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The only thing we needed was already done


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We got JP and got rid of what was holding us back all frickin year in 04, and that was Bledsoe.I know Bla, Bla,Bla,but without Bledsoe their will be a HUGE differance.Even if JP has an average year he won`t make the crusual mistakes DB made when the game is on the line.He`ll be able to scramble to get out of trouble ,throw the ball away(not get sacked an fumble for td`s!)

We already have one of the best defenses and we have the best special teams, we have an awesome RB and fulback with two great receivers,a DECENT line (Bledsoe made it look worse then it was) example: I was at the Baltimore game last year and Raven fans actually felt sorry for me cause we had Bledsoe who looked like a crippled deer in headlights,I agreed with them. DB single handely lost that game for us and their were about 2-3 other games he had a BIG part in losing. without DB last year we make the playoffs with ease and the Pittsburgh game would of ment nothing.

As far as Im concerned this draft is for depth and depth only(except I would of loved to have got Nugent from Ohio st) thats are only real problem.... a FG kicker!

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Good post. Drew WAS the only problem on both sides of the ball. JP will fix everything, this is certain.

I wouldn't blame TD if he gets on a plane right now and forfeits the remaining picks.


Don`t be smart goofball you know what I mean, if you don`t your stupid.JP doesn`t have to fix a thing,all JP has to do is not lose the game for us.When you have a top defense, the best special teams, two very good recievers and a standout RB and you still don`t make the playoffs something is very wrong(bledsoe)If JP lets the game come to him and doesn`t let his ego get in the way and try to win it all by himself like the tinman tried to do, we will be fine this year....and don`t give me that sarcastic crap about "its all bledsoes fault on defense too."

If you couldn`t see the light about Bledsoe last year then you better watch some other sport buddy,cause you don`t have a frikin clue about football!...why do you think they slamed the door in his face this year?............. Because he was GREAT?? :(

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  We already have one of the best defenses a




I'll be a happy camper when our defense can shut down the elite teams(and Pittsburgh's 2nd and 3rd teamers). I'm glad Bledsoe is gone. I think Donohoe should be on the hot seat this year. Other teams have turned themselves around in shorter periods of time. I hope this is the year he gets this team back to the playoffs. On paper(ON PAPER!) I'm not very optimistic for the playoffs this year(I know there is more cuts to be made), but very hopeful(as always).

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When your QB hands the ball over to the oponent deep in your own end, then, yes, it certainly does create problems for the defense. I completely agree -- no Bledsoe = playoff appearance last year (and this year). JP doesn't need to be a hero every week -- he just needs to be smart.

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We got JP and got rid of what was holding us back all frickin year in  04, and that was Bledsoe.I know Bla, Bla,Bla,but without Bledsoe their will be a HUGE differance.Even if JP has an average year he won`t make the crusual mistakes DB made when the game is on the line.He`ll be able to scramble to get out of trouble ,throw the ball away(not get sacked an fumble for td`s!)

  We already have one of the best defenses and we have the best special teams, we have an awesome RB and fulback with two great receivers,a DECENT line (Bledsoe made it look worse then it was) example: I was at the Baltimore game last year and Raven fans actually felt sorry for me cause we had Bledsoe who looked like a crippled deer in headlights,I agreed with them. DB single handely lost that game for us and their were about 2-3 other games he had a BIG part in losing. without DB last year we make the playoffs with ease and the Pittsburgh game would of ment nothing.

  As far as Im concerned this draft is for depth and depth only(except I would of loved to have got Nugent from Ohio st) thats are only real problem.... a FG kicker!




Tell me, how did Elway, Montana, Kelly, McNabb, Vick, Culpepper, etc etc etc do in their rookie seasons?


Did they struggle at all? Oh, so they threw zero picks, completed 75% of those passes and make correct reads each and every time?


I'm a realist and I'll know JP will struggle ALOT! Better QB's than him have suffered growing pains and he'll be no different.


Asking him to be flawless is crazy.


But then again, alot of folks here will blame somebody else if he should falter anyway, so my opinion doesn't really matter.

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Tell me, how did Elway, Montana, Kelly, McNabb, Vick, Culpepper, etc etc etc do in their rookie seasons?


Did they struggle at all?  Oh, so they threw zero picks, completed 75% of those passes and make correct reads each and every time?


I'm a realist and I'll know JP will struggle ALOT!  Better QB's than him have suffered growing pains and he'll be no different.


Asking him to be flawless is crazy. 


But then again, alot of folks here will blame somebody else if he should falter anyway, so my opinion doesn't really matter.


First of all Drew did played like he was a dumb rookie! and All those qb`s did struggle as rookies..Who said JP was going to be flawless?....Just being mobile and having pocket presents is winning half the battle, Drew had niether!...No doubt It will take time for JP to make the hot reads and learn all the blitzing schemes, but I feel alot better knowing we have an athlete behind center with a personality and not a one dementional uncordinated talking head!

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When your QB hands the ball over to the oponent deep in your own end, then, yes, it certainly does create problems for the defense.  I completely agree -- no Bledsoe = playoff appearance last year (and this year).  JP doesn't need to be a hero every week -- he just needs to be smart.


Smart like he was during his mop up apperance against NE? Nothing on the line and he fumbles and throws an INT. Losman is going to go through some serious growing pains in 2005, at best I say we finish 6-10.

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Smart like he was during his mop up apperance against NE? Nothing on the line and he fumbles and throws an INT. Losman is going to go through some serious growing pains in 2005, at best I say we finish 6-10.


Yes, that was a sad performance, but I'm discounting it. I think we saw the real JP in preseason when he looked sharp.

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The Bills certainly should have cut Bledsoe after his horrendous 2003 season in my view, but it seems the height of revisionist history to claim that the Bills would have made the playoffs last year if they had done so.


1. The most direct method for the Bills to have gotten there would have been to beat Pittsburgh at home in the last game. Bledsoe clearly failed to win this game for the Bills, but to claim it is all on him and he was the only serious failing of the Bills in that game is to ignore:


A. Lindell missing a chipshot FG he shoukld have hit which would have made it a different game with a full TD lead for the Bills.

B. The D allowing a 3rd or 4th string RB to roll up over 100 yards and a 3rd string QB to lead them to a score.

C. A forgiveable physical error in Clements punting a PR on the carpet.


One can accurately blame Bledsoe for not being Joe Montana and overcoming these clear errors, but it would be silly to do so and silly to insist that JP is and must overcome similar unsolved problems in order to make this team a winner.


2. Bledsoe deserved to be cut after a disgusting 2003 season, but I don't see how one can fail to realize that his play and performance improved quite a bit from 2003 to 2004.


The level of Bledsoe improvement was not enough to overcome the failings of the 2004 Bills (Some bizarre D failings in crunch time like against Jax, huge running game deficits in RB performance in the first 4 games, bad ref calls as the one against Oak, facing a better team twice against NE) but to translate this into the sole reason we failed to make the playoffs or again to deman of our first year starting QB that he overwhelm unsolved issues in these areas does not meet reality.


Look, I am flat-out willing to say that Bledsoe's play improved a lot in 2004 over 2003 and this is true if only because the Bledsoe performance in leading a team which failed to score a TD for over 2 full games was so bad in 2003.


Bledsoe's play was certainly inadequate last year but do you seriously say he did not improve over his horrible 2003 performance? To not recognize the simple facts means you do not recognize the facts about football.


The bottomline is that by insisting switching QBs is the ONLY thing the Bills must do is to assert and expect that our first year QB is not going to have the normal growing pains and learning that almost all NFL players go through. I hope he will be a god among mean immediately upon taking the field also, but I do not demand or expect that.

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The Bills certainly should have cut Bledsoe after his horrendous 2003 season in my view, but it seems the height of revisionist history to claim that the Bills would have made the playoffs last year if they had done so.


1. The most direct method for the Bills to have gotten there would have been to beat Pittsburgh at home in the last game. Bledsoe clearly failed to win this game for the Bills, but to claim it is all on him and he was the only serious failing of the Bills in that game is to ignore:


A. Lindell missing a chipshot FG he shoukld have hit which would have made it a different game with a full TD lead for the Bills.

B. The D allowing a 3rd or 4th string RB to roll up over 100 yards and a 3rd string QB to lead them to a score.

C. A forgiveable physical error in Clements punting a PR on the carpet.


One can accurately blame Bledsoe for not being Joe Montana and overcoming these clear errors, but it would be silly to do so and silly to insist that JP is and must overcome similar unsolved problems in order to make this team a winner.


2. Bledsoe deserved to be cut after a disgusting 2003 season, but I don't see how one can fail to realize that his play and performance improved quite a bit from 2003 to 2004.


The level of Bledsoe improvement was not enough to overcome the failings of the 2004 Bills (Some bizarre D failings in crunch time like against Jax, huge running game deficits in RB performance in the first 4 games, bad ref calls as the one against Oak, facing a better team twice against NE) but to translate this into the sole reason we failed to make the playoffs or again to deman of  our first year starting QB that he overwhelm unsolved issues in these areas does not meet reality.


Look, I am flat-out willing to say that Bledsoe's play improved a lot in 2004 over 2003 and this is true if only because the Bledsoe performance in leading a team which failed to score a TD for over 2 full games was so bad in 2003.


Bledsoe's play was certainly inadequate last year but do you seriously say he did not improve over his horrible 2003 performance?  To not recognize the simple facts means you do not recognize the facts about football.


The bottomline is that by insisting switching QBs is the ONLY thing the Bills must do is to assert and expect that our first year QB is not going to have the normal growing pains and learning that almost all NFL players go through. I hope he will be a god among mean immediately upon taking the field also, but I do not demand or expect that.



JP would perform no worse than Drew if he were asked to run the dumbed down offense that Drew ran last year. The only reason the Hall of Fame Drew "looked" better in 2004 was that the coaches had to protect him from himself.


Although only in his 2nd year, JP will be running a much more varied and sophisitiated offense than Drew and will probably make more mistakes along the way. But he will also generate more big plays and score more points.

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The Bills certainly should have cut Bledsoe after his horrendous 2003 season in my view, but it seems the height of revisionist history to claim that the Bills would have made the playoffs last year if they had done so.


1. The most direct method for the Bills to have gotten there would have been to beat Pittsburgh at home in the last game. Bledsoe clearly failed to win this game for the Bills, but to claim it is all on him and he was the only serious failing of the Bills in that game is to ignore:


A. Lindell missing a chipshot FG he shoukld have hit which would have made it a different game with a full TD lead for the Bills.

B. The D allowing a 3rd or 4th string RB to roll up over 100 yards and a 3rd string QB to lead them to a score.

C. A forgiveable physical error in Clements punting a PR on the carpet.


One can accurately blame Bledsoe for not being Joe Montana and overcoming these clear errors, but it would be silly to do so and silly to insist that JP is and must overcome similar unsolved problems in order to make this team a winner.


2. Bledsoe deserved to be cut after a disgusting 2003 season, but I don't see how one can fail to realize that his play and performance improved quite a bit from 2003 to 2004.


The level of Bledsoe improvement was not enough to overcome the failings of the 2004 Bills (Some bizarre D failings in crunch time like against Jax, huge running game deficits in RB performance in the first 4 games, bad ref calls as the one against Oak, facing a better team twice against NE) but to translate this into the sole reason we failed to make the playoffs or again to deman of  our first year starting QB that he overwhelm unsolved issues in these areas does not meet reality.


Look, I am flat-out willing to say that Bledsoe's play improved a lot in 2004 over 2003 and this is true if only because the Bledsoe performance in leading a team which failed to score a TD for over 2 full games was so bad in 2003.


Bledsoe's play was certainly inadequate last year but do you seriously say he did not improve over his horrible 2003 performance?  To not recognize the simple facts means you do not recognize the facts about football.


The bottomline is that by insisting switching QBs is the ONLY thing the Bills must do is to assert and expect that our first year QB is not going to have the normal growing pains and learning that almost all NFL players go through. I hope he will be a god among mean immediately upon taking the field also, but I do not demand or expect that.



Thanks for a (second) voice of reason in this bizarre thread. I do think, however, that your criticism of DB in 2003 might be a little unfair. Look at his supporting cast for much of the year - a weak, poorly coached line, a banged up Henry, Moulds at half speed, and his two best healthy receivers named Shaw and Reed. I'm not sure how anyone could have done much with that group. Probably, last year was more typical of what he is capable of - more, but not quite enough to take us to the next level.

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