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Big Tech/Social Media Censorship. Musk/X Files Lawsuit Against Censorship Syndicate GARM

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BillStime burning the midnight oil, trying desperately to find something showing conservatives behaving worse than the party he votes for…😎

Poor sap just refuses to learn that it’s ok to condemn ALL bad behavior…😉


And when it’s your side’s turn to be exposed for bad behavior, just take your lumps like a mature person, and accept it…This will give you credibility in the future when you want to call out the other side for bad behavior…


But constantly deflecting to the other side, when your side is clearly in the wrong, just makes you look weak, and immature, and discredits you in future discussions…👍

Edited by JaCrispy
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11 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

Denial and projection in one post…So much talent, so little time…The world is not ready…😉


Whoa - did I miss something? 

What exactly am I denying? lmao


Was the Constitution terminated and Trump reinstated?

Please tell us JaC






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4 minutes ago, BillStime said:


Whoa - did I miss something? 

What exactly am I denying? lmao


Was the Constitution terminated and Trump reinstated?

Please tell us JaC






You deny that the Democrat Establishment colluded with Big Tech to censor it’s political enemies, and propagandize the American people when it came to elections, Covid, protests, and war…


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5 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

You deny that the Democrat Establishment colluded with Big Tech to censor it’s political enemies, and propagandize the American people when it came to elections, Covid, protests, and war…


LOL - welcome to politics bud!


Just glad we didn’t collude with Russia! 


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10 minutes ago, BillStime said:

LOL - welcome to politics bud!


Just glad we didn’t collude with Russia! 









Like the Covid goal posts moved 1000x Billy is now moving the biggest scandal in political history (it is). 

No longer able to defend this or deflect it as right wing conspiracy (which they did for years) now it’s:


”At least we didn’t collide with Russia.”


Such a shame.  


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20 minutes ago, BillStime said:

LOL - welcome to politics bud!


Just glad we didn’t collude with Russia! 


So, you are basically ADMITTING that your whole purpose on the forum is to be disingenuous for political purposes?

Then congrats…That’s probably the most honest I’ve ever seen you be…😉👍

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6 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

biggest scandal in political history



You are hilarious and desperate AF.



7 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

So, you are basically ADMITTING that your whole purpose on the forum is to be disingenuous? 

Then congrats…That’s probably the most honest I’ve ever seen you be…👍😉

You really are full of yourself - lmao.


When will the disappointment set in? 

Before Hillary is locked up or after Mexico pays for the wall?  Or after the United States constitution is terminated and Trump reinstated? 







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4 minutes ago, BillStime said:



You are hilarious and desperate AF.



You really are full of yourself - lmao.


When will the disappointment set in? 

Before Hillary is locked up or after Mexico pays for the wall?  Or after the United States constitution is terminated and Trump reinstated? 







Disappointment in our corrupt government set in a long time ago…


Even though very little will likely happen to the powerful, the consolation prize, for me, is at least knowing that our suspicions were correct, and that their corruption has been exposed for all the world to see…👍

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1 minute ago, JaCrispy said:

Disappointment in our corrupt government set in a long time ago…


Even though very little will likely happen to the powerful, the consolation prize, for me, is at least knowing that our suspicions were correct, and that their corruption has been exposed for all the world to see…👍

Agreed. History will not be kind to Trump. Colluding with Russia - sharing campaign polling data with Russians to coordinate Wikileaks drops and targeted fake news on social media will be studied over and over again. 

Btw - are you a capitalist? 

3 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:


feel great. thnx for asking. yourself? 


Fantastic - we just got in from an awesome Christmas party with friends from college. 

Happy holidays and go Bills! 

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7 hours ago, BillStime said:

But social media and every other form of  news media predicted a RED WAVE.


Was there collusion? Coordination? 



Laugh big blitz - meanwhile, the entire world is laughing at all your winning! 




Something reported wrong on Twitter. Stop the presses.

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I’m looking forward to Elon via Taibbi, Weiss and Schellenberger releasing the covid files. 

The most dangerous moment I’ve ever witnessed in my life, and not due to the virus.  

The way people reacted, and the way the govt/media manipulated them .. and in some parts of the country, still do .. is something we can never forget.  

It showed how many in this country are susceptible to the methods that brought about some of the worst atrocities in human history.   These people now ask for us to forgive, yet the impulse they have still remains … they will react in the same manner the next time we have an emergency … and those in power now know that. 

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9 hours ago, BillStime said:

LOL - welcome to politics bud!


Just glad we didn’t collude with Russia! 


But if it was shown that the Trump administration colluded with social media to silence Democrats and Left wingers, would you be against the censorship or for it?


I’ll wait…


beer waiting GIF by Summerfest

PS…sad part is, it’s such an easy answer if you care about Truth…But Billsy KNOWS he can’t respond because he would trap himself…And there-in lies the fallacy with people that act like he does…


This is also why the Left hates to debate…😉

Edited by JaCrispy
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