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You know what I heard about Kordell Stewart...

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I never knew that went down that way . I remember Slash lighting up the NFL he was some kind of a good player !! 


No matter what there are people that hate in all walks of our every day life & with no real evidence they spread the hate with malicious intent it's just to bad that those people are so unhappy with them selves that they can't allow others to be in a good place they have to try to bring others down and spread their hate to others  -- sad !! 





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Super cool article, I especially loved this: 


“We really did everything together. He was a carpenter and a house painter and a barber, so guess what I was? An assistant house painter, an assistant carpenter and a junior barber. He had a shop in our garage, and it was like $7 for a cut from my dad and $5 if you wanted to take a chance with Kordell.” 

sucks that people were so awful to him. 

Not sure about painting those telling him to be a WR in such a negative light - it was before my time, but looking at his stats, he didn’t seem to be a very good QB....

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Great read, thanks for sharing.

I remember those rumors about Kordell. We'll probably never know to what extent those things cut short a pretty remarkable start to an NFL career. It's just so mixed up with the "not a pro-style QB" conversation.


A few weeks ago there was a thread titled something like "Is Josh Allen the most physically gifted QB ever?" Being someone of a certain age and with a long memory, I responded: he's right up there, but watch some video of Roman Gabriel, Bobby Douglass, Bert Jones, Cam Newton, etc. before using words like "most" and "ever."

I forgot about Kordell Stewart. His running ability is obvious - there's a clip of him going 80 yards from a heavy set formation embedded in this article. But he could throw it 70 yards too. An amazing athlete, and from everything I've heard, a really good guy too. He was just a little ahead of his time with his particular QB skill set, and maybe the times were a little bit behind him as far as the rumor mill and the kinds of things that could get you blackballed from the NFL just a couple decades ago.


Interesting sidelight: he talks about long-forgotten 90s things that were status symbols, like a 6-CD changer. I knew I had arrived when I got that Sony 100-CD changer around the same time ...

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