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Biden's lies


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2 hours ago, B-Man said:



Where are last year's PPP voices ?


Where are you ?



Shocking Photos Show the Horrifying, Inhumane Conditions of Biden's Border Crisis




Joe Biden’s laying out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants has resulted in “a human disaster at multiple crossing points,” according to photos provided to the Washington Examiner by the former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Mark Morgan.


“This is crazy what’s happening,” Morgan told Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner. Morgan’s photos of several crossing points show cages (yes, cages) of illegal immigrants, absolutely disgusting bathroom facilities, and thousands of migrants crammed under bridges as they wait to be processed in 100-degree heat.

“It’s nuts. There are 4,000 people under that bridge. We’ve had storms. They were outside …100 degrees outside,” he said.






In the middle of a pandemic and Biden is talking about gutting the border budget. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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"I’m old enough to remember when it was a bad thing for presidents to knowingly and blatantly violate their oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States."


"I’m even old enough to remember a time — lo these seven months ago! — when the left responded to such maneuvers with horror, rather than egging them on."

Writes Megan McArdle in "Opinion: What the left doesn’t want to face about the eviction moratorium" (WaPo). 


I agree that Presidents of both parties ought to be judged by the same standard when they take a challenging legal position, but we need to be consistent in when we're going to say they have "knowingly and blatantly violate[d] their oath." 


I read in The Washington Post that Professor Larry Tribe advised the President that the new moratorium would be constitutional. If Biden sincerely believes that — or embraces it with whatever feeling a politician has in the place in heart where ordinary people experience sincere belief — should we denounce him for knowingly and blatantly violating the Constitution? 


McArdle proceeds to argue (persuasively) that the moratorium is bad policy. But bad policy doesn't make it a blatant constitutional violation. And yet, even as the desire to adopt the policy is what led Biden to take a challenging constitutional position, recognition that the policy is bad could people who don't really care about constitutional limits to back off from that position. 


But I don't even trust Biden to choose the best policy or even to believe he is choosing the best policy! It's political maneuvering, and I presume that he not only expects the courts to strike it down, he wants that outcome.






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On 8/6/2021 at 7:06 AM, B-Man said:


#2 thru #14 -- See rule #1.




1.  Crack down hard on employers hiring illegals.  

On 8/6/2021 at 11:37 AM, Unforgiven said:


He even looked at his notes to “check the number”.   🤦🏻‍♂️

Hey Joe!  Can you tell me how much is in my retirement accounts? 

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Mayorkas says ‘we’re going to lose’ the border crisis: Leaked audio.


“Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed the administration is ‘going to lose’ the border crisis as ‘unsustainable’ numbers of migrants continue to pour into the United States.”




BIDEN -- "The border is under control"  




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