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Trump Impeachment 2.0

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Sullivan has posted in support of Black Lives Matter. He leads a group called Insurgence USA, which says it was founded in the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man, in police custody in Minneapolis last year.


“The lack of care for the human life was unacceptable so we set out to end police brutality. We then set out to empower and uplifting black and indigenous voices,” the group’s website states.






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So according to the Left, my 66 y.o. retired/former religious ed. teacher wife, who still attends and volunteers at church regularly, when the Left isn't closing them, votes mainly anti-abortionIsts because of her faith (and 3 miscarriages in a 6 year span), is clearly a racist nazi terrorist sympathizer.


She's a triple threat to society according today's LW/DEM party standards.


Yeah, they're the open-minded party. It's clear to see....to them.

Edited by I am the egg man
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5 hours ago, I am the egg man said:

So according to the Left, my 66 y.o. retired/former religious ed. teacher wife, who still attends and volunteers at church regularly, when the Left isn't closing them, votes mainly anti-abortionIsts because of her faith (and 3 miscarriages in a 6 year span), is clearly a racist nazi terrorist sympathizer.


She's a triple threat to society according today's LW/DEM party standards.


Yeah, they're the open-minded party. It's clear to see....to them.

Exact same clip exact same misinterpretation so here's the same response.

9 hours ago, Warcodered said:

Did you actually listen to the clip because he doesn't say that at all. More along the lines of if you find yourself on the same side as racists, Nazis, and seditionists maybe you should reassess the thought process that brought you there.

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7 hours ago, I am the egg man said:

Yeah, they're the open-minded party. It's clear to see....to them.

I guess you are angry now that you just got tricked again on twitter. I think you and that other guy need to stay off since twitter tricks you into looking very bad.

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1 hour ago, TBBills said:

Republicans so scared now... Trying to use false and misinformation to spread more lies when that is what got you a in this position to start with... Yet some of you posters will NEVER learn.

Just a couple more days and we will have a Biden administration with a Democrat House and Senate!


4 years ago at this time, the right was saying things like elections have consequences or he’s the President you need to support him, and lock her up.


Now they’re just sad and scared. This was all easily preventable if they would have run even a decent candidate instead of the crap they decided to go with.


One of the great stories coming out too is Americans paid $100,000 for toilets because Ivanka and Jared didn’t want to share one of their 6.5 bathrooms. Talk about fiscal responsibility!

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23 hours ago, SoTier said:


IMO, GA is the canary in the coal mine for the GOP.  Demographics have been clear for more than a decade that some GOP strongholds have been "under siege" by migrants from other parts of the country as well as from immigrants, most notably those growing states with large, growing metros like North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Arizona.   The Democrats turning Arizona and, especially, Georgia, is a warning sign that white grievance politics __ the essential heart of Trumpism __ is going to become a drag on Republican candidates in states growing more diverse by the year because that message doesn't appeal to the electorates in diverse large urban metros.  California and New York are examples of states where Republicans have become uncompetitive on a state-wide level.   The success of the Democratic candidates in the Georgia run offs may also reinvigorate black electoral activism in not only Georgia but throughout the Southeast and in Texas.



That appears to be the trajectory at this point but what comes next is going to decide whether it continues.  But focusing on social causes and attributing the cause of many problems to things like inequality and racism can only take you so far.  And the idea generated by the far-left that Trump is the cause and source of all hardship and evil and that removing him from power solves all that is a delusion.  At the end of the day economic issues will drive the voting patterns.  


Another possibility is the Biden/Harris social experiment might turn out to be a 2 year event.  What if the economy turns down hard?  What if the economic "recovery" from COVID never happens the way many expect?  What happens when unemployment rates fail to come down or increase?  What happens if food and energy prices double or triple?  What happens if all these money printing programs lead to very high rates of price inflation and a loss of confidence in the US dollar by holders both domestic and foreign?  The cost of everything in dollar terms goes up.  Your standard of living goes down unless your wages or income keep pace.  What's the answer?  Give away more free money and throw more fuel on the fire?


What if the new administration engages in new foreign military adventures?  Something that appears certain given the resumes of many of the people Biden has named to key posts.  My guess is US military forces will be engaged in some new adventure somewhere before the end of Summer 2021. 


If you're an American born citizen under-30 you have no firsthand experience dealing with an economic downturn of any severity and duration,  I have and so have many others here that are a little older.  I'll guarantee one thing.  When the free money stops and you don't have a job or food in your stomach or gas in your tank or a comfortable place to live or a way to take care of yourself or your family and the government becomes ineffective and incapable of doing anything to help all that talk about solving every social evil that ever existed isn't going to be the focus of your attention. 


I may be wrong, and I hope I am, but that's my assessment of where we are headed. 


What the coastal lefties don't comprehend about the "mid-west" Trump supporters (because they all too easily accept the "racist" narrative rather than doing any real thinking about things on their own or gathering an real firsthand intelligence or information) is that most of them are living this already.  So if it happens to the rest of the country they don't care.  They know they'll survive but they're betting the liberal urban snowflakes will not.   







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4 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

And the idea generated by the far-left that Trump is the cause and source of all hardship and evil and that removing him from power solves all that is a delusion

If that was true it would be crazy. The things Trump is the source of is his attempt to commit voter fraud, brainwash people with lies and corruption, create terrorism where there didn't need to be. All b.c he only cares about his EGO and nothing else.


Why do you think he went to look at his wall instead of trying to help this country in such a horrible time that he put us in...

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31 minutes ago, TBBills said:

If that was true it would be crazy. The things Trump is the source of is his attempt to commit voter fraud, brainwash people with lies and corruption, create terrorism where there didn't need to be. All b.c he only cares about his EGO and nothing else.


Why do you think he went to look at his wall instead of trying to help this country in such a horrible time that he put us in...

You won't see me defending Trump's persona or behavior.  For the record I didn't vote for Trump in either election but I also didn't vote for Clinton or Biden.  I didn't like any of these choices and view our incoming President as nothing more than a figurehead or puppet of some powerful interests lucking in the shadows.  Given his physical and mental condition I expect he'll be out of office in a year or so.


But nobody voted for or supports Trump because they think he's a great human being or a man of high integrity.  And this brainwashing narrative needs to stop.  Trump just told them what they want to hear and did basically nothing of what he promised.  The wall wasn't built, jobs didn't return, America didn't become great again. 


Most of his support comes out of the reality that it was the mainstream professional political class consisting of both major parties that oversaw the dismantling of the economic relationships and arrangements that lead to the hardships a lot of them have lived.  So who do you want them to support?  Coastal Democratic leftists pushing some social agenda they could care less about?  An agenda that blames them for all the social woes and evils of the country.  Or some global economic platform?  Or pro-corporate big business Republicans?  That very thing that de-industrialized the middle of the country.  They supported Trump because he was the only game in town.  A game that turned out to provide nothing back in return.  And now that they've gained nothing and are the target of the left and the media they are pissed.  If the liberals were as smart as they think they are, which they are not, they'd work toward de-escalating the situation.  But they won't,  They'll pile on here.  And I fear it is going to result in a lot of adverse consequences all around.             

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3 hours ago, Warcodered said:

Exact same clip exact same misinterpretation so here's the same response.

Lemon said you are in the crowd with those types if you voted for Trump.


That is a blanket statement meant as being in league with them. 

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9 minutes ago, I am the egg man said:

Lemon said you are in the crowd with those types if you voted for Trump.


That is a blanket statement meant as being in league with them. 


If you voted for Trump in 2020 - you validated the past four years and enabled the past two months.

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Just now, BillStime said:


If you voted for Trump in 2020 - you validated the past four years and enabled the past two months.

Yeah, point the finger at me for why cities were in flames, looted and ransacked. 


My home deserves the same and I should be imprisoned at the very least.


That's the mindset of the tolerant Left if one doesn't agree with it.



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2 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:


4 years ago at this time, the right was saying things like elections have consequences 



You are aware that it was Barack who famously said this right? The Republicans were only saying it back. Neither position is good for this country. Wake up!

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5 minutes ago, I am the egg man said:

Yeah, point the finger at me for why cities were in flames, looted and ransacked. 


My home deserves the same and I should be imprisoned at the very least.


That's the mindset of the tolerant Left if one doesn't agree with it.




Violence inspired by Trump:


• Charlottesville

• Tree of Life Synagogue

• Capital Gazette

• Cesar Sayoc pipe bombs

* El Paso Walmart

* LIBERATE! in various cities  

* 1/6 insurrection


And you still voted for him.

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3 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

You are aware that it was Barack who famously said this right? The Republicans were only saying it back. Neither position is good for this country. Wake up!

I am aware of that. But it was still a thing the right said. Same with the F your feelings. Same with we need to do what Trump says because he’s the President.


The right only cares about unity when they’re not in power. Democrats should take a page out of the Republican play book and push as much as much of the left agenda as possible.


They should fill every judicial nominee with any left leaning person even if they’re not qualified like the Republicans did. 

If the Republicans win back the house in the midterms, the Senate should block every Republican bill.


If Republicans actually wanted unity they would have tried when they had power. Time for the Dems to yield the power and go as much as they can without costing them seats.

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53 minutes ago, BillStime said:


Violence inspired by Trump:


• Charlottesville

• Tree of Life Synagogue

• Capital Gazette

• Cesar Sayoc pipe bombs

* El Paso Walmart

* LIBERATE! in various cities  

* 1/6 insurrection




Have we canceled Islam for 9/11 yet?  


How many movies, songs, and Obama speeches that resulted in killing of any kind can we lay at his feet? 


I'll start with his comments that resulted in the "Great Beer Summit of 2009."  


That incident set the tone for all violent protests as a result of most definitely racist incidents like Mike Brown and George Zimmerman which led to the destruction of cities and the deliberate murder of police.  


This is some dangerous Anti American goal posts moving we've never ever seen before.  



*Back to you Don Lemon for analysis*

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15 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



Have we canceled Islam for 9/11 yet?  


How many movies, songs, and Obama speeches that resulted in killing of any kind can we lay at his feet? 


I'll start with his comments that resulted in the "Great Beer Summit of 2009."  


That incident set the tone for all violent protests as a result of most definitely racist incidents like Mike Brown and George Zimmerman which led to the destruction of cities and the deliberate murder of police.  


This is some dangerous Anti American goal posts moving we've never ever seen before.  



*Back to you Don Lemon for analysis*

What some call cancel culture, others simply call consequences

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