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Big Tech/Social Media Censorship. Musk/X Files Lawsuit Against Censorship Syndicate GARM

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By John Hindraker



Elon Musk is said to be laying off half of Twitter’s 7,500 employees. This doesn’t come as a surprise: Twitter’s head count seems absurdly high, and expenses will need to be cut to have any hope of generating a profit commensurate with Musk’s purchase price.


But Elon says there is more to it than that. He says Twitter’s revenue has dropped dramatically because leftists have pressured companies not to advertise on the platform:




That liberal activists are trying to destroy free speech is not in doubt. But this is an extreme case: liberals, not content with controlling virtually the entire press and all other major social media and tech platforms, are trying to destroy the lone possible dissenter by pressuring others to withdraw advertising support. I don’t think our history offers even a remote parallel.




(2nd dumbest thing that I have read all day)  😎










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Hostility toward free speech, especially free speech that leans conservative or is not on board with social fads of the moment, is widespread.


Sadly, it doesn’t take much pressure from far-left activists to induce major corporations to swear fealty to Leftism uber alles.


In fact, I am not sure it takes any pressure at all.






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5 minutes ago, B-Man said:




By John Hindraker



Elon Musk is said to be laying off half of Twitter’s 7,500 employees. This doesn’t come as a surprise: Twitter’s head count seems absurdly high, and expenses will need to be cut to have any hope of generating a profit commensurate with Musk’s purchase price.


But Elon says there is more to it than that. He says Twitter’s revenue has dropped dramatically because leftists have pressured companies not to advertise on the platform:




That liberal activists are trying to destroy free speech is not in doubt. But this is an extreme case: liberals, not content with controlling virtually the entire press and all other major social media and tech platforms, are trying to destroy the lone possible dissenter by pressuring others to withdraw advertising support. I don’t think our history offers even a remote parallel.




(2nd dumbest thing that I have read all day)  😎










Liberals activists are so powerful that they can defeat Elon Musk in a matter of hours but are about to lose a midterm election that feature Dr. Oz and Kari Lake.


This is a thing very smart people believe. 

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5 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

Liberals activists are so powerful that they can defeat Elon Musk in a matter of hours but are about to lose a midterm election that feature Dr. Oz and Kari Lake.


This is a thing very smart people believe. 






Not remotely what the articles said (defeat Musk in hours 😆)  followed by a nonsensical comparison.



Bedtime ?




Back to the thread.





Elon Musk plunges Twitter into chaos ahead of midterms

Mass layoffs swept though the company's worldwide offices, including operations that police misinformation and malicious content.







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The "Jimmy Kimmel Rule"  --  if you resort to quoting Kimmel to make a point. . . . . . . . . . you've lost.






The campaign to pull corporate advertising from Twitter, following its purchase by SpaceX founder Elon Musk, is being led by a network of left wing dark money activists with ties to prominent Democrat politicians and mega donors.


An advocacy group formed in 2020 called Accountable Tech is organizing the pressure campaign, which has thus far succeeded in having the likes of Pfizer, Audi, General Mills, and other corporations pull their advertising expenditures from the platform.



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