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Catholic voters at forefront of Pennsylvania election battle as ads target Democrats for ‘bigotry’.



Traditionally a Democratic-leaning group, Catholics have increasingly shifted toward the GOP in recent years and that constituency appears likely to prove critical in the key battleground of Pennsylvania, where they constitute nearly a quarter of the population in the narrowly divided state.


Catholics represent roughly 24% of Pennsylvanians, according to the Pew Research Center. 


In 2020, Pennsylvania broke for President Joe Biden, a Catholic, over Trump. It previously backed the Republican in 2016 over Clinton. Now, with the state so narrowly divided, both the Trump campaign and conservative groups seem to see the value in courting Catholic voters.



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Volodymyr Zelensky has joined the growing list of foreigners campaigning for Kamala Harris. 


No doubt the media mavens of the transnational elite will call for immediate impeachment of Harris for her collusion with Zelensky to interfere in our election. 


Yeah, right. Sure, it's true that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been funneling uncounted billions into Ukraine and that much of that money has been sucked up by corrupt politicians and their buddies, But this is the right sort of corruption, so nobody in the Establishment is bothered by it at all. 




The idea that Ukraine has shielded the West from Russian aggression is absurd. That is a talking point, not a serious analysis. 


I have a very pragmatic view of the Ukraine war: if supporting the war helps the US, then we should do it; if it doesn't, then we shouldn't. Ukraine is no longer in danger of being swallowed by Russia, so our war aims to prevent this has been achieved. Russia presents no threat to NATO militarily now, if it ever did in the past decade or two, and the last thing we need is to admit the corrupt country into the alliance. 


Zelensky is here to propose precisely that, among other things. To which I say NO! The last thing we need is to threaten World War III over Ukrainian borders. We have open borders right here to close.



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BREAKING: This Kamala's Wins account has to be a parody account because every time they post something they end up helping Trump. Seriously, we're starting to wonder if this is some sort of Trump supporter trying to make Kamala and her supporters look even dumber.


Case in point:



Yes, by all means, retweet this so all Americans can see this. 


Trump putting parents and kids first and doing away with the huge bureaucracy that has ruined education since the agency was formed by Carter in 1979 is a winner for his campaign. Schools have not improved under the feds, not even a little bit. Oh sure, teacher's unions bosses have gotten richer, and the administrators are making bank, but the kids are not learning.


And parents know it and the majority support doing away with the DOE.


Sorry, not sorry.









The department of education doesn't teach children.


But it loves to indoctrinate them.





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