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And the 2024 Race Begins

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Hmm. So the protesters are the Dem voters.  Inside are Dem politicians, donors and supporters. 


Dems claiming the folks outside represent them/the people. 


Seems they don't want the establishment Dems.  


Like the right did years ago with turning away from the establishment. 


Then media voices, online voices work non stop to get everyone back under the establishment tent. 



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Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim

By J.B. Shurk


The more I see of Tim Walz, the more I realize he’s just a fatter, whiter version of Kamala.  They both laugh at inappropriate times.  They both say weird things.  They both yearn for a communist America.  They’re both on the wrong side of the IQ bell curve.  If we lived in a society that encouraged talented people to run for political office, Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim would not be known.  Because our political system excels at promoting mediocre minds attached to lost souls, the Democrat Party gives us a babbling baboon and a cackling hyena for veep and president.


I thought Tweedle-Kam had a monopoly on obnoxious laughing, but I was wrong.  Every time a camera pans over to Tweedle-Tim, his head is thrown back in a chortling fit.  Every subject seems so funny.  Food and fuel costs are a nightmare, Tim.  Ha-ha-ha!  Foreign nationals are killing Americans on neighborhood streets.  Tee-hee-hee!  You misrepresented your military rank and service record.  Hey now, that’s not funny!  You’re right, coward.  None of it is funny at all.


It’s increasingly clear that the Tweedle-twins laugh because they have nothing significant to say.  Or, rather, anything significant they might say, they can’t admit until after the election.  As Nancy Pelosi would tell us, you have to vote the Tweedle-twins into office before you can find out how they plan to screw over America.  Nobody wants to vote for open borders and mass amnesty for foreigners.  Nobody wants to vote for more spending and inflation.  Nobody wants to vote for social credit scores and expanded government regulation.  Because the Tweedle-twins can’t say what they want, they must laugh during all the awkward silence.  It’s just weird.


But Democrats are the party of weird.  





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OH NO !  Just like 32 other states ?  How unfair.



SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration




It goes into effect immediately, before the November elections.




It’s sad we have to celebrate proof of citizenship to vote.

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3 hours ago, Pokebball said:

Wouldn't just the opposite help Harris?

It helps Harris because they can now put an abortion referrendum on the ballot potentially increasing Democratic turnout.  

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Harris/Walz are going to go down as the worst ticket to ever run for the office of President.  The DNC concluded and was very bad PR.  The honeymoon is over.  The Left is in a free fall and are nothing more than a laughing stock.  People are finally seeing their lies and have had enough.  They have no policy.  They're toast (probably even with the ballot cheating), it's over.  And this is before RFK potentially supporting Trump.  Bye bye, Lefties!

Edited by phypon
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Harris Features Trump Border Wall in Campaign ad to Great Mockery

Jazz Shaw 


Kamala Harris has now gone five full weeks since securing her party's nomination for the presidency without holding a single press conference or giving a full interview to any major media outlets. The nation's voters remain in the dark about what new policy initiatives she might put in place if elected. But that hasn't stopped her campaign team from releasing additional campaign advertisements.


Yet another of these ads was making the rounds this weekend and there really isn't any other way to describe it than "shameless." The title of the ad is "Tougher" and it touts Harris' supposed record as a "border state prosecutor." Adding insult to injury, the ad features two different shots of sections of the existing border wall. That would be the wall that Donald Trump built and Kamala Harris criticized him for building. The public mocking began almost immediately. (NY Post)






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