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Time to put up or shut up.

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Seen that's just it. They could have traded up to grab an OL prospect, but they didn't. I think TD thinks he's smarter than he is. See: Kris Farris, Ryan Denney, Brandon Spoon, etc...




again, maybe they feel they have the problem fixed. They don't seem to be as desperate as you guys. I tend to think no one wanted to trade down with Buffalo and if they did they probably wanted too much. We took Mike Williams as the 4th overall pick a few years ago. TD's been smacked around plenty for that move, but when it happened everyone was really happy we "fixed" the OLine problem in the draft.


we might as well criticize about 29 other GM's who "think they are smarter than they are" because last time I checked, there's only been two teams that have won the Super Bowl the last 4 years.

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I'm pretty fed up with not making the playoffs as well, and I think most Bills fans are. However, keep in mind that when the Bills do make it, they'll be very well positioned to make it several years in a row, as opposed to teams like Chicago a few years ago that are one and done.


BTW, we're not going to make the playoffs this year, not with basically a rookie QB. At least I wouldn't bet on it. But 2005 will be wildly successful if Losman has shows flashes of being smart, accurate, and a leader amid his expected inconsistency as a first time starter. Losman = key to the franchise's future.

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Seen that's just it. They could have traded up to grab an OL prospect, but they didn't. I think TD thinks he's smarter than he is. See: Kris Farris, Ryan Denney, Brandon Spoon, etc...



See: McGahee, McGee, Clements, Schobel, Henry, Jennings, that arguement holds ZERO water.....We had 6 picks this year. What does he used to trade up with.

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This fan is tired of waiting for prospects, it's time for Tom's picks to put up or shut up. Anything less than a playoff win is unacceptable this year, IMO. Anything less means TD should work on his resume. Because 5 years is too long for "rebuilding".


One thing: Does our GM think games are won on the periphery rather than the lines?



Wasn't last year the year to put up or shut up? And the year before that? And next year, won't someone be saying "This is the year to put up or shut up"?


Hell, when is it not the year to "put up or shut up"? :(

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The question here is: Is it better to continue with an unsuccessful regime ad infinitum or make the change when it's apparent it's not working. I'm willing to give him this year, next year at the MOST, but 6 years is a long time to rebuild.




I think that clearly the better course to go is to stick with the TD approach right now rather than commit to several more years of losing while rebuilding goes on if we made a change in direction.


There is a small chance one might find a John Fox who can pull off with a lot of good work and luck the job he did in Carolina (though their horrendous start last year and missing the playoffs in a similar last game fashion as he Bills shows this road is no sure thing to glory), but far more likely one might end up with another well-repected guy incapable of building a sustainable winner (a Tom Couglin for example) or a quality guy who will never win the SB with cap drag his star puts on the team (Bill Polian for example).


The bottomline for TD has to be the record and his record after 4 years as GM is one of a loser.


However, there is a clear division in assessing his teams under GW and his team under HH.


He seemed so bruised (understandably so actually for any human though not condonable for a professional football guy) by getting fired by a guy he hired in Cowher, that he hired GW as his HC cause he knew GW would not can him and if he tried to he could beat GW.


TD got one mulligan for his bad hire of GW (and only got this because he has done a good job for Ralph's wallet with managing contracts, negotiations and propects for the rest of the business) but he needs to make it work with MM.


Missing the playoffs last year was tough, but by producing a winning record he gets another run with my strong endorsement.


The league is all about what have you done for me lately and a winning record after reversin from the GW debacle wins him another run with my full questioning support. Talk to me again after this season, but by far dancing with the one who brung us seems the thing to do rather than reversing course to an uncertain future after we improved from 6-10 to 9-7 and just missed the playoffs last year.


Its a pain to sit home in December, but if we are gonna fire the new GM when he misses the playoffs as he is likely to do in 2006 then we would likely be commiting to the Arizona Cardinal plan.

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Wasn't last year the year to put up or shut up?  And the year before that?  And next year, won't someone be saying "This is the year to put up or shut up"?


Hell, when is it not the year to "put up or shut up"?  :(



Exactly. It hasn't gotten done, not even close. We "almost" made the playoffs last year, 6-10 the year before, 8-8 before that and 4-12 the year prior. Not good.

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Its a pain to sit home in December, but if we are gonna fire the new GM when he misses the playoffs as he is likely to do in 2006 then we would likely be commiting to the Arizona Cardinal plan.



Hate to break it to you:


We already are on the Arizona Cardinal plan. 5 years since our last playoff appearance.

What's wrong with wanting a winner?

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again, maybe they feel they have the problem fixed. They don't seem to be as desperate as you guys. I tend to think no one wanted to trade down with Buffalo and if they did they probably wanted too much. We took Mike Williams as the 4th overall pick a few years ago. TD's been smacked around plenty for that move, but when it happened everyone was really happy we "fixed" the OLine problem in the draft.


we might as well criticize about 29 other GM's who "think they are smarter than they are" because last time I checked, there's only been two teams that have won the Super Bowl the last 4 years.



I think he got "smacked around" because even with the 4th overall pick, he went the wrong direction. He drafted a RT when our need was at LT.


Unfortunately for us, one of theose 2 GMs is in our division and has consistently outclassed our management year in and year out since TD arrived here. And, sadly, that shows no signs of changing.


Whose drafts were good this year, despite the lack of talent?


Baltimore - One of our competitors for the final playoff spot last year, they got better

ARIZONA - The team TD couldn't con into taking TH

Dallass - They had a defensive need, and addressed the root causes of their problem, DE


Now we had an offensive problem last year. The OL was atrocious.


We still arguably have an OL problem this year in that we have no LT. Perhaps there's some master plan out there to fix it. If there is, they sure as hell haven't done anything to announce it.

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