DaggersEOD Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 Evidence: AFCE Champs Sweep Pats (and seems to have broken them 😈) Jets Implosion Fish impending QB purgatory Has there been a better and more promising year than 2020 for the Bills this millennia?? I mean was 2020 really THAT BAD?? LETS GO BUFFALO!!
RiotAct Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 Um, yes, 2020 was that bad. The Bills have pretty much been the only bright spot. 2
YoloinOhio Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 Bills have been the one thing keeping me going. And the Buckeyes, off and on.
LeGOATski Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 I'm not saying it's a great year, but definitely underrated. People act like 2020's been the worst year of all time. Not even close. It's ending strong. 1 2
Warcodered Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 On 12/29/2020 at 5:45 AM, YoloinOhio said: Bills have been the one thing keeping me going. And the Buckeyes, off and on. Expand and even with that fans can't go to the damn games. 1 1
Nelius Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 It's the worst year of all time in my lifetime. I mean maybe if you're 90+ or so you've got some other contenders. And technically this Super Bowl win is going to be during the 2021 resurgence. But I definitely give the Bills credit for giving us something. Best Bills season in my adult life, that's worth something.
YoloinOhio Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 To me, every game we get in 2020 is a gift. At one point it seemed football wouldn’t be played at all. I know it’s ultimately for money reasons but the amount of organization, planning, dedication and work that that has gone into making it happen in this pandemic by leagues, players, coaches etc is not something I take for granted as a fan. 2 1
DaggersEOD Posted December 29, 2020 Author Posted December 29, 2020 Of course this is completely tongue in cheek. It was obviously a terrible year so it was a bit of gallows humor (Vet, my bad). Looking back on a terrible disaster of a situation that somehow through the grace of god you miraculously survived and saying defiantly, “Was it really THAT bad?” as you limp away is just how I roll haha But both for the Bills and 2021, things are coming out of the darkest of days and things are looking at least dimly brighter. Of course for the Bills it’s anything but dim! So, even if the post season doesn’t go the way we want, at this time in 2020, with the last game of the year played, I feel great optimism for my team. This has been a LONG awaited year and it tastes so sweet. So fully tongue in cheek... I mean REALLY it wasn’t all THAT bad right?? 1
cwater10 Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 "Seldom turns out the way it does in a song Once it a while you get shown the light In the strangest places if you look at it right" Thank you for your reliable wisdom Jerry. The world misses you, but we remember your words... if not all of the shows... And I see you Daggers. Tongue in cheek? Maybe. Maybe not. So yeah, unexpectedly 2020 has stepped up. In its own tormented way, 2020 has shown us Bills fans some light, and with a look at the goodies that humanity might just throw our way when we are open to them. This hell hole of a year... left us all just shaking our heads in dismay for so many months. For many of us, myself included, things got too real to even want to talk about yet . Yeah, it's still too soon in so many ways, but the door is swinging open. So yeah, I see you too, 2020. And while I want to scream a loud "expletive deleted" in your direction, I'll just put it defiantly in text. We'll be back! And just like The Hoodie figured about himself last night, you won't be. Ha! Details spared, but by February, real life had visited my household with devastation that would shake multiple families. By late February, I didn't know what was hitting me, and from what direction it was hitting. Surreal is the only word that comes to mind of the start to this year. And then 2020 really got untracked. It came in waves. It all sucked beyond anything speakable. The misery seemed unending and unbearable. And then, just when the dystopia was completely having its way with me, there was a fragment of unexpected goodness. Some way, somehow, and out of somewhere that I wasn't even looking to, The Bills, this year, brought back something to smile about, something worthwhile to be distracted with. Watching Belichick throw the phone last night made me laugh out loud. Man that felt good. This Bills season... It all feels so damn good, it has so restored my psyche to some memory of normalcy, of fun, of community and something good. The Josh Allen/Oisheis Hospital story, the airport scene, the beatdown of The Hoodie last night... These will be the goodies that we get to take away from 2020. The miserable crap will eventually fade away. Life has a way of healing us or forcing us to pick up the pieces and move forward. Real life good news has been starting to trickle into my home for a few weeks now. That is real. That is more than a goodie. Thats real life, sometimes all too real, sometimes remarkable and good in surprising moments. There is still pain. There are still scars from this horrible year. There remains a sense of permanent damage and there will forever be loss from 2020. But hope... yeah that might be creeping back in too. Thanks Bills, and thanks Bills Mafia for being my vehicle though the debacle that has been 2020. You delivered.
SoTier Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 On 12/29/2020 at 5:54 AM, YoloinOhio said: To me, every game we get in 2020 is a gift. At one point it seemed football wouldn’t be played at all. I know it’s ultimately for money reasons but the amount of organization, planning, dedication and work that that has gone into making it happen in this pandemic by leagues, players, coaches etc is not something I take for granted as a fan. Expand I kept waiting for the axe to fall on the NFL ... it just didn't seem possible that they would get through the season.
Don Otreply Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 2020 has been tuff for sure, and the Bills have been Great! What is most important is that we have each other’s back in these trying times. For me, to see the millions upon millions of my fellow citizens who bravely have been doing the right things during this on going pandemic has been a very heartening, add on the non-stop work our front line health care workers are doing for all of us, it says when our country works as a team (there is no I in team) we can overcome anything, as an American it makes me feel proud that, like our Buffalo Bills we got this! We will succeed! Go America!!! Go Bills!!! 1
SirAndrew Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 (edited) What does year of the year mean ? Are we asking if the Bills had the most underrated season of the year in the NFL ? Edited December 29, 2020 by SirAndrew
WhoTom Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 It was the best year of 2020. It was the worst year of 2020.
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