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Biden's Foreign Policy Already GettING Results


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Biden Administration consulted Israel expert on how to 'force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse'

as president accuses the prime minster of 'hurting Israel more than helping' 

by Nic White


An Israel expert claims the Biden administration asked them how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be toppled from power. President Joe Biden has in recent weeks sharpened his rhetoric on the Israeli response to the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas. His administration has grown increasingly unhappy with the mounting civilian death toll, now at more than 30,000, in Gaza from bombings and ground operations. Biden has repeatedly criticized Israel's heavy-handed approach, calling it 'over the top'







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Such "principled" leaders.





It is widely believed that Joe Biden’s anti-Israel, pro-Hamas policy is driven by his desperate need to carry Michigan if he is to have any hope of re-election.

That seems like a reasonable assumption, although, to be fair, it is also possible that he shares his old boss’s anti-Israel animus.


But here is another one:


Biden’s team knows that Americans have had about all the Bidenflation they can stand, and a spike in energy prices between now and November could well doom Joe’s chances.


Would Biden be willing to throw the Ukrainians under the bus, along with the Israelis, to improve his odds?


I think we all know the answer to that one.





Edited by B-Man
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