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Biden's Foreign Policy Already GettING Results


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When Israel goes after Hezbollah is southern Lebanon, the chips will be on the table.

Hezbollah is much more of a force and has multiple more weapons than Hamas in the Gaza.


With thousands of Israelis displaced from northern Israel as the result of non stop rocket attacks, this seems like a absolute certainty.


Interesting weeks/months ahead.  

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5 minutes ago, sherpa said:

When Israel goes after Hezbollah is southern Lebanon, the chips will be on the table.

Hezbollah is much more of a force and has multiple more weapons than Hamas in the Gaza.


With thousands of Israelis displaced from northern Israel as the result of non stop rocket attacks, this seems like a absolute certainty.


Interesting weeks/months ahead.  

Bomb bomb bomb lebanon.

Bribem is THE worst president this country has ever had. He’s a traitor to this country, he’s a traitor to our allies. He’s a terrible human being who lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.

Just a total POS!

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Did You Know There is a NATO Summit Starting Next Tuesday ?








Remember NATO?


It's that obscure alliance that supposedly exists to defend the security of the Western powers on European continent. 


There is a major war in which Russia--the country with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and a slightly shaky government--you might be forgiven for thinking that the Biden Administration would be laser-focused on preparing for the NATO summit that begins in Washington on Tuesday. 


At least you could be forgiven for thinking that before the disastrous performance of the president in the debate with Donald Trump last Thursday. In this new reality, it is silly to think that anybody but a few obscure aides is making policy decisions in the White House. 


The fact that the president isn't engaged in preparations for this meeting now makes a lot of sense. Aside from showing up, wandering around, shaking hands with world leaders and imaginary friends, and reading words off a teleprompter (badly), he actually has no role to play in next week's meetings. 


I don't think it really has seeped into most people's minds that the real crisis right now is that there is no President of the United States and the world is still dangerous. People keep referring to U.S. leadership of the free world, but the truth is that the seat of power is empty. A few obscure aides are running things, and by all accounts, they are factotums loyal to Jill Biden. 






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U.S. intercepts Russian, Chinese bombers off Alaskan coast

CBS News, by Faris Tanyos & Steve Smith


The U.S. military intercepted several Russian and Chinese bombers in international airspace near the coast of Alaska Wednesday. Two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s entered what is known as the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, North American Aerospace Defense Command said in a statement Wednesday night. The aircraft were "detected, tracked and intercepted," NORAD said





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40 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:



I'm not a big fan of credibility of this kind of news, but if this is true, and the Iranian military does anything, this would give the Israelis full cover to go after the Iranian nuc program.

I'm quite certain they know the targets, and equally certain they seek a justification.

I'm quite certain the US would be better at it, but if Iran acts, this is the excuse nonpareil for the Israelis to do what they want to do. 

Not sure they have the range, and not sure they have the weapons, but if Iran does anything, we may find out.

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Just wondering.

I believe that that Harris is delaying her naming of her VP candidate intentionally.


Not that I care, because I think that she is the worst candidate ever puked up for national office.


But.....On a day that the market is tanking and Iran may finally act against Israel, the silly Dem party probably doesn't want a coming our for VP.

Not a media positive day, which she has, without any deserved accomplishments, gotten used to


I've grown skeptical with reason, but I can't stand that group.

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What If Iran Wants to Punish Biden?

David Strom 


By Western standards, we would expect any rational actor to choose the lesser of two evils, and in a race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, it sure looks like Iran is backing Harris. 


You couldn't blame them for that. Harris and Biden have been very good to Iran, while Trump killed their top IGRC General. They would be nuts not to back her. 





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