop anybody from spending their time looking?  When they come up empty it will make you look even better.  Right?  



Motive? The partisan “audits” won’t change a thing.


Keep dreaming.

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3 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Liberals are mentally ill.



 FBI says they discovered a ‘fully assembled U.S. Capitol Lego set’ at the home of alleged Jan. 6 rioter










Lego?  What, were they sold out of the Puzz 3D ones?

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On 7/6/2021 at 10:54 AM, B-Man said:

Say, why is the U.S. Capitol still closed to the public?





On the Fourth of July, Joe and Jill Biden hosted 1,000 military families and first responders at the White House. It was billed as a celebration of Independence Day, both for America and freedom from the coronavirus pandemic. Biden hosted the large, maskless gathering despite the obvious irony in his decision to do so. It was just this spring that he threatened to call off all 4th of July celebrations until everyone is vaccinated.


His administration missed its target of July 4 for 70% of Americans to have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Nonetheless, the show went on. Biden’s stern warnings were not adhered to by those who have made up their minds to not be vaccinated against COVID-19. And, what about the people who, for medical reasons, are strongly advised not to get the vaccine due to underlying health conditions? Biden continues to divide Americans at every opportunity despite his pleas for unity. Americans see through him. And no one was going to cancel a summer holiday cookout because of Biden’s bloviating – especially after being told we all saved $0.16 from the price of the same cookout menu last year. The White House deserved all the teasing they received over that bone-headed campaign meant to prop up the American Rescue Act’s alleged success.


So, if the pandemic is over, why is the Capitol building still closed to the public? It’s been closed for about 16 months, the longest amount of time in its history. There are still no public tours for tourists or groups being ushered around while they learn of some of America’s history. Besides the pandemic, the January riot at the Capitol is also being blamed for the closure.






I wonder why Bonnie?


When a Bible study group plots to build and test bombs, combat, surveil the Capitol, encrypt communications & secede from the US… 


I wonder why…



Edited by BillStime
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1 hour ago, BillStime said:

I wonder why Bonnie?


When a Bible study group plots to build and test bombs, combat, surveil the Capital, encrypt communications & secede from the US… 


I wonder why…



Shouldn't you be putting "Bible Study" in quotations just like CNN did?  A bit odd, don't you think?

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59 minutes ago, B-Man said:






Jan 6 Truthers are another breed





Thanks for reminding me of the pipe bombs placed at Republican offices.  And that there's been no announced investigation of those.

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Low-testosterone male Aaron Rupar and the blue check brigade were out in force yesterday after learning that Kmart and Sears were selling an ‘Ashli Babbit American Patriot’ t-shirt.


Kmart and Sears quickly removed the shirt.





Very, very suspicious. Outside of cold blooded murder, what are they trying to hide.

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Buffoonery Abounds as Adam Schiff Accidentally Proves GOP Right About Focus of Capitol Riots Committee





While the Democrat argument is that Republicans are supposedly afraid of the truth, the GOP’s argument is that it is unnecessary to add a “commission” on top of the DOJ investigation as well as the other numerous inevitable Democrat-run committee “investigations” into the attack, which they feel will ultimately be little more than show trials designed not only for Democrats to obfuscate the matter even more so than they’ve already done but also to keep the issue and Trump’s name out there going into the 2022 midterms.


And now, as the House Speaker Pelosi-appointed partisan Capitol riots committee gets to doing their thing, one of its most prominent members has revealed where the areas of focus will be – and in the process proved Republicans were right to reject the idea all along:


[Rep. Adam] Schiff told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that it will examine whether Trump and the White House had “advance notice” that the more organized groups had concertedly planned the violent attack for the express purpose of overturning Trump’s loss.


Schiff also said the investigation would inevitably look at the role that some Republicans in Congress might have played in promoting the “Stop the Steal” rally, which led directly to the violence. The probe, Schiff said, might lead to “some of our colleagues.”


Schiff also noted that the committee would seek testimony from police officers who came under violent assault, to illustrate that the attack was an outgrowth of an ongoing “domestic terrorism threat.”


Laughably, the same guy who who knowingly perpetuated the lie about Trump/Russia collusion for the entire four years of Trump’s presidency attempted to assure Wallace during the same interview that Democrats would make every effort to prove to the American people that they were only interested in getting to the bottom of what happened on January 6th:



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