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Big Tech/Social Media Censorship. Musk/X Files Lawsuit Against Censorship Syndicate GARM

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9 hours ago, formerlyofCtown said:

Not a Trump supporter.  Just not a big government socialist supporter.  He did well with the economy before the fake pandemic.  That is one of a few things he's done that I like.  Bushs, Clinton and Obama should be belt down and shot.  You ever ask yourself how the Clintons and Obamas are filthy rich when they weren't before their presidencies.

That's also not changing the subject.  It is redirecting the ignorant criticism and false claim over to the actual guilty party.


Why is Leftist babel and make claims that are inaccurate and Don't make sense when confronted by a knowledgeable person that they can't bully.


The economy was roaring under Obama, before Trump took office.

Did you ever wonder why everyone in Congress exits rich?

This has nothing to do with being President.

6 hours ago, Fan boy '92 said:

Censorship is anti-American, fascist really. Those who support it should reevaluate their politics. 


Real censorship can only be done by government.

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1 hour ago, Kemp said:


The economy was roaring under Obama, before Trump took office.

Did you ever wonder why everyone in Congress exits rich?

This has nothing to do with being President.


Real censorship can only be done by government.

That's antiquated. For instance, Kamala's former Chief of Staff is head of censorship at Facebook. The Democrats and big tech are really one in the same at this point. They use the fact that they're not technically government to elicit opinions like your own.

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53 minutes ago, Fan boy '92 said:

That's antiquated. For instance, Kamala's former Chief of Staff is head of censorship at Facebook. The Democrats and big tech are really one in the same at this point. They use the fact that they're not technically government to elicit opinions like your own.


...social media is nothing more than an extension of the "MSM Swamp".......yet social media is as much the Bible for some just like CNN....forget verified sources, ethics, objectivity, et al......the once proud industry with the likes of Huntley, Brinkley, Cronkite, Edward R, Russert etc are LONG gone.......MSM is today's National Enquirer whose "headline news" you read (and choked on) in the grocery store line years ago......

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It is interesting how there are so many here that support corporate fascism. These tech companies would not exist with support from DARPA and other federal agencies. Google is an extension of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Also, how does a government allegedly bound by the Constitution, have the ability to partner with a private citizen to create a legal "entity" that has far more liability protections than the citizen, while claiming to not be bound by the Constitution. No one would create a corporation if not for the liability protections that it affords, and that is due to partnering with a government sanctioning body, such as the State Department whereby the "entity" is birthed and registered. I suppose everyone endorses fascism now as long as it satisfies an accepted public narrative.

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4 hours ago, Kemp said:


The economy was roaring under Obama, before Trump took office.
You obviously don't understand how business works and will believe this to the very end.  Obama's EPA and Obamacare as well as Agreements with other countries and organizations were strangling the economy.

Did you ever wonder why everyone in Congress exits rich?
Sometimes they have their own businesses or are already Rich.  Most of the time they line their pockets selling you and I out.  Yet you would support a guy like Biden.
This has nothing to do with being President.


Real censorship can only be done by government.


We agree on some things obviously, that just makes me scratch my head about who you support.


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1 hour ago, Reality Check said:

It is interesting how there are so many here that support corporate fascism. These tech companies would not exist with support from DARPA and other federal agencies. Google is an extension of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Also, how does a government allegedly bound by the Constitution, have the ability to partner with a private citizen to create a legal "entity" that has far more liability protections than the citizen, while claiming to not be bound by the Constitution. No one would create a corporation if not for the liability protections that it affords, and that is due to partnering with a government sanctioning body, such as the State Department whereby the "entity" is birthed and registered. I suppose everyone endorses fascism now as long as it satisfies an accepted public narrative.



...so as a pretty politically astute poster and with me being an apparently "not the brightest bulb in the lighting store" type, what did the US, proclaimed (NOT self proclaimed) as the "world's greatest super power EVER do to have the progressives find the need to "knock us off that pedestal", wanting to punish us to become a a middle of the pack also ran?.....if we are THAT bad, why do so many other nations depend on us for their defense, support and financial aid?......how does scum like Soros et al promulgate our demise?.......did I miss the memo or am I THAT naive?.....

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2 hours ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:



...so as a pretty politically astute poster and with me being an apparently "not the brightest bulb in the lighting store" type, what did the US, proclaimed (NOT self proclaimed) as the "world's greatest super power EVER do to have the progressives find the need to "knock us off that pedestal", wanting to punish us to become a a middle of the pack also ran?.....if we are THAT bad, why do so many other nations depend on us for their defense, support and financial aid?......how does scum like Soros et al promulgate our demise?.......did I miss the memo or am I THAT naive?.....

The USA has ancient Rome's problems. We are spread so thin around the world in service of defending free trade via the Bretton Woods system, that we now have decades worth of foreign investments that have taken on lives of their own based on geography. Our politicians are bribed and blackmailed from entities on every continent. These elements have thoroughly penetrated the Republic since WW2, and then of course we have our problems from the decades before WW2. Globalism is dead, and unlimited growth has now reached its limit. If you view the world from the 1890s, then current events says that the world will revert to that global model of regionally dominant powers. The USA is withdrawing from defending global trade routes for free. Trillions of dollars in assets priced in the US dollar at risk, and so, the chaos of nations finding safe havens for investment yields the acting out in desperation. Internationally, power is devolving from all centralized regimes to the local level, as that is the accelerating trend in global supply chains. The bright side is that, as bad as things will get for us during this withdrawal, the rest of the world is ill equipped to transition as fast as we can. Of all the major economies, we rely the least on selling our goods via these routes. 


The world faces demographic collapse also, which makes the losses in war even more costly. We have every advantage. Biden is supported by those who wish to save this former global order, but even if he wins, it's doomed to fail regardless. Geography will matter again, and we are in a prime position to pull back, regroup, and watch the world beg us on bleeding knees for assistance. It's a matter of leverage and patience. Any nation cut off from the US dollar is royally screwed.

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12 hours ago, formerlyofCtown said:

Where is your proof.  I don't support Trump.  I just don't support lies and I acknowledge when someone has done something right.


Are you saying there is no proof Trump is a crook?

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1 hour ago, formerlyofCtown said:

If there was then he'd already be gone.  He isn't one of them.  The establishment Repubs don't like him anymore than the Dems.


So. the fact that he stole from a charity doesn't make you understand that he's a crook?

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“Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear, and why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?” Cruz said during the hearing.


The answer: NO ONE ELECTED ME! I started a private company that sets its own rules. If people don't like my service, they are free to go elsewhere to find the types of opinions they enjoy. Maybe that's our Parler competitor; maybe it's a hijacked Buffalo Bills forum; maybe it's those creepy 4chan sites. Stop trying to tell me what my private business "should" do or not do. The people of Texas did elect you, and you are sworn to defend the constitution and freedom of speech, so who put you in charge of deciding what my service is required to publish?"


(unfortunately Dorsey didn't say this)


I kind of expect this type of nonsense from partisan political hacks. But Ted Cruz knows better. Remember, he's a constitutionalist. You know, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Part of that freedom is the right to decide what your newspaper (or now website) publishes. This is none of the government's business, and Ted Cruz "the constitutional scholar" knows this, but right now he'd rather play for 2024 and be "Ted Cruz, crusader against the liberal elites."

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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51 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:



“Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear, and why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?” Cruz said during the hearing.


The answer: NO ONE ELECTED ME! I started a private company that sets its own rules. If people don't like my service, they are free to go elsewhere to find the types of opinions they enjoy. Maybe that's our Parler competitor; maybe it's a hijacked Buffalo Bills forum; maybe it's those creepy 4chan sites. Stop trying to tell me what my private business "should" do or not do. The people of Texas did elect you, and you are sworn to defend the constitution and freedom of speech, so who put you in charge of deciding what my service is required to publish?"


(unfortunately Dorsey didn't say this)


I kind of expect this type of nonsense from partisan political hacks. But Ted Cruz knows better. Remember, he's a constitutionalist. You know, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Part of that freedom is the right to decide what your newspaper (or now website) publishes. This is none of the government's business, and Ted Cruz "the constitutional scholar" knows this, but right now he'd rather play for 2024 and be "Ted Cruz, crusader against the liberal elites."


I've come to the conclusion that in the Trump-controlled GOP, the only part of the US Constitution that Republicans support is the 2nd Amendment, which they interpret to  mean any nut is entitled to possess as big an arsenal as he can afford and can take it anywhere he wants, including into schools, churches, and polling places.  Every other part of the Constitution is meaningless.

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On 10/26/2020 at 6:01 AM, formerlyofCtown said:

If there was then he'd already be gone.  He isn't one of them.  The establishment Repubs don't like him anymore than the Dems.

Trump fraudulently used over $2 million of charity funds for personal use. He even signed statements agreeing that he did so.


Worst of all, he used the funds to buy a Tebow jersey.

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