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And the 2024 Race Begins

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Man oh man, those Kamala Harris internals must NOT look good at all if the media and our pals on the Left are already crying about the Electoral College and we still have 70 days left at the time of this writing.


Chris Hayes doesn't seem to understand why we need that mean ol' Electoral College although if he thought for one minute it would protect the country from being ruled by a state like Wyoming you bet your arse he'd be one of the first to fight to protect it.


But since he knows the EC protects the minority from mob rule and he's part of the mob ... he wants it gone. In fact, he feels like it is 'insanely unworkable'.

No, really.


Legal immigrant, Rex Valachorum was good enough to SCHOOL Hayes on the importance of the Electoral College and luckily he used fairly small words so MAYBE Hayes will get it:






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• Ax yourself a question (as Kamala Harris might put it): If you are an ambitious Democrat—say, Gavin Gruesom, Wretched Whitmer, Josh Shaprio, etc—do you really want Kamala Harris to win this election? If she does win, it would seem more likely than not that she’ll be the nominee again four years from now, which means that your next shot at running will be 2032. Today’s fair-haired Democrats like Newsom and Whitmer will be yesterday’s news by 2032. Much better for their own self-interest if she loses, and 2028 willbe an open seat race since Trump will be limited to one term I’ll bet they’d all fail a polygraph exam on this question.



• Thesis: The worst thing that could happen to the Democratic Party would be a Kamala Harris presidency. You think Carter was bad for long-term Democratic prospects? A Harris loss should lead to a reckoning inside the Democratic Party as happened after their successive drubbings from 1980 through 1988. That reckoning required the party to moderate. (Recall that Biden was meant to be a “transitional” president, as was the case with Carter. Look how that was turning out before “Operation Kamala” was unleashed.)



If Trump wins, it should provoke an intense civil war inside the Democratic Party. The progressives will claim that Kamala lost because she wasn’t progressive enough, while the party old guard will say it is long overdue for the party to suppress their progressive radicals. Not clear who might win this struggle, but I’m buying popcorn futures.



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