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Two Cheers for the Deep State and Elitism

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21 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

Politician: Society’s otherwise underachievers who’ll say just about anything to their constituents in order to keep their jobs for another term during which they’ll go right back to doing as little as possible hoping that they than come back and make the same election promises in the next cycle. 


Not bad it definitely fits 😜

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I am not a believer in the deep state as Rhino use to pontificate about, but if they do exist in some organized format like the illuminati they may be the only defense against trumps coup. It appears even Pence is afraid to declare "25"  as the revolutionaries will treat him like Benedict Arnold.

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We just didn't start enough wars in the Middle East 


Now everyone that voted for Trump even if it was just bc you like tax cuts or not killing babies, and nothing else, you need to be eradicated.


Please explain that to 18 year olds that haven't spent 24/7/365 of NaziTwitter.  


Nothing to see here.  


Just cheers to the deep state!



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  • 11 months later...
27 minutes ago, 716er said:

Reflecting a year later and it's a shame how much January 6th has been excused by Republicans all over the country.


Because of the ones that took place on the Capitol again?  


Because of all the subsequent riots on State Capitols around the country since? 


Especially in States still making you wear masks that don't work and are sending your kids into virtual land.  

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47 minutes ago, 716er said:

Reflecting a year later and it's a shame how much January 6th has been excused by Republicans all over the country.



Same old lie.  (all the more embarrassing for you, pulling up a year old thread to post it)


Republicans ALL over the country have condemned the protest turned riot at the Capitol............Over and over.


Including on this board.



BUT, like the vast majority of this country,


people realize that the Left is trying to push a false over-reaction by claiming this was an "Insurrection" planned by President Trump.



It wasn't.


The FBI knows it, the DC Elite know it, and YOU know it.


But you will continue to try and spread it.



November is coming, bring the thread back then too.



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Another empire fell

1905 was the test and example for building 1917...Lenin

Actually he spoke Russian...😁😁😁 but you get the idea.

Not my thought but heard the comment on a broadcast today....

Now the direction and possibility has been set it only takes someone smarter than trump and a political system failure which presents an opportunity to break the democracy

I am not suggesting America or other major democracy will turn communist but if history teaches us,,,, the Tea Party was a start but not the revolution.

Was Jan 6 the start?

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2 hours ago, Niagara Bill said:

Another empire fell

1905 was the test and example for building 1917...Lenin

Actually he spoke Russian...😁😁😁 but you get the idea.

Not my thought but heard the comment on a broadcast today....

Now the direction and possibility has been set it only takes someone smarter than trump and a political system failure which presents an opportunity to break the democracy

I am not suggesting America or other major democracy will turn communist but if history teaches us,,,, the Tea Party was a start but not the revolution.

Was Jan 6 the start?

If the US falls, canada is screwed. 🤣🤣

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I used to like to use this William F. Buckley quote:  "I'd rather entrust to government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University."


I don't anymore. Somehow we are not finding 400 citizen-legislators our there. We are selecting for a lot of people who are far lesser than any 435 random people:

George Santos is the ultimate. I'd like to say we've hit bottom, but have we?

- Lauren Boebert from my great state of Colorado. High school dropout. Generally unsuccessful business owner, doing clownish things like starting a diner where all the waitstaff carry guns. 

- Marjorie Taylor Greene. Inherited a successful construction company from her father but showed no interest in running it. Became more concerned with the dating opportunities afforded by Cross Fit, which reawakened her sex life but did not result in a successful business plan. Switched to wild conspiracy mongering and rode that into a congressional seat, where part of her party now views her as some kind of leader.

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Over-educated millennial bartender who rode her generation's grievances into a congressional seat, where she is (where have we heard this before?) somehow seen as a thought leader by many of her peers.

- Matt Gaetz. Overgrown frat boy, son of the Florida Senate's president. Did get a law degree, but then actually worked in law for a year or so before following daddy into politics. Ran into trouble when his dalliances with very young women (and what about that Cuban boy in his home? who knows?) became public, so doubled down on his crusade against the entrenched bureaucracy he was born into, now openly settling scores against those he thinks weren't sufficiently supportive of him in his time of need.

- Andy Biggs. Small town lawyer who (I am not making this up) won the "you may have already won" $10 million Publisher's Clearinghouse sweepstakes and parlayed that into a congressional seat. 

- Kamala Harris. Well known in SF (I lived there at the time) as married Mayor Willie Brown's paramour. Got appointed to boards involving things she had no experience in thanks to that connection. Parlayed those appointments into the SF DA job, then Senator, then, without any meaningful record of accomplishment, into the a place where a failed heartbeat of an 80 year old man will make her President.


Oh, for the days of country actually run by "elites." 

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, The Frankish Reich said:


Because even 2024 Biden remains preferable to Trump, unless you're just sick and tired of stability, progress, and growth.

Plus, as you recently opined, he’s mentally fit and people are wrong to be concerned with his physical frailty. Having Kamala in the on-deck circle is equally reassuring. 

Your “anyone but Trump” position is understandable and it’s all you ever had to say. Instead you would rather we believe what you and the reliable mainstream media have fed us all along the way.

Stability, progress, and growth. His has truly been a remarkable presidency. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️

Edited by JDHillFan
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1 hour ago, The Frankish Reich said:


Because even 2024 Biden remains preferable to Trump, unless you're just sick and tired of stability, progress, and growth.

Did CNN change their narrative already??


2024 Biden said to "bring it on!".  A vote for Joe is a vote for more war, a draft, and nuclear war.  

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