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Biden Blames Everyone but Himself for Afghanistan Withdrawal Fiasco: Biden never addressed why it all went haywire this weekend.









Why Joe Biden’s Afghanistan Speech Was A Disaster.











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Joe Biden’s speech today was a disgrace. He read briefly from a teleprompter, and took neither questions nor responsibility. It is reasonable to infer that his mental condition is such that he is not able to answer questions, or else his actions have been so indefensible that there is no answer to the questions that might be asked.


It is a remarkable fact that in the last week, the Taliban has answered more questions from American media than President Biden.


Biden pretended that he is being criticized for withdrawing from Afghanistan. This is a bad joke. I, for one, wrote years ago that we should wind up our involvement in that country. I did not suggest, however, that we should pull out precipitously, without evacuating civilians first, and suddenly deprive Afghan forces of air cover so that it would be difficult or impossible for them to fight effectively. Nor did I write that we should abandon our bases without even bothering to secure or at least destroy materiel that has now fallen into the hands of the Taliban. I did not advocate that we pull out our military personnel first and only worry about civilians later, nor did I suggest that we wait until the Taliban have encircled the Kabul airport before trying to get either Americans or friendly Afghans onto airplanes.






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The Optics of Walking Away

By Scott Hounsell | Aug 17, 2021 4:30 PM ET



In Afghanistan, President Biden has delivered the United States one of its greatest foreign policy disasters since Benghazi.  After President Trump had offered to negotiate a withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban, Joe Biden upped the ante by ordering a total withdrawal from the country without as much as a single condition for the Taliban, including a means by which the United States could maintain an embassy in their country.  After several days of deafening silence from the Biden White House, the President returned from vacation for a few minutes to address the nation.


Biden’s speech was everything you could have expected from Biden: The speech was filled with various finger-pointing at Trump, at the military, at the Afghan people, despite it ending ironically with a Truman-Esque “the buck stops here.”  But yet, the symbolism that truly showed through at that presser was when Biden had to then turn his back on the cameras and walk away.  Worse than that, he then walked outside to Marine One to head back on vacation.


He didn’t take any questions.  He didn’t act like a person who is in charge.  He acted like he was checking a box.  “Well, I addressed the country.  Can I go back on vacation now?”  In fact, Biden created more questions than answered them.  Remember, just a few weeks ago, Biden said Afghanistan was not going to become a new Vietnam, and any withdrawal would not lead to Taliban control on the country.


Biden didn’t only prove himself to be a fool on the matter just a few weeks later but reiterated during his speech that he had “no regrets” on his withdrawal plan.  This is perhaps the most egregious thing said by Biden during the whole presser.


The President of the United States, in an address that will be played on replay around the world, said in no uncertain terms that despite his direct action leading to a terrorist organization taking rule of a country, he had no regrets.  We all know what the future of Afghanistan holds.  It isn’t like the Taliban hasn’t already shown their vision for Afghanistan.  It isn’t like the same people haven’t tried to assassinate women’s rights leaders or those who have assisted the American forces during the Afghan War.  We already know what they plan to do to the country that we have spent 20 years, 2 trillion dollars, and thousands of American lives to create and Joe Biden was willing to throw all that out.  Worse yet, even with the benefit of hindsight, he has no regret.


Yet, despite these huge errors in judgment, Mr. “The Buck Stops Here” didn’t stick around after his presser to accept questions.  The press, which has become increasingly critical of Biden’s handling on the matter, wasn’t allowed to ask the President a single question regarding the largest foreign policy embarrassment since Saigon.  Instead of facing tough questions and instead of facing a few uncomfortable minutes of being held accountable, Biden turned his back and walked away.


He turned his back on the military.  He turned his back on the Embassy officials still on the ground.  He turned his back on our allies who are still in the country.  He turned his back on the Afghan people.  He turned his back on the Gold Star Families, wounded veterans, and others who were lucky enough to return home.  He turned his back on the local interpreters who saved countless American lives.  It isn’t like the President doesn’t see the same images we see or isn’t terrified by the same video we are seeing.  In fact, he probably has access to even more footage and data.  Not so much as a plan, a promise, or a guarantee.  Despite all these horrible results of his failure to plan, he has no regrets.



The only thing that I can hope for is that enough of the people who voted for him do.  Let’s hope they turn his back on him, too.



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The speech that shamed America:

Its contemptible dishonesty would have made Donald Trump blush.  how can Joe Biden ever recover?

Daily Mail (UK), by Andrew Neil


It was the most contemptible speech by a U.S. president in modern times — a speech that shames America and leaves its global reputation in the dirt.And given that, until last January, the White House was occupied for four years by a certain Donald J. Trump, there couldn’t be a more damning criticism of President Joe Biden.


Much of his address to the U.S. on Monday was Orwellian. In his classic novel 1984, set in a totalitarian dystopia, George Orwell created a Ministry of Peace which waged war, a Ministry of Truth which peddled lies, a Ministry of Love which tortured dissidents and a Ministry of Plenty which oversaw starvation.


Biden matched all of that and more with his own defiant doublethink, involving distortions, the rewriting of history, and nonsense and untruths that even Trump would struggle to rival.


His abject surrender to the Taliban was dressed up as political reality and common sense. His scuttle from Kabul, still ongoing, was depicted as geopolitical wisdom and a refocusing of U.S. priorities.


Any mistakes or problems were the fault of others, from Trump to the Afghan army.


But make no mistake: the person overwhelmingly responsible for the appalling scenes currently unfolding on our TV screens is the man sitting in the Oval Office.







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French and Brits Are Rescuing Their Citizens in Kabul, but Here's What Americans Were Hearing

by Nick Arama


Americans were left in the lurch by Joe Biden, stuck behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, despite the fact that the Biden team was warned about the impending collapse of Afghanistan and Kabul. They were then told that if they were outside of Kabul, there was no plan to get them out. Even the people in Kabul were told: Figure out your own way to the airport through the Taliban because we’re not going to help get you there. Now, just in perspective, understand that the French and the British are actually going out and extracting their citizens in Kabul





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2 minutes ago, B-Man said:



French and Brits Are Rescuing Their Citizens in Kabul, but Here's What Americans Were Hearing

by Nick Arama


Americans were left in the lurch by Joe Biden, stuck behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, despite the fact that the Biden team was warned about the impending collapse of Afghanistan and Kabul. They were then told that if they were outside of Kabul, there was no plan to get them out. Even the people in Kabul were told: Figure out your own way to the airport through the Taliban because we’re not going to help get you there. Now, just in perspective, understand that the French and the British are actually going out and extracting their citizens in Kabul





Terrible leadership, time to impeach!

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"Biden Afghanistan policy counts on war weary Americans to lose interest."


A disturbing headline at Reuters.



President Joe Biden is brushing off criticism of his administration's chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal because he and his aides believe the political fallout at home will be limited, according to White House allies and administration officials....


"The public opinion is pretty damn clear that Americans wanted out of the ongoing war and don't want to get back in. It's true today and it's going to be true in six months," said one Biden ally. "It isn't about not caring or being empathetic about what's going on over there, but worrying about what's happening in America."






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57 minutes ago, B-Man said:

"Biden Afghanistan policy counts on war weary Americans to lose interest."


A disturbing headline at Reuters.



President Joe Biden is brushing off criticism of his administration's chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal because he and his aides believe the political fallout at home will be limited, according to White House allies and administration officials....


"The public opinion is pretty damn clear that Americans wanted out of the ongoing war and don't want to get back in. It's true today and it's going to be true in six months," said one Biden ally. "It isn't about not caring or being empathetic about what's going on over there, but worrying about what's happening in America."


Because what's happening in America is so great...

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No surprise.


US omits Macron’s plea for ‘moral responsibility’ from record of Afghanistan call

by Joan E Greve


The White House’s readout of a call between Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron on the crisis in Afghanistan leaves out an impassioned plea from the French president that the US and its allies have a “moral responsibility” to evacuate Afghan allies. The French government’s readout of the conversation was released on Friday, a day after the call took place, and indicates that Macron emphasised ensuring the safe evacuation of Afghan citizens who assisted American and European troops over the past 20 years at great risk to themselves and their families. According to the readout, Macron described the mission to evacuate allies as a “moral responsibility”






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Afghan escape descends into chaos amid ISIS threats, Taliban death squads and Biden’s false promises


The escape from Afghanistan continued to descend into a humiliating debacle for the US on Saturday, as threats of ISIS attacks and Taliban death squads — and contradictory guidance from the White House — added to the perilous chaos faced by thousands of Americans and allies trying to flee the country.The US Embassy said on Saturday that American citizens in Afghanistan should stay away from Kabul’s airport, the only way out.The advisory directly contradicted President Biden’s insistence on Friday that Americans could proceed to Hamid Karzai International Airport freely




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5 minutes ago, Doc said:

But don't call them stranded.  That will get you a stern talking-to from Jenny.

When you devote yourself to a career as a professional liar its not possible to accept and recognize the truth when your livelihood depends on ignoring it. 

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